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As we burst through a door, I spotted a middle aged woman stood with a white apron on, ready to treat the walking wounded. "Luca let me know you were coming. Sofia is it" she smiled as I nodded. "Take a seat. Len go and get her a glass of water for me" she ordered as I did as told. If I thought I was in autopilot yesterday, I was practically a zombie now. "You're lucky" she said as she looked at my shoulder, pressing gauze on it.

"I don't feel lucky" I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. "That bullet was about 10mm from the main artery that takes blood from your heart to the rest of your body. I think that's pretty lucky" she said softly. "I guess" I sniffled, I didn't want to seem ungrateful. "I'm going to take the shrapnel out, this will probably hurt" she said as she picked up some tweezers and began poking at my shoulder.

Within seconds I was screaming. 'Probably hurt' was the understatement of the century and I couldn't help but let more tears fall. Was this punishment for something I'd done in a previous life? "Nearly there" she encouraged as I squealed as Luca burst through the doors. "Fuck" he said as he rushed over and moved my head away from where I was staring at the gash in my arm with salty tears and onto him. Shielding my face with his palm. "You're doing great" he said as I felt the doctor poke in my arm again causing me to wail in pain once more, my back arching off the bed I was reclined on.

"Have you given her anything" Luca asked looking up at the doctor. "She's in shock. I can't give her too much or she'll conk out later. I'm nearly done" she explained as I sobbed. She'd been nearly done for what felt like forever. "It's ok, nearly done. I've got you" he said as he grabbed my hand gently and entwined our fingers. I was no longer bothered by his advances. I just needed to find an outlet for my pain and so I squeezed tightly as I screeched in pain. "Done" the doctor finely said as I heard the clatter of metal, my whole body exhausted. "Just need to stitch you up now. Two ticks" the doctor said calmly as Luca wiped my cheeks, the thought of stitches making me wince in anticipation of more pain.

"I can't" I said, as pain radiated in my arm as she plunged the needle in. "You can. We can get you stitched up and then you can get some rest" he explained. "It fucking hurts" I wailed as he chuckled. "You're doing great" he said honestly as I grimaced. "Stop patronising me" I hissed as Lenny flew into the room with a glass of water. "Christ" he said looking at me like some sort of horror show.
"Done" the doctor said as she stuck a dressing on my arm. "Thanks Lou" Lenny said as he passed me the water. "Drink" Luca encouraged as I nodded before obeying. I felt drained, in every sense of the word. Tired in so many ways and so overly overwhelmed I couldn't even fathom anything.

"I'll leave you all be. Sofia come see me if it hurts in the morning or if it bleeds" she said simply as I gulped. I had to stay here? "You don't need to look so panicked" she said with a small smile. "My brother treats this place like an armed palace. You'll be safe in here" she offered as Luca scowled. "Lou, piss off would you" he added as Lenny rolled his eyes. I wouldn't have pegged them as siblings. But then I wouldn't have pegged being the type of person to get shot at so...

"I need to talk with you" Luca said to Lenny as he looked at me worriedly. The thought of being left alone in an unknown room had my heart racing. "I'm not leaving her side" Lenny said furiously at the suggestion. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary len" he said firmly to his uncle as I gulped. I guess it was time to put my big girl panties on and suck it up. "Go" I said softly. "I feel pretty sleepy anyway" I added not wanting him to get in trouble. "Rest" Luca said before letting my hand go and walking out authoritatively. "You sure you'll be okay, Mary's going to kill me" Len asked as he looked at me with disdain. "I'll be fine. Please don't tell her, I want her to enjoy her party" I said not wanting to spoil her fun. "You were shot, half of the men there would have left to get us here safely. She'll know something happened. I won't lie to her Sofia you know that" he sighed glumly as I nodded. "It wasn't your fault. I'd be dead if you hadn't got me out of there" I tried to reassure him. "And for a grandad you drive pretty sweetly" I tried to joke, earning myself a small grin from him. "Go chat with Luca. It sounds important" I encouraged. "You're important" he sighed in defence. "Go" I said as I cozied up on the clinical bed that my blood had stained moments prior. "Ok, shout if you need me" he urged as I nodded watching him walk out the room. Sighing, I closed my eyes and let the pain radiating in my arm numb me into a slumber.
- - -
"Retaliation. She was shot as retaliation" I heard Mary scoff. "Apparently. The theory is, a brother for a brother. She was just caught in the crossfire." Lenny said sadly. "If they hurt her Luca" Mary warned. "You'll chop mine and their balls off and feed them to the pigs" Luca recited. "Don't you Fucking know it" Mary huffed. "It's bad enough the Di Rossi scum are on our soil, let alone shooting at our loved ones" Mary signed in distress. "Maybe we should focus less on our enemy's and more on Sofia" Lenny suggested from outside.

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