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As pissed off as I was, Antonio bleeding all over Lucas patio was not ideal. Luckily the waitress had sprung to action and had a table cloth wrapped around it as she elevated it on the table whilst he lay, breathing deeply on the floor. "You ok" I said rushing over to him. "Do I fucking look ok" he seethed said I gulped uncomfortably. "Dude" Roberto snapped at him. "It's ok, he's in pain" I said trying to dismiss his rudeness. "No. It's not. Fuck." Antonio said as he looked at me in pain. "Why don't you bite on this" I said offering him a napkin, amongst the smashed glass from the removed table. I could only imagine the waitress had pulled the table cloth clean off when she grabbed something to stem the blood. "Thanks" he said as he bit down on it, whilst I took a seat beside him on the floor. "You ever been shot before" I asked him trying to make conversation. "Is that the best you got" he smirked at me. "I can ask about the weather if you'd prefer" I chuckled back as he shook his head. "No I haven't. And thank god it's not raining" he said as he took the napkin from his mouth momentarily. "Damn, I was going to ask if this hurt more. But now you've shut that down" I said nervously as he chuckled. "Not the best at convo, I'll admit" he said as the waitress shifted her weight causing her to press on his foot a little to hard causing him to wail. "I won't bother asking if it hurts" I said plainly as he laughed at me. "I can see why the boss likes you" he said as I tried not to blush. "Don't deny it" he added shaking his head as I bit my lip nodding.
As I went to ask him if he had any family, the door swung open again and Luca stepped through looking enraged. "Boss" Antonio said from his position on the floor as I looked at him sadly. "You good" luca asked him. It was an obvious no but Antonio nodded regardless. "Roberto, get him in the car. Daniella, I need the footage" Luca ordered as she nodded helping Antonio to his feet. "And you" he said looking at me furiously. "On me" he said seriously as I gulped and walked over to him. "Boss" Antonio called diverting Lucas eyes from me. "What" he spat sourly. "I know your livid. But she fucking owned it. You should be damned proud of her" Antonio said as he got to his feet, hobbling up from the floor. I felt my cheeks redden again. I'd hardly done anything heroic. But the fact Id, in my own clumsy way won Antonio over did make me smile. "Good. Go and get fixed." He fiercely yet dismissively. "Sofia, now" he continued as he pointed to by his side. I had never seen him so enraged.
Without question I rushed over to him, he was being stand off ish. This had clearly pissed him off beyond belief and I couldn't help but feel like he was blaming me. His hand reached for mine and I let him hold it. As he entwined our fingers he pulled me gently from the patio and into the main restaurant. "Franco, secure outside. Luis, stay on the door. Daniella don't forget to send that footage to me" he barked without even paying me any attention. Not that I expected it, he had bigger fish to fry, like getting his restaurant back up and running. "Lucianno, on me." He said continuing to bark orders as he pulled me along with him towards the door once more. My feet speedily tried to catch up with the rest of my body as he pulled me through the madness. How I hadn't stepped in glass was a miracle.
As he swung the door open for the SUV, I stepped inside. I didn't need to be told. It was almost procedure at this stage.
As he closed the door I threw my head back against the head rest. I couldn't help but let a sigh escape my lips. I hated how Marco had made me feel, I hated that Alessia and I were being pulled apart. I hated that Luca was upset with me. As he opened his side to get in, a tear fell from my right eye. Why was everything falling apart right now? Being with the Marchetti was meant to stop events like today from happening. I didn't feel the need to wipe my tear. Wiping it wouldn't remove the sadness that I was feeling.
The journey back remained silent. Luca didn't even glance at me. I felt even more alone than usual. Alessia was being pulled away, now Luca was doing it too. My heart felt fragile enough, knowing Marco was sleeping with other people, but knowing Luca was mad with me was way worse. As the car came to a stop, he opened his door instinctively. Glancing over at him I found myself whispering sorry. I didn't quite know what I was apologising for. But knowing I had upset him, felt worthy of an apology. He paused briefly before marching into the house. Lucianno following after him, leaving me sat in the SUV alone. Part of me wanted to clamber into the front seat and drive off. Runaway from everyone. But knowing how fragile Alessia was, knowing that me running away would only anger both sides more committed me to stay. Instead of hijacking the car, I scooted out and walked into the house. I didn't want to lie in my room, not after id spent the night cuddling Luca there. I didn't want to go to the studio either. I felt numb, it was hardly inspiring. Instead I walked through the house and into the garden.
Meandering down the path, I came across a small maintained garden, a bench positioned amongst the roses, facing a trickling fountain. It made me think of my mother. She'd always loved roses. What would she have made of all this, no doubt she'd be livid with my recent decisions. Appalled that I betrayed Luca with Marco. Disgusted that I'd sold my womb to the Marchetti. Devastated I was locked into this life. A life she tried so hard to keep me away from.
Thinking of her was enough to trigger my sobs. They came violently as I sat on the stone bench, staring into the fountain as water trickled from us both proportionately. I sat there for hours, thinking. Crying. Wallowing. I sobbed at being alone. Sobbed at not having my mum here to hold me. Sobbed at not being able to seek comfort in anyone. Sobbed at how I had felt the same just months ago when I was raped. Sobbed at still feeling like I was worthless, unworthy of anyones love. I always seemed to fuck it up somehow.
"Has reality caught up with you" a soft familiar voice asked making me jump. "Kinda" I said looking at Lucia as I wiped my eyes. "Your mum would hate to see you upset in her gardens" she said softly as I looked at her confused. "Your mum had this rose garden planted. When she died, I sort of took it under my wing" she said softly as she sat down besides me. "It's beautiful" I sniffled as she smiled. "The flowers were your mums choices. I just didn't want to let them fall apart" she said honestly as I nodded. "Did you know her well" I asked softly as she looked at me amused. "She was my step sister. My eldest sibling" Lucia said almost disbelieving I had asked. "I don't remember anything about our family, she never spoke of it" I said as she nodded in understanding. "She never forgave her father. Your grandfather not only cheated on your grandmother with my mother, but he then made your mum out to be a bastard of sorts. The line fell to Lorenzo not her, even though Lorenzo wasn't his own. It was no wonder she found comfort in your father given the years of neglect she'd had from her own family." Lucia said sadly as I gulped. It was hard to hear just how much my mother had gone through. "She was so strong" I said eventually as Lucia nodded. "I see her strength in you also" she said encouragingly as I gave her a small smile.
A rustling came from the main path and I turned to see one of the maids looking at me sheepishly. I gave her a nod of acknowledgment as he stepped towards me. "I'm really sorry to disturb you" she said awkwardly. "Master Lorenzo would like you to join him in his office" she said timidly looking at me as I nodded wiping my eyes. I probably looked like a panda at this stage with mascara on my pale cheeks. "I'll be a minute" I said dismissing her as she nodded before hesitating. "Would you like a tissue" Lucia said clearly noting my predicament. "I won't say no" I said as she nodded and pulled one from her pocket. "I'll let Lorenzo know you are on your way. Don't keep him too long Sofia" Lucia said warningly as I nodded, taking the tissue from her and dabbing my eyes. Watching as she and the maid, walked in sync back to the house.
After checking that I didn't look to distressed or panda like, in the camera of my phone, I began the walk back to the house. It seemed eerie. Like everyone was kept out of earshot or maybe they were hiding away?
As I approached Lorenzo's door I took a deep breath. I couldn't imagine being summoned here was a good thing. Sighing, I knew that the likelihood was the whole Marchetti family hated me for inviting a future Di Rossi to their property. No matter how much I would tell them it wasn't like that I knew they would never believe me. Deciding to get the conversation over with I knocked on Lorenzo's door. A deep 'enter' transmitted through the oak door, leading me to open the door and slide through the small opening.
"Ah, Sofia. Perfect. Take a seat" he said as he gestured to a chair by Luca. Romero was stood behind him, Roberto and Antonio also. Next to my vacant seat was Louisa who sat with two men who I'd yet to frequent stood behind her. The only other man in the room was Lenny. He stood next to Lorenzo and was avoiding my eye contact. Clearly I was in deep shit.
Taking a seat, Lorenzo smiled softly. "Now we're all here, shall we begin" he said seriously as people nodded. "We can start with the tape, Daniella has sent. Then Roberto, Toni and Sofia can fill in any blanks" he said as he hit play, causing the screen behind him to light up with an image of me and Alessia. I was clearly consoling her, you could tell by the way I was holding her hand. I felt myself tense knowing what was about to happen. Sure enough seconds later and Marco stormed through the door as we both sprang apart shocked and Antonio squared up to him. I flinched as the gunshot rang out. Louisa eying me curiously from besides me. I couldn't watch when Marco flung Alessia up, I still wasn't watching when the cameras clearly flicked to inside, with volume now playing.

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