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Feeling somewhat inspired after last nights conversation with Luca, I woke up this morning with a spring in my step. Sure I wasn't the next Dior or house of Gucci, but I could easily drum up business with a few struts of a pretty model down a runway. Naturally my gold gown would be featured, I just had to find inspiration for the rest of the show. Something I was easily able to do, given Lucas confidence in me. I found my pencil connecting with the pad effortlessly, a sense of calm pouring over me as I sculpted curves and excentuated legs.
I couldn't help but let my mind drift to the conversations I had had with Luca last night as I sketched. My thoughts about him changing the more I relived the words he had spoken.
I felt like the dress I was sketching embodied our conversation. Super serious and almost intense to begin with, leading into something more fun and light hearted in the centre, and finishing with heaps of self adoration and desire. In dress form it was pointed shoulders and a sharp V neckline with circular embellishment, leading down into tight sleeves. The bodice meeting sharply at the waist where a leather skirt would drape out, leaving only a leg on showcase. Dramatic and definitely a dress of two halves.

I could feel myself getting lost in the design as I etched more and more of the dress away to reveal flesh. This was a dress that would ooze confidence. It's everything I wouldn't want in a dress, but what I should at least strive for. After leaving the sketch barely covering the future models nipples, I decided to start a second, I felt like I had taken the design of my nipple slashing dress as far as I could for today. Not wanting to push it I flipped the page and began sketching another.
It felt boring in comparison, uninspired and lacklustre and I couldn't help but let my mind flicker back to the black gown. It was far more passionate, far more realistic. It had the wow factor that the page in-front of me lacked. "You look sad" Lucas voice said softly as I felt two hands gently fall onto my shoulders. "Do you ever reach a dead end" I asked him as I placed the sketch pad down with a sigh. "Only if I take a wrong turn" he said metaphorically as I all but rolled my eyes. "And I rarely do" he shrugged from behind me as I pursed my lips. "Alright mr perfect put your ego back in your box" I stifled an exasperated laugh. "Getting to that block should tell you that you're going down with wrong path, that's all" he explained easily as he rested his head on my shoulder and looked down at the pad. "You think this isn't going anywhere because it's not the right direction" I queried with him. "You're the expert in that domain" he said as nuzzled against me, his body warming against my back as he held me, making me feel slightly fuzzy inside. Being held like this, the warmth and the security. It wasn't a feeling I'd had in a long time.
"It looks basic, but I just can't work out what to do with it" I said as I let my shoulders droop. Instinctively, he reached out to the drawing ripped it from the pad before scrunching it up and throwing it into the bin. Needless to say it landed just left of the empty trash can, but that didn't placate the slight knot in my stomach. "Start a fresh" he said as his hands came back to my waist, wrapping me against him as I sat on the stool. "I don't know what to say" I stumbled feeling slightly taken a back. Sure I wasn't getting very far with the design but ripping it up and throwing it away was brutal. "Channel it. You said you needed inspiration" he mused as I picked up the pencil hesitantly. "Just close your eyes and draw what you feel" he continued as I turned my head to him slightly. "I thought you were a mass murderer not an artist" I pouted as I looked at him, slightly irked that he was telling me how to do my job. He stood back slightly allowing me to turn properly to him, as his hand moved to my shoulders, as my legs parted on the stool so he could slit between.
"Wow" he said humoured. "Now whose speechless" he smirked down at me as I raised a brow. "For your information, I'm not a mass murderer. I'm just a mafia man" he said like it changed everything. "How many people have you killed" I asked too lightheartedly. "3" he shrugged. "So far" I added as he chuckled. "Sofia, I'm at the top of the chain. I don't do the killing directly. Not unless my life depends on it" he explained. "But you order your posse to" I rolled my eyes. "I do" he shrugged. "Just because you aren't the one pulling the trigger, I doesn't mean you aren't a murderer" I said pointedly as he shrugged. "I am what I am Sofia." He said easily as I gulped slightly. "It's bothering you" he added observantly. "I just wish you were honest. Just tell me, I don't need you to pussy foot around me. You want to be a father, I need to trust you. Trust comes from honesty" I said as I pursed my lips slightly once more. "Some of what I do is not for the ears of women Sofia, especially not your ears" he said looking torn. "I'm not as fragile as you think Luca. When you stop seeing me as damaged goods, maybe you'll appreciate that I'm stronger than half the men in your posse." I said as I went to spin back around to the drawing pad, stopped by him shifting his weight to his leg, blocking me. "Don't do that" he said looking at me firmly. "Don't turn your back on our conversation" he added. "And please don't tell me how I feel" he exasperated with a sigh as I looked at him silently. My eyes heavy from the weight of the conversation.
"I told you last night how beautiful you are. How much I admire you. I don't see you as broken Sofia. That's how you see yourself" he said as he brushed hair behind my ear. "Yes I'm a mafia man, who does terrible things. But it doesn't mean I can't see beauty in things either" he said as his hand caressed my cheek. "I'll tell you what you need to know, I can promise you that. But I won't ever burden you with what I do Sofia. It wouldn't be fair" he said as he looked at me sadly. I felt compelled to soothe him, something in his eyes made him look so troubled. Reaching to him I placed my hand over his heart and gently felt it beat. Touched by my gesture, he moved his hand over mine, gently entwining our fingers before he raised my wrist to his lips. Kissing my skin softly as I watched him. My heart fluttering from his touch. He was always so graceful with me, a complete opposite to how he was with others. Moving our hands from his lips he pulled them back against his chest, causing me to push into him. His hand taking the opportunity to release mine and capture my jaw. With his thumb gently caressing my cheek he dipped his head and kissed against my forehead. "You can talk to me" I said with a quick gulp. "If it ever gets too much" I added with a whisper. He shook his head lightly. "I don't come to you to talk Sofia. I come to you because you help me forget" he said as he rested his forehead on mine. "Right now you're the only one on my mind." He said as I found myself blushing. "You put me in a trance" he said just as he connected our lips.
They were as soft as always, caring and loving as we explored one another's kiss. His hands remained with one on my hip and the other cupping my face. Mine however, moved instinctively from over his heart to slightly lower, dipping under the material of his top as they glided on his flesh until they were gently pulling him closer to me as they rested on his hips.
The moment his tongue dipped against my lip, I moaned. It gave him full access to my mouth as I felt heat rise through me. Our kiss had gone from loving to passionate in an instant. My hands wandering higher up his sides as I dragged his t shirt with me. Help me god he felt good to explore. As my hands reached higher he pulled away from me slightly pulling his top off the rest of the way before he looked back down at me and continued our heated kiss. Slowly his hands captured mine and placed my arms around his neck whilst he lowered his own to my hips, hauling me onto the workbench and off the chair. I found my legs grip around him from the movement and I could feel his bulge against my groin. "Fuck Sofia" he groaned as my core rubbed against him. The clothes between us only adding friction. As he went to lift my top a blaring sound rang out besides me almost making me jump. "Leave it" he ordered referring to my phone as he reconnected our lips.
It was hard not to think about anything else in this moment. He was all over me and I felt euphoric from his touch. I hadn't even noticed the ring tone stopping as we continued. His hands now ripping the white t shirt from my body as he dropped his head to kiss the bulging flesh that was protruding from the top of my bra. As I flung my head back in desire, my phone began to ring again. This time Luca hesitated and I found myself glancing at my phone beside me. "Who is it" he asked me as his hands trapped me on either side. Glancing I saw Alessia's name. "Less" I said with almost a groan. "Does she normally persistently call you" he asked as I bit my lip and shook my head. "Answer it" he urged firmly. His body stiffening. He'd gone from loving and devouring to firm and frustrated in just two rings.
"Less" I answered as my eyes looked directly into his. Her gentle sobs soon broke my trance as my own eyes widened. "Less what's wrong" I said quickly, worriedly. "I-I" she stammered. "Lessia you need to breathe. Take a breath" I said firmly. I could hear her trying to get her sobs under control, but it seemed fruitless. "You can do this, deep breaths" I said worriedly as I felt Lucas gaze on me. His hand resting protectively on my knee. "I can't" Alessia stammered. "You can, now take a breath and tell me what's wrong" I said encouragingly. "Leo" she gulped. "What about him" I asked. "He he he" she stammered getting worked up again. This was useless. She could barely string a sentence together. "Less, has he hurt you" I asked worriedly. "Nno" she stammered. "He's hurt" she sobbed as my eyes widened, my glare immediately looking to luca who looked confused by my sudden intensity. "Hurt how Alessia" I asked. "We argued." She stammered as my shoulders sagged slightly. "Okay" I encouraged her to continue. "So he went out" she said as she tried to speak over each hyperventilated breath. "And he got drunk" she sobbed. "And then he met someone" she sobbed hard. "And they were driving" she broke down. Her cries piercing. "He must've lost control" she stammered. "Less, where are you" I asked as I heard the sound of a car. "I don't know" she sobbed harder as my eyes widened. "Ok, just stay where you are and I'll come find you okay" I said firmly as she continued to sob. Luca looked at me concerned as I glanced up at him. "Where is she" he asked softly, understanding. "I don't know" I gulped. "She's outside somewhere but she doesn't know where. Leo's been in an accident" I explained as his eyes widened. "We didn't" Luca started but I shook my head. "I know it wasn't you. Can you at least help me find her" I asked as he nodded. "See if she recognises anything near her. Keep her talking and I'll get her cell pinged" he urged as he reached for his own phone, dialling before raising the phone to his ear as he picked his top off the floor.

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