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My phone was still on loud speaker, as one of Luca's men drove us near to where Alessia had described. She was still sobbing uncontrollably and the fact that it was now raining had my concern increasing. "Sir, there's a woman over on that green" the driver said as I immediately looked over. Glancing the woman was walking her dog and my hope vanished. "Less, the park your in. Do you recognise anything" I asked sadly. "No-o" she stammered as her voice hitched. "Ok, we're nearly with you. Just stay on the phone to me ok" I said as Luca showed the driver a red dot he'd suddenly got on his gps. The car suddenly accelerated and I felt vomit rise in my stomach. This is why you should never skip breakfast.
We flew around the next few roads until the tyres came to a screeching stop. Looking to my left I could see the park and sat under a tree curled into a ball was Alessia. Running to her, I launched out of the black SUV and didn't stop my legs until I was cocooned around her.
"I've got you" I repeated as I held her in my arms. I'd never seen her so fragile before. So broken. I let her cry as I rocked her in my arms, the rain soaking us both through the leaves. I could see Luca and the suv, his eyes were on me...I could feel it. He wanted to give me the space. But he didn't want to leave me completely. It was comforting knowing he was still here. "Alessia your shaking" I said as felt her tremble. I too was getting cold but she had been out here far longer. "I feel numb" she sobbed against me as I heard her phone ring.

Fumbling in her pockets I found it and pulled it to my ear. "Lessia's phone" I said softly as I held her. "Thank god she's safe" Marcos voice exasperated. "I've only been trying her for the last hour" he said firmly. "I've got her. You don't need to worry" I said simply as I held her. "Except I do worry, because how in gods name did you convince them to let you go to her" he seethed. "It's nice to speak to you to Marco" I sighed. "And if you must know, Alessia's sobs did most of the talking" I explained as I heard something smash on his end of the line. "Where are you both" he asked firmly. "Truth be told, some park. Look Marco. She's freezing and upset. I'll get her cleaned up and compusmentus and then talk to her about what she wants to do" I said defiantly as something else slammed in the background. "She's a Di Rossi Sofia. Don't you dare take her to them" he roared. "She's my friend Marco. Tell your brother he's a worthless piece of shit" I said before slamming the phone down and silencing it before sliding it into my pocket.
"Less, we need to get you up" I said as I stood, prizing myself off her wet, cowering frame. She barely moved as I tried to haul her off the floor. It was like all the energy was sucked out of her. Trying again was fruitless, glancing over to the SUV my plan was to try and get Lucas attention but it seemed I'd already got it, as I spotted him half way over to us.
"She ok" he asked as he came under the semi shelter of the tree. "No, I need to get her somewhere warm, she's freezing" I said as he nodded and crouched down to her. "Alessia" he said softly. "I'm going to lift you up ok, take you to the car with Sofia where it's warm" he said encouragingly as he scooped her up. She'd barely moved but her sobs told me she was still with us. "Let's go" he said as he darted under the tree with me in toe. The rain was relentless and the three of us looked drowned as we reached the car, hauling the door open he bundled the two of them in, as I went round and joined on the other side.
"Turn the heating up Roberto" Luca ordered as Alessia flopped against my shoulder. "We need to get her home luca" I said as I tried to scrape wet hair from her eyes. "She can't" he said looking at me with wide eyes. "She's my friend luca" I tried to reason with him. "I know, but she's also a di Rossi. Her stepping foot in my home would be treason. Marco would never allow her back. And quite honestly I don't think I'd be able to protect her with us" he said honestly. "Her fiancé has hurt a lot of people in our home. I can't stop their revenge" he said as I ran a hand through my wet hair. "Can you take us to them? I can call Marco from her phone, let him know we're on our way with her." I asked as he looked at me for a moment. "You want to hand her back like this" he asked. "I want to stay with her, just to clean her up. Then I'll come home" I said with promise as he looked at me deeply. "Luca, I mean it. I can't hand her back over and let them look after her, they've not checked on her this whole time. And if we can't take her to ours, I need to be with her at theirs. If only just for an hour" I begged him as he gulped. "Take as long as it takes. But I'm trusting you here Sofia. If you're not back by the morning a full blown war will happen and it'll be on your head" he warned as I nodded. Reaching over Alessia I grabbed his hand, pulling him close. "I'll be home tonight" I said before pecking his lips slowly. It was a promise. I knew that if I stayed longer with Marco it would threaten me not going back, and that in itself would relinquish my freedom. I needed to go back, I needed to be with Luca for a while. Have his baby and get my freedom properly.
"Roberto, to the di Rossi house" Luca said the moment our lips parted, his hand staying entwined with mine as Alessia's snores rung out on my shoulder. "Call Marco" Luca said after a further few minutes. We were clearly closer than I thought. "If that isn't you Sofia I'm going to loose my shit" Marcos voice rang out. "It's me. We're on our way." I said firmly as he sighed what must have been relief. "We?" He clarified. "Luca is with me. And his driver. You're going to need to let us in, Alessia isn't even walking" I said sadly. "I'll speak to the gate. I'll have someone ready to carry her in" he said firmly. "I'm staying with her Marco" I said sourly as he groaned. "How" he roared. "How Sofia. How do you do it" he seethed. "I'm not leaving her Marco. You don't need to know the details" I said firmly as Luca gave me a worried glance. "I'll have one man on the drive to retrieve her. If you want to truly stay with her you can. You know I'll look after her if you can't Sofia" he said worriedly. "I'll be there. Promise me no funny business Marco. The minute Luca gets a whiff of anything array she comes home with us" I said sternly as he smashed another glass. "You have my word" he said firmly. "Good, we'll only be a few minutes" I said before ending the call.
"You sure this is a good idea" Luca asked me. "I don't want you put in danger" he said worriedly. "They won't hurt me Luca. Marco knows I belong to your family. He may not like it, but he knows it. He's wound up knowing you're trusting me. He hates that we're close. But he would never do anything to put me in danger." I said to Luca honestly as he nodded. "You'll call me if you need me" he asked worriedly. "I won't even hesitate" I confirmed as we turned into a familiar road.

As the gates opened for us, I found myself trying to spot anything unusual. "Make sure you get out of here as soon as we have her out the car" I said to Luca who nodded. "I don't plan on sticking around in the lions den for too long sweetheart don't worry. You just focus on getting back to me" he said as he squeezed his hand in mine before letting it go as the car reached a standstill. The door was quickly opened and I stepped out in-front of the man. "Gio" I said with an ounce of relief. "Good to see you again Sofia" he said with a small smile. "Now if you don't mind I've been instructed to retrieve my future sister in law" he said with a slight smile. "Promise me" I said looking at him firmly. "I have nothing on me Sofia." He said as I nodded and stepped to the side. "Luca" Gio said as my breath hitched slightly. "Giovanni" he replied curtly as his sworn enemy reached into the car and retrieved Alessia. As Gio carried Alessia from the car, I turned back to Luca. "I'll be home tonight." I said with a sincere smile. "Call me if you need anything" he reiterated. "Thank you" I smiled apologetically before turning to Roberto. "And to you, thank you both" I said before closing the door and walking along the gravel trying to make up the distance to Alessia.
"She's cold" Gio said as we started walking up the steps. "She's been in the rain for god knows how long" I said sadly as we continued. "It really is good to see you Sof" he said with a small smile just as we reached the door. "It's nice to be back" I said as my shoulders sagged. "I just wish it was under different circumstances" I said with a tight lipped smile as I opened the front door and helped him in. "I think we should take her up to her room" I suggested to Gio but he gulped. "Is she going to want to be in their room?" He asked. "Good thinking. Do you have spare rooms around here" I asked as he nodded and began leading the way.
I was still yet to see Marco and part of me wondered if he was hiding from me on purpose. "Is Leo okay" I asked as we turned down a corridor. "He will be, Fran is hopeful it's just concussion" he explained. "And the woman" I asked as he gulped. "Died on impact" he said quietly as I nodded. "None of us are proud of him right now. We're just glad he's still with us" Gio said as we stopped outside a room. "Can you grab it for me" he said glancing at the door. Nodding I rushed to action and opened the room. He was quick to place Alessia down on the bed whilst I went into the bathroom and began running her a warm bath.
As I re-emerged he was sat at the foot of the bed looking glum. "You ok" I asked him as he startled. "In my own little world" he chuckled. "I'm good though. It should be me asking you that" he said as his worried look returned. "Marco is beyond terrified" he said simply. "He doesn't need to be, I can hold my own" I said with a short smile. "I think that's what worries him" Gio chuckled. "I'll leave you to get her warm and changed. I'll get someone to bring up some food for you both. And there will be two men on the door at all times" he explained as I nodded and thanked him before he left.

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