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We lay together for what felt like forever, just appreciating being with one another. Our bodies connected and our minds reverberating in post coital bliss. "Luca" Tony's voice came from behind the door disturbing us. "Yeah man" Luca responded. "Glad I found you. You got Sofia with you" he asked still outside. "Yeah, you ok" Luca replied worriedly. "Just a few developments you probably both wanna come check out." He called back. "No worries. Can you run to our room and grab us both some clothes" he called as Tony sniggered on the other side. "Sure" he replied before silence greeted us. "Just when I thought we'd get the night alone together" he said kissing me softly. "It sounds important. We can always sneak back upstairs later" I said as I pecked him back. "I plan on it miss Russo" he smirked before he lifted his arm from behind me and took himself off the bed. I smiled as I watched him pick up his wet clothes from the floor and took them to the bathroom before a knock sounded at the door.
"Don't come in" Luca said as he walked over to it. Opening the door just enough to grab the clothes before shutting it in Tony's face. "Here you go" Luca said as he handed me my sweats and tee. "Thanks" I smiled at him as I took them, whilst he pecked my lips once more. "We need to go down to medical and get fresh dressings en route" I said glancing at the soggy dressings on my arm and stomach. "Not a problem. Gives me chance to play doctor for once in a while" he smirked as he stepped into his sweats. "Do you think Tony got us matching outfits on purpose" I asked as I glanced from his black sweats to mine. "Yup" Tony said from behind the ajar door. "You're a prick you know that" Luca chuckled humorously to his man. "Oh I know" Tony retorted amused. "Let's go" I said after throwing my white tee on and securing it in a tie at my waist. "Let's" Luca said as he tapped my arse forwards, ushering me from the room.
"You two sicken me" Tony smirked as he saw us. "You're the one that's dressed us like tweedle Dee and tweedle dum" I smirked as he laughed. "So long as he's dum" he joked with me as I chuckled. "Of course he is" I agreed as luca pulled me against him. "Not so dum, I've got you haven't I" he said cockily as he wrapped his arms around me and walked us forward. "Suppose you do" I said trying not to show my beaming smile too much given the circumstances around us.
As we reached the medical bay, I smiled at Lucia, noticing she hadn't really moved since me and luca left a few hours ago. "How's he doing" I asked as Tony stood by the door, whilst Luca and myself walked over to Lorenzo. "Still stable. No real change. Is that doctor on his way" she asked Luca. "Should be, Tony can you check up on that" Luca asked turning to his man who nodded before exiting. "Thank you" Lucia smiled gently. "How is Louisa" Lucia asked. "It's complicated" Luca said firmly. "She's okay, shaken and upset. But she's ok" I countered as Lucia nodded at me. "I'm glad you have her Luca. She gives you a heart" Lucia said as she touched my arm fondly. "I know. Sorry, it's just hard when family and business cross" Luca sighed. "You don't need to explain it to me dear" she said softly. "Lenny was looking for you earlier" she added as he nodded. "We're headed down to the bunker in a minute, just need to get Sofia sorted first" he said back to stoic business. "What do you need hunny" Lucia looked at me worriedly. "Just some fresh dressings. Louisa said there should be some here" I said as Lucia nodded and went scurrying to grab some. As she left us, I glanced to Luca who hadn't really taken his eyes off his fathers figure. "He'll be ok" I said softly as I wrapped myself against him. His arm instinctively wrapping around me. "I know, it's just so hard to see him like this" he sighed. "We'll get him back on the mend in no time" I tried to be supportive. "I know. Thank you" he said glancing down at me. "Anytime" I whispered as the door opened as Tony slipped back in. "He's en route. Should be ten minutes or so" Tony informed us as Lucia came back from the supply room. "Brilliant news" she smiled as she handed me two bandages. "I can change them if you want" she asked as I nodded deciding that would be easier.
After she'd changed them, we let her and Lorenzo be, knowing we were needed downstairs. As we re-entered HQ I could feel a buzz of energy around us as Mario beamed from the centre console. "Good to see you both back" he smiled as Luca walked us to him. "Sorry we needed some time" I found myself saying. "Not a problem, that must've been a big shock to you" he said as I nodded not wanting to think about the arrangement too much.
"How much do you know about your father Sofia" Mario asked. "A few basic details" I fumbled my words. "He was one of them. He tricked my mum" I stuttered as Mario nodded. "One of the greatest mafia double crosses I've seen" Mario said almost amused. "Terrible of course for this family, but your father was cunning. We can grant him that" Mario said as luca scowled at his almost admiration. "But he's dead now" I said it as a statement but really I was questioning him. It had been something multiple people alluded to. Even Marco had mentioned I had no family once. Like he knew. "It's presumed. The Di Rossi never formally acknowledged his death, presumably because of this" Mario said like it was normal. "It impacts the contract" I said nervously as I quizzed him further. "It does, it was a contract of life. Marcos protection for his daughter. But if your father died he was clearly not protected. Marco wouldn't have withheld his end of the deal" Mario said casually as I gulped. "So if we can prove he's dead, the deals off" Luca said seriously as Mario nodded. "And I'd bet any money on the fact, that if your father is alive he will be at that wedding" Mario smirked. "He only has to be rumoured dead to us, not to everyone else" Tony said shaking his head in disbelief. "Why would they rumour his death if they need him alive" I said confused. "The easiest way to protect a man is to kill him" Luca said plainly. "Oldest trick in the book" he chuckled. "So I go to the wedding" I said hesitant. I didn't want to go, but if it proved he was dead or alive it would help. "Not a chance. Too risky" Mario shook his head in disapproval. "But, a live stream, just for you. So you can watch Alessia marry from the comfort of here" he smirked as luca smiled brightly. "We just need you to convince her" Mario said. "You want me to FaceTime her during the ceremony" I stammered. "Live stream, but yes" Mario said correcting me. "She will never agree to this" I said skeptical looking at the screens. "You need to get her too, you feel so guilty, you want to see her say i do, it would mean so much" Mario said mocking a high pitch voice. "Hand me the phone" I said rolling my eyes, willing to try anything to get him to shut up. I paused to configure my thoughts before pressing her number.

"Sof" Alessia's worried voice said. "How you feeling" I said quietly. "I wish you were here. I'm panicking" she said sounding stressed. "Me too. But you're going to be great, I wish I could be there. You know I would if I could" I sighed. "I know, it's just shit. We've planned this for so long. You won't even see me in my dress" she said disheartened. "You'll have to face time me in the morning, I want to see how absolutely stunning you look. What I'd pay to see Leo's face when you walk down the isle" I said whimsically trying to act as causal as possible. "Omg" she squealed as my grin widened knowing what she was going to say. "That's totally it" she said excitedly. "What is, you ok" I said worriedly acting along. "Sofia we can stream it! Then you can see the entire thing and I know you'll be watching" she said coming up with the idea I had already planted in her mind. "You think Marco would let you?" I said cautiously. "He's the god damn reason we're in this mess Sofia. He'll have too" she said sounding chipper. "I don't want to get you in trouble with him" I said softly. "But it would be great if I could watch it" I added as I could hear shuffling on her end. "Bare with me, he just walked past" she whispered before she called to him. "I've been thinking, and I checked with Sofia too. I want to stream the wedding live to her" she said excitedly to him. "Absolutely not. She either comes here or she misses it" he said sternly as I sighed. "But you're the reason she'll miss it" Alessia said sounding deflated. "Don't worry less, it was worth a shot" I said sadly. "I had a feeling it would be a no" I added sadly as luca squeezed my hand gently in support. "Sofia" Marcos warning voice sounded. "Don't worry. Sorry I can't be there Lessi." I said with a gulp. "Luca won't change his mind" Lessi asked me. "None of them will, all so stubborn and it's me that gets punished for it" I said with a sigh. "I know you'll look stunning though Lessi. Do me proud" I said with a sniffle as I heard her do the same. "Fuck. You're crying" Marco muttered. "Of course we're fucking crying. You've ruined all of my dreams for my wedding day. First I can't have her here and now she can't even watch it" Alessia choked on her sobs as she angrily argued with him. "It's not worth your tears lessi, you're meant to be happy!" I sniffled again knowing she was upset. "How can I be when you're not here" she sobbed at me. "I know. If it was safe, for both of us" I paused to give my pregnancy lie some weight in the conversation. "You know I'd be there" I said softly. "But they just can't risk it. I can't really either" I said sadly. "I'm so sorry lessi" I gulped trying not to let my emotions get the better is me. "It's not your fault Sofia" she sighed back a response as I heard her sit down. "It's just so shit" I said as she mused a Mhm in response. "Christ" Marco said frustratedly. "You're meant to be happy not mopey" he said annoyed. "How can I be without her" Alessia shot back. "Fine. Stream the damn wedding. Sofia, if anyone gets intel from this there will be repercussions for you." He said bitterly. "Why would anyone else want to watch it" I queried. "They're Marchetti Sofia. They'll want intel" he said firmly. "What intel will they get from a wedding, the layout of your marquee" I scoffed. "Perhaps. Just make sure this only streams to your phone. I'll be able to check" he said firmly. "I'll be watching it alone in my room no doubt. Don't worry" I said honestly. "I just want to see the ceremony. I don't need to sit and watch you all eat" I chuckled. "That would be quite boring" Alessia giggled at me. "A little" I agreed. "We could text you when the speeches happen though so you could tune back in for them" she offered. "Yeah that would be nice. Have you got your speech sorted Marco" I asked him softly. "I do. Don't let me down on this Sofia" he said worriedly. "I won't, I think you're worrying over nothing though" I said lightly. "We'll see about that." Marco said firmly. "We will" I said easily. "Lessi, I got to go, but call me in the morning so I can see you in your dress" I said excitedly. "I will, I'll go talk to the photographer about the stream" she said excitedly. "Okay. Make sure you get some sleep" I said warmly as she giggled. "I'll try my very best" she said cheerfully before we parted ways. The line going dead with a beep.

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