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Getting Alessia to the bath had been an absolute mission. No doubt she now had carpet burns from where I had dragged her, but the main thing was she was out of her wet clothes and into warmth. More than could be said for me. But alas, I wasn't the image of the walking wounded right now.
I knelt at the head of the roll top bath, my arms positioned under her pits to keep her from sliding into the water. I held her for what felt like eternity, a complete dead weight. I watched as her skin went from a mottled grey to pink, only pulling the plug when I felt my energy levels dropping. Hauling her onto the side of the bath, I grabbed a towel and wrapped her up, not wanting her to get cold again. After wrapping her up, I turned her around and allowed her sleeping form to flop onto my back so I could carry her. A piggy back was the only option, luckily she wasn't so heavy now she wasn't wearing soggy clothing. Finding a t shirt in the wardrobe I slid it over her and then began to towel dry her hair. I didn't want the wet strands to make her cold, so I brushed and patted it until it was semi dry.
My stomach was still rumbling but Gio hadn't sent any food up. Deciding that I could send one of the men on the door, I opened it to find them both looking at me. "Gio said he would bring some food up, I don't suppose either of you could go and check on it could you" I asked as they nodded before closing the door.
Realising I could probably do with warming myself up, I turned Alessia onto her side, and then covered her in the duvet before going back into the bathroom. It took me longer than usual to peel my clothes off me. They were so wet and heavy and my energy was so depleted. Finally I got under the warm shower, and my muscles instantly thanked me. The warmth was soothing and I felt my body hum blissfully under the spray. There was something soothing about being here, washing everything off me. "You look like heaven" Marcos voice startled me as I felt his hands wrap around my body. I hadn't even noticed him enter the bathroom, let alone strip and join me in the shower. "God Sofia" he said as he nuzzled against me holding me tight. "I've missed you" I found myself saying as he kissed the nape of my neck. "I've missed you too Princess" he said as he held me, our bodies entwined as we let the water fall over us. Turning in his arms, I looked up at him, his stare as intense as ever as he searched my eyes for something. "You promise me you're okay" he asked as I nodded. "I'm here aren't I" I smiled softly as he smirked slightly. "I don't know how" he said disbelieving as he dipped his head and kissed me. As always the passion was there like an instant. Where Luca adored me, Marco worshiped me. I was Lucas equal, but it felt like I was Marcos everything. "Feel a little more real yet" I giggled slightly as he smirked and pecked my lips once more. "A little" he agreed his eyes filled with lust until my stomach rumbled, "I brought dinner up for you, you want to go eat" he asked as I nodded. I probably should eat knowing the kind of mess I'd end up in if I didn't.
As he lead me from the shower, he wrapped me in a towel, tending to me like I had done for Alessia. He kept hauling me close to him, not letting me more than an arms reach from him. After drying he handed me his shirt, presumably the one he had worn before entering the shower, draping it over my shoulders, I slid my arms in and raised the sleeves before leaving the buttons undone and just hovering on the inside of my cleavage. "How did I know you'd look good in that" he asked as I wrapped my hair in a bun with my hair band from this morning. "It's probably designer knowing you" I chuckled as he opened the bathroom door. "It's not the designer that looks hot" he said as he slapped my ass playfully as we reentered the room. Alessia still slept in the bed. The duvet raising and falling as she slept.
"So are you going to tell me how you managed to convince Luca to let you stay" he asked as he pulled out a chair for me at the small table by the window. "We all know that if I stay here I'm not free." I said simply as Marco nodded and lifted the silver dome from my plate to reveal carbonara. "And you think that makes him feel secure" Marco queried. "He knows that I'll be back in his bed tonight regardless of what happens here." I said honestly as Marco looked at me furiously. I ignored his glare and began eating the spaghetti. "You're staying in his bed" Marco seethed. "Not as yet, it's a figure of speech. He's actually been a gentleman." I shrugged as Marco balled his fists. "So it's on the cards" he raged sourly. "Marco. You knew what they wanted. When you dropped me off, you knew what would happen" I said feeling disappointed. He acted like this was my doing, but he knew it was inevitable. "Do you like him" he asked firmly. "He's been nice Marco, he hasn't hurt me. He's been a gentleman" I said as I avoided the question and spooned more carbonara into my mouth. "You didn't answer the question Sofia" he growled, his short temper showing again. "Because there's no point. Whatever I say will anger you. I'm here Marco. I put everything, including my safety into being here. You think I'd do that if I was madly in love with him" I said angrily as I stabbed my fork back into the pasta. "Have you slept with him" he asked slightly less angry this time. "I have to Marco. It's part of the arrangement." I sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "They're going to make you marry him aren't they" he said looking hurt. "No" I shook my head. "I've made an alternative deal. I'm hoping to be back here in 12 months Marco. As free as a whistle. You just have to trust me" I said sternly. "I do trust you, it's them I don't trust" he groaned as he looked at me pained. "Ok. Ok. Look at me" I said simply. "They won't harm me. They need me. Just like they know you won't harm me because of Alessia" I said simply. "And because I wouldn't ever harm you Sofia" he said firmly. "And that" I said. "So you just have to trust me. And trust that they won't harm me." I said soothingly as I reached out to his hand, letting our fingers intertwine. "I hate the thought of him loving you" he said bitterly. "It's better than him hating me Marco" I said honestly as he nodded. "Did they take the business" he asked with worry. "My freedom is worth more than my designs. They've invested. When I walk away the investment stays. A silent partner" I said as Marco nodded in understanding. "I did what I felt was right. What would bring me home to you the quickest and the safest" I said as he nodded whilst I spooned the last of my carbonara into my mouth.

"I still don't understand your arrangement with Lorenzo" he said looking worried. "It's out of your hands Marco. You don't need to understand it" I said with a sigh. "But it concerns you" he said firmly. "Yes, me and Luca and Lorenzo. It has nothing to do with you" I said honestly as he slammed his hand down on the table. "It has everything to do with me Sofia. It has everything to do with me because it's to do with you" he roared before putting his head in his hands. "I can't tell you Marco" I said knowing what it would do to him. "You have to Sofia" he
Begged. "You'll loose your shit" I warned him but he shook his head and leapt off his seat, falling between my knees as he looked up to me. "I have to know what hold they have you in" he begged as I closed my eyes, at war with my heart and my head. "Fuck" I groaned in confusion before I felt him pull me off the chair and over his shoulder.
"Marco no, I need to stay with less" I argued but he ignored me as we walked out. "Vince, sit and make sure she's ok" he ordered the man on the door before storming down the corridor with me on his shoulder. I could feel the tension in him as he marched us to his room, flopping me onto the bed before straddling over me. "Talk" he said firmly. "I need to know Sofia" he groaned. "No you don't. It'll only hurt you" I said sadly as he slammed his fist down besides me. "Stop protecting me" he roared as I bought my hands to his chest trying to calm him, but it was useless. There was no calming of a beast and I immediately found my hands above my head, pinned under his. "Tell me" he said as he stared into my eyes. "They want me to carry the heir" I said giving in as his eyes widened. "Your" he stammered as he let my hands go, dread and realisation flooding his face. "No, we haven't done it" I gulped. "But we will" I winced. "Your mine Sofia" he said quickly. "I know" I reassured him. "Its 1 fuck and 9 months pregnant. Then I'm yours" I said honestly. "They'll let you leave" he asked with wide eyes. "As long as Luca has his heir I'm free." I said simply as Marcos head fell slightly. "You can't Sofia. Your child" he said looking dejected. "I'm viewing myself as a surrogate. Nothing more. This baby will be Lucas. Not Mine" I said defiantly as Marco looked at me worriedly. "You really think you can do it" he asked as I nodded. "I can do anything I put my mind too" I smiled softly. "And what if you don't get pregnant" he asked. "We keep trying until I do. I'm only free once I've given birth" I reminded him as he gulped and closed his eyes again. "The thought of him fucking you" he said through gritted teeth. "Don't think about him Marco" I said firmly as I bought his head level with mine. Staring into his eyes. "Only think of me" I said as he joined our lips. "You're all I think of Sofia" he said before he rejoined our lips again. "You're mine" he groaned against me as his hand found my waist. "When he kisses you, think of me" he commanded. "When he fucks you, come thinking of me" he ordered. "When he touches you, remember this." He continued as his body lowered. His tongue trailing down the flesh of my stomach.
His lips soon found my core, his tongue swirling over me as I moaned into him. It was hard to think of anything but breathing right now, let alone another man. "Marco" I moaned furiously as he slid a finger inside of me. "That's it say my name" he said roughly as he pulsed his fingers in my core. "Mmmarco" I stammered as my heat raised. "That's it princess, come on my fingers" he said. "Let me taste you" he rasped as his tongue continued to lap at my folds. "Fuck" I moaned as i fisted the sheets when he didn't relent despite my first release. "Marco please" I begged as he added a third finger, the fuzz in my head remaining. "What's the matter princess" he smirked as he raised himself to kiss me as his fingers still worked overtime inside me. "I need you" I moaned as he chuckled against my neck. The reverberation felt inside my entire body. "As you wish" he smirked as he lowered his head slightly, shifting his shirt on my skin with his tongue, before clamping his mouth on my nipple, sucking as my back arched into him. I needed to feel him, needed to feel his desire. Needed to feel him as much as he needed to feel me. "So fucking perfect Sofia" he said as he removed his trousers once more before ploughing into me. "Fuck baby" he moaned as he felt my tightness. "Oh god Sofia" he groaned as he thrusted. "Marco" I moaned at him as he slammed into me. "Who do you belong to Sofia" he said as he thrust. "You" I called out as my back arched again in pleasure. "Who owns this tight cunt" he said as he slammed into me. "You" I moaned as my body began to shake. "Who makes you come baby" he asked with a wicked glint in his eye. "You" I stammered as he flicked my clit causing my whole existence to blur as I orgasmed on his long cock. "That's right" he mused. "My fucking cock" he said as he pulled out of me, before dropping back to his knees as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders and kicked me out once more. He was relentless today, he wasn't letting me think about anything but how good he made me feel. And I was here for it.
And the next 7 orgasms he gave me.

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