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I had been stitching for well over an hour when the door creeped open slightly. Looking up Luca was stationed at the door apprehensively. Was this it? Was I going to have to go through with this right now? "You ok to talk" he asked softly, in many ways cautiously. "We can talk" I agreed curtly as I glanced at the stool opposite the table. "What are you stitching" he asked softly as I glanced down at the pink material in my hands. "Alessia's bridesmaid dresses. This one will actually be mine" I said simply as I continued stitching. "You're having to make your own dress" he asked with a furrowed brow. "It's what she wanted. That personal touch. I made all the suits and dresses except hers" I said simply as I didn't look up from where I was looping the thread up and down. "You'll look stunning as always" he said warmly as I paused momentarily before continuing. "You don't need to flatter me you know. I know this deal isn't about lust or love. It's practicality" I said firmly as he nodded skeptically. "Whose to say you won't fall in love with me" he said almost cockily. "Me. As soon as you have that baby in your arms I'm out. I won't be falling for anyone" I said honestly as he nodded. "Message received" he said looking at me disappointedly. "Is that not what you want" I queried confused. "I don't know what I want Sofia. Except an heir" he sighed looking troubled. "Then an heir is what you'll get" I said with a small smile.

"I feel like maybe we need some ground rules. I know this will be hard for you" he said quietly as I nodded. What would be harder is living here forever i thought, but thought better than to voice it. I didn't reply, only nodded in confirmation. "I think rule one is that we don't stay in the bed together afterwards" he said simply. "That way neither of us catches feelings" he said plainly as I nodded. "Sure." I shrugged, it made sense. Fuck and Chuck. I know his game.
"I also think we should set a limit. I don't want to tire you out" he said cautiously. "Once a day" I compromised. I needed to get pregnant asap. "You sure" he queried as I nodded. "Mhm" I said as I continued to stitch. "Ok, we'll I'm free after dinner most evenings shall we say 8pm" he questioned. "You going to set the timer too for however many minutes of inter course. You're making this awkward Luca" I chuckled lightly. "Sorry" he said quickly. "I just thought If you knew when I'd show up, you'd be able to" he paused. "Ready yourself" he sighed looking pained. "I'll be ready, don't you worry about me." I said plainly. "I do though Sofia. I don't want to hurt you" he sighed pained. "I'm numb to it Luca. I don't imagine I'll enjoy the experiance. But that's fine. I've come to terms with that" I said as I lifted my head to look at him. "If I ever found who did that to you" he said softly. "You'd shake their hand and say we'll played. Don't lie to me Luca. I heard what you were saying to your dad. And yes I'm consenting now, not particularly happy about it but I'm doing it. So no you don't have to worry if you're raping me or not" I roared as I got wound up by him, his head falling to look at the floor slightly as he rubbed his hair through his hands. "Sofia" he sighed. "Please" he said simply. "I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I want an heir, I didn't see the point in waiting if you weren't going to consent to it either way" he said. "I sound like a prick" he added painfully. "You are a prick" I confirmed as I tied off the stitch.

"Can we please just restart. I don't want this to be awkward or us have any bad feelings. Babies are made in happiness" he said as he got off his chair and walked over to me, swivelling me round so I was facing him before he put a hand on each shoulder. "I don't want to cause you any more pain" he said honestly. "I'm a prick, I get that. But I don't want to hurt you Sofia." He said honestly as I gulped slightly. "The damage may already be done. But for the sake of trying, I will attempt to put it behind me" I sighed as he nodded. "Thank you" he said softly as he caressed my cheek. "Do you have any ground rules" he asked apprehensively.
"1) I don't care the gender of this baby. He or she will be heir" I said as he looked at me wide eyed. "I give you a baby, regardless of gender. It's your job to make them the heir" I said firmly as he nodded. "2) sex stops when I'm pregnant." I said as he nodded almost like it had been obvious.
"3) we don't do this in either of our rooms. I won't feel comfortable in yours and I don't want to have to think about it in mine" I said as he nodded. "I will arrange a room for us" he said softly as he racked his brain slightly.
"4) I need the night of Alessia's wedding off. I have already arranged with your father that I will stay away for the night before and the night of the wedding" I said simply as he nodded. "5) please be patient with me" I gulped. "I know you want this heir. But it may take me a while to get used to this arrangement" I said as my voice broke slightly. Instead of replying he wrapped me into his arms and hugged me. "We can go slow Sofia. I don't want to hurt you" he said softly as he cradled me against him. "I'll need to see your sister tomorrow" I said simply. "I have a coil in, she'll need to take it out in order for me to conceive" I said as he nodded. "We can go together." He said encouragingly as he continued to hold me. A sense of security wrapping around me despite the fact this man could single handed my ruin me. In many ways I believe he will.
"Thank you" I said softly as I looked up at him, his eyes staring down at me. "I think the gratuities should be coming from me and me only Sofia" he said warmly as he looked deep into my soul. "I am beyond grateful that you're doing this for me." He said as his hand swept a stray hair from my face before it fell to my hip, holding me in-front of him. "Our child will be so perfect" he said with a gentle twinkle in his eye. "Your child" I corrected him with a gulp. "Whether you want to believe it or not Sofia, he or she will be 50% you" he reminded me. "They'll be yours. They won't know about me. Think of me as a womb donor" I said simply as he gulped slightly. "Trust me when I say, that if you're not here whilst they grow up, I will tell them about you. About what you will have done for me" he said as his thumb gently caressed my hip as he shuffled slightly closer to me. "You may not want to be their mum, but they'll want to know about you and I won't keep that from them" he said as my heart fluttered slightly. He would be a genuinely good father. "I respect that" I said softly. "You'll be everything and more to them. I can tell" I said softly, almost dejectedly as I looked up into his eyes. "As will you Sofia. You just don't know it yet" he said as he brought me closer to him, his hands still on my hips as his face searched mine. "I admire you" he said gently as he looked at me. "What you're doing for me, whilst trying to keep your self preservation" he said softly. "But if at any point you change your mind" he said. "You tell me." He said simply. "About anything" he added as his face neared mine. "It's never to late to change your mind" he said right before I let his lips graciously take mine.
Yet warmly.
He kept his hands on my waist as his body nestled against me. His lips devouring mine in the sweetest of ways as I melted into him. This wasn't what I had expected. I was expecting harsh brutal sex not slow almost meaningful kisses. Possibly sensing my alarm he stopped and looked at me momentarily, my lashes fluttering. My body taken aback. "You okay" he said heavily as he stayed unmoved. I nodded simply and felt him cup his hands under my ass, hauling my legs around his waist as he placed my back side down on the work bench. "Don't lie to me" he said as he looked into my soul. "I'm ok" I said quickly as I tried to concentrate on him. "I can feel your heart practically pounding out of your chest Sofia" he said as he held me against him still. "I don't want to hurt you" he said searching my face. "I'm ok" I repeated heavily as he nodded. "Just take a few breaths" he said gently almost reassuringly.
Had I worked myself up so much from one kiss. "That's it" he said as I slowly exhaled some anxiety. "Just breathe. I got you" he said concerned as I attempted to regain my steady breath. The soothing circles he traced on my back as he looked down at me worriedly offered me comfort but also put me on edge. This was a just sex arrangement. He didn't need to look after me. "You don't need to do this" I said to him softly. "This is the bit I'm meant to deal with" I said with a gulp as he shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you Sofia. Let me look after you" he begged slightly. "I won't sleep unless I know that you're okay. The thought of hurting you" he gulped now. "It's almost unbearable" he said as I thought back to the conversation he had had with his father. He'd certainly changed his mind since then. "I just want you to know you don't have to stay when I'm like this. Im capable of sorting myself" I said as he frowned slightly. "I know" he said as he let go of my body, my breath steadying as he did. His face looking dejected as he stared at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow in Louisa's office. 2pm" he said quickly before leaving. I nodded, although I'm not entirely sure he saw considering his quick exit. Sighing I picked the dress back up, a dress I'd be wearing to a rival families wedding. A dress id be wearing when I next saw Marco. What would he say about all of this. I imagine he would be furious that I had given up half my business. That I had given my body to his rival. I just hoped he understood that I had done it so that one day I could be with his family. I could be with him.

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