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After digging a large hole in the baron space I'd allocated, I started work on the plant itself. Carefully following Google's advice of hand shovelling to ensure I didn't damage the roots. As I got deeper I felt like the roots were getting harder, more densely compacted and resorted to using the shovel. Edging around it carefully I continued to set it free, my mind utterly focused on the task at hand. A welcome distraction from reality.

"You better bloody bloom now I've gone to all this effort" I said as I caught my hand on something sharp. "Ouch" I hissed as I looked at my hand, a drop of blood forming on my finger tip. "Little fucker" I said as I glanced back down at the roots to see a shard of glass. "We're you drunk when you buried it" I questioned as I looked up to the gloomy sky. Why the hell had she planted glass in my rose. 'She was mentally unstable' my mind reminded me as I picked the shovel up to keep digging. No wonder the bastard thing didn't want to grow, she planted it with her latest beverage. As I kept going I managed to remove the shard of green glass, indicative of a wine bottle and loosened off the roots. Leaving the rose completely free. Lifting it up I smiled and walked it over to the new spot, watering the soil before placing it in its hole. Hopefully it would bloom here, otherwise I'd just lowered it into an early grave. As I finished off planting it I stood back and admired my handiwork.
"Did I do you proud mum" I whispered as I looked at the rose. Hoping for some sort of sign. Maybe a flower would suddenly bloom or the sun would come out to symbolise her happiness. Instead I started to feel droplets of rain and internally groaned. Of course she would cry.
Grumbling I walked back over to the mound of soil that I'd removed from where the rose was originally planted, knowing I needed to get it back in the whole before it all turned to a dirty river in the rain. Gently fumbling my fingers over the dirt at the bottom of the hole I felt my fingers once again touch something sharp. The rain slowly revealing more green glass to me. Deciding to dig it out, I grabbed the shovel and set to work. Gently following it round until eventually it came loose. Lifting it out of the ground, I could see the rest of the bottle was in tact, a muddy piece of paper also contained in it. Placing the bottle to one side, I shoved the paper in my pocket, acutely aware that it would get damaged in the rain and began quickly pushing the soil back in. The rain seemed to stop as soon as the hole was refilled so I grabbed the bottle and took it to the bin, before reassuming my spot on the bench, my hand subconsciously falling to the letter in my pocket and pulling it out.
I gently wiped off the loose soil and opened the envelope with my name on.
'My darling Sofia.
If you're reading this it means one of two things. Firstly your aunt has moved the rose despite me telling her not to and has come across this or you've found it for yourself. I suppose there's also a possibility someone else has found it.
What I'm hoping is you have though. That you've been brave and smart enough to find this. I know that me leaving you will mean you'll inevitably end up here. But better that then with your father.
I'm sure someone will have told you about him, about how he tricked me into loving him. How he was a spy for the other side. But I did love him Sofia, so very much. When I found out I was in denial, I was pregnant and all I wanted was for our family to work. When no one would let it, that's when I knew i had to protect you from this world. I tried so hard Sofia to keep you away from them all, it was really hard sometimes, especially with how fond you were of your aunt and uncle. But I can't blame you. I got us into this mess.
I have to get us out. So please don't hate me for dying, for leaving you. It was the only way I could protect you. Your dad told me he made a contract. That your sworn to the other side, but I can't let that happen. I can't sign it and I won't. But I don't have my brothers protection either Sofia. He can't protect me now, not after my betrayal, as much as I know he would but that would only make things worse for you my dear. The only way I can protect you is if I die. Then my hand can't be forced to sign you away. My mind can't be wavered. I have to protect you, have to ensure you aren't stuck in the middle like I have been. If the marchetti keep you, you'll be owned like me. If the di Rossi have you you'll be a Trophy and nothing more. I don't want either of those lives for you Sophia. I want you to be free.
I hope your reading this and feeling like my warning isn't needed. But Sofia if you have any doubts about your safety you must leave. Promise me my baby you'll leave. To many people have died because of this war and I'd hate for it to take you too.
I have a cottage in Tuscany. No one here knows. I won it off a man at the market, no money was exchanged, so it can't be traced but I've put the address and the key in the envelope. Go there. Be safe my darling. Have the freedom I wanted. Live your life unbound and unrestricted. Do it for me Sofia. Do it for yourself.
I love you my dear girl, always have and always will. I'll protect you always, just promise me you'll protect yourself too.
Stay strong Sofia,
Mamma x'

My tears were streaming as I read the letter over and over. She knew one day I'd need to leave, she'd set it all up for me. She was the only person I could trust to protect me whole heartedly, with no clauses or contracts. She was the best mum in the world, she'd given her life to me, and In that moment I promised her that I would get out.

I knew I'd need to plan though, I couldn't just do this on my own. Part of me wondered if I could talk to Alessia but I also knew it would be too risky. I had to do this on my own. Somehow. Placing the letter in the envelope, I thumbed my finger over the key. To do this I'd need to loose everyone else, I'd need to duck dive and be completely untraceable. Impossible when everyone on both sides of the war knew who I was.
Placing the key and the envelope in my pocket I walked back inside, acutely aware I was soaked from head to toe. Heading upstairs, I went into mums old room and showered. I found an old necklace and threaded the key on so I wouldn't loose it but also so I could pass it off as jewellery. The key was so ornate. So pretty and delicate that it could easily be passed off as an antique.
Sliding it around my neck once I'd dried I heard a knock at the door.
"Come In" I said as I wrapped the towel round me. "Sorry, I" Tony said shielding his eyes. "Lucas looking for you" he rushed. "Tell him I'm just getting changed and I'll be down" I explained as he nodded and bolted from the room making me giggle slightly. I'd grown fond of Tony and I would miss his goofiness when I was gone. If I could get gone.
Deciding that I needed to keep up appearances I changed quickly and hurried down to Luca who was sat in his usual spot at the dining table. "You ok" he said standing as I entered. "Mhm" I said before turning to Lucia. "I moved the rose. Google said it could be the soil or the lighting" I said as her eyes widened. "Sofia" she all but squealed. "Your mum told me under no circumstances to move it" she hissed at me. "But it was my rose, I couldn't let it die. It was depressing" I said as she gawked at me. "What's this" Luca asked confused. "After watching the speeches, I needed to clear my head so I went to the rose garden. It always makes me feel closer to Mum because she spent so much time there. So yeah I went and Lucia was there sorting out this one plant that it turns out mum planted for me before she died" I explained. "Only it's never bloomed" I sighed. "So I googled it and apparently it can be because of the soil or the light, so I dug it up and moved it" I explained as Lucia rolled her eyes. "You've probably killed it now, you should never move a rose!" She scolded. "So what Lucia, it wasn't blooming anyway, better to try then to leave it and do nothing. I wanted to give it a chance, mum planted it for me, i At least wanted to try" I explained as she softened. "It'll probably die, but I suppose it is your plant" she succumbed as I smiled happily. "Now that's cleared up" Luca said with a furrowed brow. "Sorry" I whispered as dinner was served. "No it's ok, I just. After what Tony said I expected you to be mad" he explained. "About Marco, oh I'm raging. I just, the gardening distracted me a bit" I said as he nodded. "We can discuss it later" he said knowingly as I nodded before he turned back to the rest of the table. "I also need to let you all know, that my sister will be flying to Italy tomorrow" he said firmly. "Dad and I have talked, and we think it'll be in her best interest." He said firmly as i furrowed my brow. "Where is she going" I asked worriedly. "To stay with family, we think she needs to get out of England for a while. Decompress." He said as I nodded. "Does she know" I asked alarmed for her. "I told her before dinner, she thinks you are sending her away so you can have Marco" he explained as I widened my eyes. "You know that's not true" I stammered as he chuckled. "Of course I know it's not true Sofia." He said reassuringly. "I could think of nothing worse than being with him. Just the thought of him watching me this entire time" I shivered. "You're safe here" he said easily as I remembered my mothers words. If there is any doubt then you must leave.

"I know. Can I talk to her before she goes" I asked. "No, it's too dangerous. She thinks your to blame" he said quickly. "Then let me set her right" I countered as he sighed. "You won't give up will you" he chuckled. "Not on this one no" I smiled as he nodded. Kissing his cheek he reciprocated the smile before spooning his dinner into his mouth. "I'll go after tea" I said as he nodded before turning to the table to continue discussing family matters.
As I sat eating my spaghetti I began hatching my plan. Louisa was my way out of here, she just didn't know it yet. "Any more intel from the wedding" I asked as Luca shook his head before placing his cutlery down to signal he'd finished his food.

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