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I waited for what felt like eternity. My soup bowl was empty and had been for over an hour. Perhaps he'd fallen asleep in his own room. Never the less I felt saddened. Deserted. Not that I had a right to feel like that, after all I had ditched him that morning and fucked someone else. I was hardly innocent.
After realising luca had fallen asleep I tossed and turned a little in bed. The thought of luca, then of Marco. Then of children. It was all to much and I couldn't sleep. Instead I placed my feet into slippers, pulled on Lucas black hoodie that he had worn to my room earlier and went down to my studio. Today had been so full of emotion that I could picture a thousand dresses in my mind. I tried to focus myself on how I felt in the moment.

The moment luca ripped out my sketch.
The moment I heard Alessia cry
The moment Luca agreed to help
The moment I saw Alessia.
The moment I saw Marco
The moment he fucked me, and the other 6 orgasms that followed.
The moment I walked up the drive home.
The moment Luca saw me. Helped me, despite what I'd done.
The moment Luca opened up to me about children.

If I could capture the feelings I had at the varying moments of the day I'd have a show in no time. I decided that I'd start at the top with the moment Luca had ripped the dress from my pad. It had hurt, but he had been right. I was looking at it all wrong. Deciding to retrieve the   drawing he disposed of earlier in the day, I reached over to the bin and pulled it out before sitting back down and de-crumpling it. As I glanced at it, the crumpled texture inspired me. Ripping aimlessly I tore the dress in two. This dress was a cross roads. I immediately began sketching a skirt, in all its chiffon glory. Once I had the basic skirt, I began to fold the ripped bodice from this morning, making it looked fanned before sliding it, jagged edge and all onto the dress. Rubbing off one shoulder, I began to sketch a bow on the other. Eventually the dress looking back at me was something to be proud of. Completed and quirky. I had gently pencilled red into it and the more I looked at it the more I liked the Scarlett colourings. It was certainly a beacon, and it would easily fit on a runway.
I began to sketch another dress when I heard a commotion down the hall. Clattering followed by a few shouts. I let my inquisitiveness carry me down the corridor. Just before I came into view I stopped listening to the conversations. "You need to get Louisa" Lucas voice hissed. "I don't fucking know where she is" someone else snapped. "Well fucking find her. He's pissing blood all over me" luca spat. "Maybe he should've thought about that when he challenged Marco di Rossi over a common slut" the man argued back. "I get it, ok. I get he was a prick. But unfortunately he's a prick that's with us and I'd appreciate it if we could get him some medical attention before my father or anyone else wakes and sees this blood bath" Luca fumed barely above a whisper. "I don't fucking know where lou is" the man seethed. "I can go and get your woman" the man added. "Don't you dare wake her up" Luca hissed warningly. "Why man. I've already searched for Louisa and I can't find her. Sofia could help" he pleaded with Luca. "No, she's had a shit day as it is, she doesn't need to be woken for this shit show" Luca said firmly as the other man scoffed.

"I'm already awake. You're hardly quiet anyway" I said easily as emerged from behind the wall. "You should be asleep" Luca retorted looking at me worriedly. "And you should be right back" I said with a raised brow. "Sofia" he said sadly, knowing I was referring to him being absent. He looked like he was about to continue but I shook my head slightly. I had no reason to be mad, I'm not the only person he has to worry about. "Don't sweat it, come on, I'm getting pretty good at this" I said as I walked along the corridor in the direction of Louisa's medical room as Luca and the other man, carried the bloodied fool behind me. "Think you may be in a spot of bother here boss" Lucas wounded companion slurred. "No more than you are" I said as I glanced at the unfamiliar man. "I imagine after squaring up to Marco you're now on the top of his shit list" I chuckled as he paled. "No more than you are for ditching him" he retorted as I chuckled, if only he knew.
"Shut up Graz" Luca said shaking his head as he put him down on the gurney in Louisa's room. "You, go and find Louisa. I don't care how long it takes. Check every bedroom if you have too" I said to the man who had previously looked for her. He scowled at me annoyed before walking out. Glancing across at the medical bay, Romero was still lay in one of the beds. Sleeping fairly soundly by the looks. I couldn't help but wonder how long it would be till he would be back on his feet.

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