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Suddenly I felt instinct kick in, I grabbed Lucas hands and put fresh swabs underneath them before telling him to apply pressure to the two oozing wounds on Romero's chest. The third bullet was protruding his chest, unlikely to cause damage until I removed it. That could wait for Louisa. I had seen first hand what pulling foreign objects out prematurely could you do someone.

Spotting the obs machine similar to the one I'd been hooked up to when I was shot I grabbed it and frantically pressed buttons. Slipping it on Romeros finger in the hope it would work. Seconds later it beeped to life with lots of wiggles on the screen. I had no idea what it meant but there was wiggles and numbers, I'd take that as a good sign any day. "Have you tried your sister again" I asked luca as he looked at me with a shake of his head.
Looking around at the room full of people I started barking orders, someone was tasked with Louisa, another with getting fresh water, another on fresh swabs, another was asked to get Lorenzo. It was hell, but somehow the wiggly lines and numbers on the machine stayed constant and for that I was semi grateful.
I began to change the swabs that were so bloodied with fresh ones when someone replied that they still couldn't get hold of Louisa. Groaning I had a thought, if Marco had planned this so meticulously, I could bank on where she'd be. "Luca, go run to my bathroom and grab my phone and bring it to me" I ordered him as I put my hands over his to take over on the pressure. Without Louisa he'd die. Luca looked at me skeptically before nodding and running off.
Ushering someone else over whilst I kept my head down, I made them hold the bandages and apply pressure whilst I began to prepare what looked to be stitches. They weren't like the usual needle and thread I was used to but I could grasp the principle. "Release that pressure a second" I said as they did, the wound clear and a gold bullet lying inside. Grabbing tweezers I gently removed the bullet, using the swabs to soak up the blood before my unsteady hands attempted to stitch. God knows what I was stitching together. This shit was deep, but less blood was pouring out now, so it seemed to be working.
"Phone" luca said reappearing at my side as I nodded and threw the equipment down, before ripping off the gloves and dialling Alessia.
"Sof" her voice came confused. "Please tell me Louisa is with you lot" I said quickly. "Sofia" she said warningly. "No, he's fucking bleeding all over me and I have his blood all over my hands. Where the fuck Is she" I roared down the phone as a tear fell from my eye. Luca staring and me pained. "Fuck sof" Alessia said before I heard the scrape of a chair. "Babe" Leo's voice came in the distance. "This didn't go to plan. She's being made to stitch him up" she said firmly as I heard Marco in the background shout a profanity. "Just get Louisa here now" I begged as my voice broke slightly Lucas hand on my shoulder rubbing gently and somewhat soothingly. "She's at the club Sofia, she doesn't ever take her phone" Alessia sighed. "Then get the boys to go and get her. I can't let him die because of me, he needs her" I begged as I heard something smash in the distance. "Sofia" Marcos voice came down the line. "I need Louisa Marco" I said pleadingly. "That's what you want?" he said with a broken voice. He sounded pained, clearly upset that his actions had backfired. "I can't save him, his blood is all over me. I need her Marco." I said sadly. "I understand. I'll go and get her and get her dropped off. Just hang on in there ok" he said softly, sadly. Sombrely. "I'm sorry Sofia" he added as I closed my eyes to wash out the tears. "I know. I know what you tried to do for me. But Im ok Marco." I said softly to him as luca looked at me worriedly. "Just bring me Louisa, and then hopefully we can save him. I don't want any deaths on my hands" I said down the phone as I looked at luca. "I'll see you at the wedding" Marco asked. "You will" I said simply as I sniffled. "Bring her to me quickly Marco. I need her desperately" I stammered as he sighed. "I will Sofia. For you." He promised. "I hope you know what this means Marco. I'm stood holding his wounds in a room full of people." I sighed down the phone to him. "I know. I'll bring her to you" he gulped simply before shutting the phone off as I pulled it from my ear and looked down at Romero. Silence in the whole room as everyone heard what I'd said to the di Rossi. Negotiated with him.

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