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"Sof" Lucas voice said gently. "Mhm" I mumbled as I snuggled further into him. "You need to eat babe" he said softly as I let the smell of pancakes waft under my nose. "My favourite" I said opening my eyes to see the plate of fluffyness. "I know I am" he smirked as I rolled my eyes. "You two make me sick" Louisa cringed from the corner. "Try and just stick to plain pancake for now, the fruit might be too rich given you haven't eaten for a few days" she said softly as I nodded. "Looks like this bowls for me then" he said as he threw a blueberry in the air and caught it effortlessly in his mouth. "Make me sore why don't you" I frowned at him, jealous I wouldn't be eating the berries or cream that I usually enjoyed with my pancakes. "Oh I will" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. "Whilst you eat that, I'm going to go check our room is ready, you be ok without me" he asked warmly as I nodded, I still felt wary about sharing his room, especially since Romero was now stable again. But I couldn't fight it, being with Luca, lying with him had given me the slice of peace I'd needed all week. It was addictive.
"Marco called me" Louisa said once her brother was out the room causing me to nearly choke on my pancake. "Why" I said as I sipped the water on the tray. "He wanted to know you were ok, he clearly didn't want to take Alessia's word for it" she shrugged. "What did you tell him" I asked curiously. "That he was a fool for shooting at us. That I'll fucking serve him his testicles on a platter next time he does that" she said as I smiled at her. A woman after my own heart. "He asked about Romero too, he's gutted he didn't kill him" she said. "He feels like he's failed you" she continued as I shook my head. "He wants you to tell Luca" she added as I froze. "Why" I gulped. "He wants you to be safe, you won't be safe if he wakes up" she sighed. "You know I can't, if Romero finds out" I stammered. "Marco said you have till 3pm to tell him. If Luca doesn't know by then, he will take matters into his own hands" she said shakily as I gulped. "Please tell him Sofia. It'll be better coming from you" she sighed. "For everyone else maybe, but when I tell him and he laughs it off and then he jokingly tells his dad who also doesn't believe me then what? This morning I heard Lorenzo explicitly say we don't turn our back on family. He was talking about me and I'm not even family so can you imagine how unlikely it is for him to turn on his actual family" I said in an outburst. "You know I'll back you up, so will Marco. So will everyone. Even Tony. He has been suspicious of Ro for ages, just not for the right reasons" she sighed. "Lou I can't" I stammered. "You have too." She said firmly before glancing at the door. "Now eat up" she said just before Luca walked in looking merry.
"Room set" Louisa asked as I kept looking at my pancakes. "Yup, I'm going to get Sofia settled and then head on up to the hospital. Ro's awake" he said as I felt my cutlery clatter to the plate. "Sof" Luca frowned. "Sorry, I'm still a bit shakey" I said trying to mask my fear. He shook it off and looked at his sister worriedly. "Probably the sugar in those pancakes. I told you toast would've been better" she said seamlessly to her brother. "She likes pancakes" he smiled widely at me as I couldn't help but chuckle. "They were lovely, but I'm kinda full" I said looking down at the half eaten plate. "That's fine, it was a hefty portion. Go on upstairs, I'll come check on you in a bit" she smiled as I nodded. Although I knew she would really be checking that I had told him and not that I was ok.
Deciding I could worry about it when I was upstairs, I turned to luca who had removed the pancake tray from my legs. "Need a hand" he asked as I pulled the blanket off my legs. "Mhm" I said slowly turning so my legs dangled off the bed, his hands steadying me as I slipped down onto my feet. The feel of the ground beneath me was somewhat foreign but I adjusted quickly and slowly walked with him out the door. "Like a natural" he said kissing my head slowly. "Thank you for being here" I said gently. "No where I'd rather be" he said encouragingly. "Not even with Ro" I asked gently. "Nah, he can fend for himself now he's awake. You're my priority, always will be" he said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Now you gonna manage these or do you want me to carry you" he asked gently. "I'll manage" I said as I took the first step. The tightness in my side was palpable. It had been similar when we had left the hospital. "Smashing it" he smirked at me. "Knew you would" he added as we reached the halfway point. It took longer than it ever took to climb a flight of stairs but I did feel a sense of accomplishment when we reached the top. Turning to the left out of instinct I felt him grab my wrist. "This way, you're staying with me now remember" he said softly as I nodded, trying my best not to look frightened. "Force of habit" I smiled fakely at him as he chuckled and helped lead me down the right hand corridor. "That's Lou's room" he said as we passed a double door. "And this is our room" he smiled as we reached Tony who stood guard outside. "Welcome home" Tony said as I rolled my eyes whilst Luca opened the double doors to reveal his room. I stopped in the doorway in awe. The floor was a grey toned wood, adorned with a ginormous fluffy rug that felt soft under my toes. The bed was undoubtedly the centrepiece, a blue velvet headboard and various grey pillows that sat on top of soft silk sheets. "You're a silk man hmm" I said as I let my hands run over the sheets. "Never used to be, but the thought of waking up and seeing you wound into them, god....yeah" he said shifting slightly as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "The things I can't wait to do to you Bella" he said softly as i leant my head against him. "You have to know though, even though you're in here. I still won't force it. We go when you're ready" he said like the true gentleman I knew he was. He wasn't like Marco who took what he thought was his, he was considerate, understanding. He was my equal, not my ruler. "Thank you" I whispered turning so I was facing him, my hands wound into his hair effortlessly as I placed my lips on his. "Mhm" he moaned as I parted through. It was stupid given the news about Romero but I felt like this would be my only opportunity to do it. Once Romero was home, I wouldn't be able to stay in here, I wouldn't be able to kiss him. I'd be Romeros prisoner, not Lucas. "Sof" he moaned as I parted our lips. "You need to stop before I can't stop myself" he said softly as he looked at me. "What if I don't want you to stop" I said. This could be my only chance to give him a child. With Romero about I'd have no hope in hell. I needed a child to escape. If I could get pregnant now, I could keep it quiet, lock myself away when Romero arrived home and then give Luca a child 9 months later and walk out of here a free woman. "You're still injured" he said raspy. "We can go slow" I mumbled against his skin as I flicked open his waistband. "Sof" he groaned as I freed him of his trousers, my palm rubbing over the material of his boxer as I moved his trousers off him. "Fuck bella" he said as he lifted me around his waist, a tiny glimmer of pain in my side as he did. But I wouldn't let it show. I needed him. This was our only chance. "You're so beautiful" he said raspily before I reconnected our lips. His hands holding me to his waist whilst simultaneously undressing me. First the black hoodie, my sports bra gone. My breasts open to him as he laid me down on his bed, our bed for the day. He sucked on my right nipple before gently removing my leggings, leaving me in just my panties. "Please luca" I moaned as he pressed his clothed bulge against my clothes womanhood. "I need you" I begged him as his finger worked down and under the hem of my lace. My folds were wet and slick for him. They understood our need. They wanted him too. "Mmhm" he murdered feeling my wetness "this for me sweetheart" he asked with a grin. "Don't ask stupid questions" I smirked at him as he all but purred at me before lowering himself and moving my panties out the way. It didn't take long for his tongue to find my folds, sucking me, tasting me, lapping against me as I moaned his name numerous times. "Fuck bella" he said after my second orgasm crashed into his mouth. "So ready for me" he said as he licked his lips. "I need you" I said almost desperately. "I know bella" he smirked as he placed himself at my entrance, moving himself into me slowly as he adjusted. A grin on his face when he realised his entire manhood was engulfed within me. "You feel good bella" he said as he slowly moved. "So fucking good" he purred as I let myself relax around him. He was big, and I was beyond satisfied. He wasn't as intense as Marco had been, but it felt right. Better than right, it felt good. A groan escaped my lips as he rolled his hips against me. "Sof" he moaned as I met each one. "Fuck bella" he added as I felt a tightness ball in my stomach. A tightness I knew well after the two orgasms he'd already given me. "Luca" I moaned back as the tension grew, his thrusts getting needier and firmer. "Fuck, right there" I moaned out as he slammed into me harder, with want and desire. Holy hell he would have me coming in seconds if he carried on. "Fuck bella" he said loosing Control. "Lucaaaa" I moaned out as I reached my peak, a final slam from him forcing ejaculation deep inside me. Bingo. "Fuck" I said looking up at him. "Incredible" he said as he looked down at me. Leaning up I found his lips and wrapped my legs around his waist effectively pinning him inside me. "That was amazing" I smiled up at him. "Indeed, but I'd hoped our first time might be more romantic" he said with a slight frown. "It was perfect luca" I said softly as I kissed him again. "I know, I just. I'll give you the world. I promise" he said kissing my forehead before pulling himself out of me and carrying me into his ensuite. "It's huge in here" I said in awe as he turned the shower on. "I know, did lou say anything about your dressing" he asked curiously. "I shouldn't get it wet" I said sadly, wanting nothing more than a post coital shower with this man. "I'll grab you a flannel instead then" he said looking as deflated as I felt.

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