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I woke up, as I felt movement beside me. "I was trying not to wake you" Marco said seriously As he sat at the edge of the bed. His head turned towards me. "Mission failed" I chuckled lightly as I gave him a soft smile. "You should go back to sleep" he urged but I shook my head. "I'm awake now" I yawned as he smiled slightly, his face still looking serious as always. "Do you want me to get them to bring breakfast up, or do you want to come down" he asked simply as he stood up, picking a T-shirt up from his chair-drobe. "I'll come down" I said stretching. "I need to head home anyway. Before Mary rocks up for work" I said as he nodded. "I can drop you home. Do you want to get breakfast en route" he asked as I paused. "Sure. Can I pop and see Fran before we leave" I asked as he looked at me concerned. "I just wanted an update on Matteo" I said as relief washed over him. "Sure, you best put some shorts on though. I don't want the boys to get overexcited by female company" he said as he handed me the pair that had been laid out last night.
"Mhm. Thank-you" I said as I spun my legs from the bed and slipped the shorts on. "Let's go" he said as he lead the way downstairs. He seemed to have a slight spring in his step and I couldn't work out if maybe I'd had something to do with it. Is that what I wanted? To be the reason for his good mood?

"Here she is, our very own nightingale" Gio called as I followed Marco into the kitchen. "Hardly a trained nurse Gio. Right place right time that's all" I said as Alessia rolled her eyes. "I'm going to try and finish the bridesmaid dresses today. Did you want to come over and check you're happy with them" I asked her as she just sipped her tea. "Or I can bring them to you" I said feeling awkward. "You seem to be here enough. I'll pop round if I can. Don't hold your breath though, I need to get my nails done" she said as Marco rolled his eyes.

"Come on. I want Fran to check that wound of yours too before you go" he said as Alessia looked at me worriedly. "It's been fine" I said looking at Marco confused. "I just want to know it's healing well" he sighed looking at me. "Why, guilty conscience?" I joked as he looked at me seriously. "You were hurt" Alessia asked with a gulp. "She was shot last week. Just before you had a go at her about Gio" he filled in the gaps as she looked at me horrified. "Moving on, let's go. I need to get to work" I said wanting to get out of the awkward situation. "Sure, Gio call of you need anything." Marco said picking up his keys before ushering me out the room and downstairs to Fran's office.

"I just wanted to get an update on Matteo" I said as she smiled at me warmly. "He's going to be ok. Had to give him a transfusion, and it'll take a bit of rehab, but he'll be right as rain in a few weeks" she smiled at me. "If you hadn't have helped he would've just bled out" she said with a soft smile. "Just doing my bit" I shrugged as she nodded. "How's your shoulder" she asked as Marco sat looking serious behind us. "Ok I think. When do I need to change the dressing" I asked as she scrunched her face up. "We can do it now" she shrugged as she grabbed a dressing from her drawers.
She managed to peel the dressing without hurting me too much. Overall it was a painless procedure and knowing it was healing well was somewhat reassuring. "You ready" Marco asked once Fran had finished fiddling. "Yup" I said as I followed him again through his maze of a home.
- - -
"Can you drop me here" I said as we pulled into a street, two blocks from my home. "You don't live here" he said confused as he looked at me oddly. "I know" I agreed. "But can you drop me here so I can walk the rest of the way" I asked awkwardly. "Why" he retorted seriously. "I just don't think Mary will like that I was with you" I lied hoping he'd buy it. "She knows about Alessia. You could say you were with her and I was dropping you off" he shrugged but I shook my head. I couldn't have him near the house, not when they were watching me. What if someone shot at him as he stood on my doorstep? Then I'd have another dying Italian on my hands.

"You look nervous Sofia" he said pointedly as his frustration grew. "Wouldn't you be. I've been involved in more fatal shootings than JFK" I gulped frantically. "All the more reason for me to drop you to your door." He said with a firm caution. "No" I snapped quickly as his confusion turned to worry. "Start talking right now" he said firmly as he pulled onto the curb and locked the door. "I am talking" I retorted as he inhaled sharply. "Quit lying. Tell me why you don't want me to drop you home. There's more at play here" he said with venom on his tongue. "Nothings at play. Other than Mary potentially seeing you. There's bad blood, I don't want it complicating" I tried to bat it off. "Well in that case I promise to be on my best Behaviour and will cause her no harm" he said as he put his hands up in defence. "You're so persistent" I groaned frustratedly as panic circled in my stomach. "So you'll let me drop you home, now I've sworn to be on my best behaviour" he clarified as I looked at my slightly trembling hands. "Sofia" he said frustratedly. "Something more than Mary is clearly bothering you. Don't keep it from me" he said seriously as I gulped.

"Someone caught us" I said dejectedly with an exhale of air as he looked at me confused. "Pardon" he asked with a furrowed brow. "The other day in the alley. Someone saw us" I sighed looking at my fingers. "They can't of. How would you know" he said bewildered and serious. "They sent me the pictures. With a joyful note telling me that I was being watched" I whispered shakily as he remained silent before slamming his hand on the steering wheel in frustration making me jump.

"You should've told me Sofia" he said viciously as I gulped. "What if they saw you last night" he roared annoyed. "I told you no one did. They all fled" I sniffled as he looked at me with disgust. "You have to be more careful. You have to tell me these things" he spat as i gawked at him. "Why? They affect me. Not you" I retorted as his brows raised. "Of course they affect me Sofia. You being watched impacts my family. What if they tailed Leo after you'd been to see him. What if they had seen you patch up Matteo and think you were on my side. They'd hang you out to dry Sofia" he said with urgency as I gulped.
"It feels like they already have" I sighed as he nodded. "Then let us help you. Don't leave me in the lurch" he began, his tone unchanged. "They don't trust me as it is. I can't willingly hand over information" I said in protest. It would be like serving my own head up on the silver platter if I did. "You can if your safety is compromised Sofia. That will always be of upmost importance" he said firmly, his face displaying his signature disapproving frown. "So what, I just tell you these things and hope it doesn't get back to me. They'd kill me if I shared or leaked information" I protested as he nodded. "Not information like this. I can work from afar to check you're safe. You can tell us anything you need Sofia. And you have to promise me that you will if it concerns your safety" he said with conviction as I found myself nodding.
"Thank you. Now I understand I'll let you walk. All be it I'll tail you to check you do get home safe" he said as I nodded accepting the compromise. At least they wouldn't see me directly getting out of his car. "Call me if you wind up in trouble" he said as he unlocked the doors. "I mean it Sofia. If safety is a concern you call me" he begged as I nodded and slid from the seat.

Closing the car door, I took a deep breath. Why did being with Marco, being with any of the Di Rossi family feel so wrong. When really they felt like the only ones who truly cared for my feelings. As I began the short walk home, I watched as the Ferrari circled twice around the park, Marco letting me know I was there should I need him. It was reassuring and unsettling in equal measures. Reaching my front door, I turned to watch him nod his head slightly before speeding off.
I was back to being alone, just simple Sofia, no two mafias fighting over my loyalty. Unlocking the door I walked in and took myself over to the bathroom. I felt like I had to shower Marco off my skin, in fear Mary would know I'd been with him. I let the water almost scold my skin to ensure every last drop of his scent was gone.
After showering I slipped into a tea dress, scraped my hair into a messy bun and sat myself down at my work table. The gold dress was still sat there from yesterday and as tempting as it was to finish it, I had to sort out Alessia's bridesmaid dresses. There was five of us in total. I'd never met the other four, but Alessia had sorted the measurements and so all I had to do was stitch.
She wanted us all in pink silk and so that is what I'd planned. Simple silk gowns, that flowed like a trumpet. With lace panelling on the bust and train. As I began sculpting the main panels of the dresses the door opened to reveal Mary. She looked at me with a small smile before walking in. "I'm glad to see you home" she said with a small nod as I looked at her confused. "Only I came by to check on you last night and you weren't here" she said almost scolding me as I pondered her words. Had she come over or had her family been watching me again. "I went to see Alessia." I said simply as she nodded. "You stayed over" she said notedly as I nodded. "I'm guessing your cronies in the black Range Rover told you so much" I said pointedly as she took her turn to gulp slightly. "Lorenzo has them here for your safety" she warned me as I shook my head. "They make me feel on edge. You want to know the reason why I stayed at Alessia's? It's because I knew that no one would be watching me sleep there." I huffed. "I wouldn't be so sure Alessia. The men said that Marco has circled the place at least 3 times this morning. He's watching you too" she said firmly as I just shook my head and looked at the work in hand.

I had to get these dresses done, nothing else was a priority today. I couldn't be distracted by anyone, or anything. They needed my full concentration, otherwise myself and the other four bridesmaids would be walking down the isle naked.

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