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I managed to finish Marcos suit by the time the clock struck 5. I only allowed myself an hour to ready myself for the 'date' with Luca that hed be promising me for days. An hour should have been sufficient given the fact I still couldn't shower and my hair was so greasy I couldn't do anything with it other than put it in a messy bun. I still didn't know what we were doing or where we were going but I figured given I was on Lucas arm, I should probably dress kinda fancy.
I decided on a silk green dress. It had a slit for my right leg and a cowl neck that maintained my modesty but also would keep Luca smiling no doubt. Sure my hair felt gross and the messy bun wasn't how I'd usually go out but I decided to roll with it. I applied my usual minimal make up and just had enough time to spritz myself in perfume before the door knocked and luca poked his head in. "You look great" I smiled at him, shocked he was already changed. "Thanks sweetheart. I took my suit before leaving earlier" he smiled an explanation as I nodded. "Glad I chose a dress considering you're all suited and booted" I smiled as he stepped forwards and kissed me softly. "You look beautiful" he said gently before kissing me properly. "Thank you" I said sheepishly, a blush on my cheeks. "Let's go" he smiled as he escorted me downstairs.
Unlike usual a saloon sat in the turning circle, as opposed to the usual land rovers all the men favoured for business. As per usual however, Alberto stood, almost smug looking as he held the door open. "La nostra Regina" he said simply as he held a hand out to help me into the vehicle. "You know my Italian is terrible Alberto" I chuckled at him as he smiled. "You will learn. Then you will know" he said charmingly as I nodded before looking over to Luca who had joined me in the back seats. "Non doversti anticipare Il Suo regno" Lica said effortlessly as Alberto smirked at him with a raised brow. "E non doversti lasciarla andare" he mused as I looked between them as luca nodded amused. "Can you both speak English" I said shaking my head. "For all I know you're both saying I look like shit and smell like ass" I rambled as Alberto chuckled. "I'd never say that about you" Luca said honestly. "And even if Roberto thought it, he wouldn't say it" Luca said easily as his hands interlocked with mine as the car gently rolled forwards. "How so" I asked intrigued. "If anyone says anything about you I think the boss would shoot us Sofia" he answered for himself from the front. I glanced over at Luca who nodded with a glint of pride. "You shouldn't shoot your own men" I sighed scolding him. "You should know I'll shoot any man for you" he said knowingly as I gulped and turned to look from the window.
"Tesoro" he said as I looked at the dimly lit streets, the orange glow illuminating a face every now an again as we passed. "You always this Italian on a date" I asked not wanting to think of the last person Luca had killed for me. "You bring out the passion in me" he said simply. "What about the Italian" I asked as I turned to him curious. "No Italian isn't passionate. It's in our blood. Right now my blood is pumping good and proper because I get you to myself for the night" he said honestly as his eyes softened on mine. "And Alberto" I asked curious as to whether this was a three pronged date. "Is just our chauffeur. Don't worry, I only have eyes for you" Luca said as he kissed my hand gently, our fingers still entangled.
"Where are we going" I asked looking ahead, the roads seeming to get busier as we got deeper into town. "Somewhere I heard would be right up your street" he smirked proudly as I rolled my eyes. "Tell me" I pleaded with him as he shook his head. "It is a a surprise, Mio Tesoro" he said looking proud as punch as we flew over a speed bump. "I hate surprises" I pouted turning back to look out the window in an attempt to decipher where we were.
After a few more turns I spotted the botanical garden entrance. Unlike when I last was last here though, the gardens were lit in a multitude of strobe lights, the lawns and paths seemed buzzing with people and a catwalk stood where a fountain once was. "What is this" I said in awe as Alberto cruised to a stop. "This Mio Tesoro, is the exclusive first look of Georgina Mondeas next collection" Luca said looking proud as punch as his door was opened.
He exited himself before rushing round to assist me. As I stepped from the car the flashes of press whizzed, probably waiting to catch a glimpse of someone famous. Not that I was remotely known. He'll half of the Marchetti House still hadn't learnt my name, maids included. Luca suddenly was at my side, helping me out of the car and placing a protective arm around me. "Ever done a red carpet" I asked inquisitively. "A few, mostly at charity events. I've never been on a red carpet date" he chuckled as I nodded letting him lead me down the red path. If I'd have known I could've been pictured behind some teen icon on the back of vogue then maybe, just maybe I'd have figured out a way to wash my hair.
As we reached the top of the red carpet, with Lucas arm a firm constant on my hip, I turned to see a group of fashionistas gossiping, with a man at the centre.
A man I didn't expect to see at some half baked fashion show.
"Luca" I said shakily as we stood at the top, to one side, in awe of the chaos. "Must he be everywhere I take you" Luca sighed frustrated. Sensing his distaste and not wanting a war to break out and be on the cover of all the fashion mags, I ushered him into the gardens.
"This is really lovely" I smiled up at him trying to show some appreciation. "Have you ever been to a fashion show" he asked intrigued. "Does my primary school charity one count" I chuckled at him as he smiled widely at me. "I think this may be slightly more professional" he mused as we walked further in, collecting a glass of Prosecco as we did. "We definitely didn't get Prosecco at our year 6 show" I giggled as he nodded before taking a sip. "But that show had you in it" he said with a wink. "It did, I modelled swimwear too" I smiled as he gulped. "Of course you did. Any chance of you in swimwear on your catwalk" he asked curiously. "Not now I'm covered in scars and bruises" I said a little upset about my disfigured body. "You're beautiful Sofia, truly" he replied as his hand swept to my chin, holding it up so he could plant a delicate kiss to my lips. "Come on, I want to introduce you to Georgina" he said softly as his hand interlocked with mine once more as he pulled me slightly through the crowd.
"Here she is, woman of the hour" Luca smiled as we approached the woman, dressed in a flamboyant orange, well kind of dress, kind of morphe suit thing. "Luca, you made it" she smiled brightly at him. "I did, and this is Sofia who I was telling you about" he smiled proudly at me. "Lovely to meet you" I smiled as she engulfed me in a hug. "You too" she said sweetly. "You've got a keeper here, this one was a right heart throb in school" she smirked amusedly at us. "Don't flatter him, his ego is big enough" I joked as luca smirked at me. "Oh tell me about it, mines around somewhere and everyone has been swooning over him. We'll get home later and he'll struggle to get through the front door" she laughed as I giggled along. "Have you been with him long" I asked politely. "Truthfully. On and off, for a while. He is always so busy, as am I. How about you two" she asked looking at us excitedly. "We're very new" Luca said honestly. "But you know me, I don't settle for less than the best" he said as he looked at me intently. "You've certainly chosen well. You look beautiful Sofia" she smiled widely at me. "Thank you, I'm really looking forward to seeing the show" I said politely yet coyly. "I'm sure. Make sure you let me know if you want any pieces. You'd look great in my stuff" she said happily as I gulped a thank you, somewhat embarrassed. "Right got to run, have fun" she said cheerily before moving onto the next group.
"She was nice" I smiled up at him as he nodded. "She is. I haven't seen her in a while, but when I was thinking of what we could do, I remembered she's in the industry. I thought maybe tonight would inspire you" he said warmly as he looked around. His eyes pausing halfway. "Just a shame we aren't alone" he sighed as I glanced over to where he was looking to see Marco now stood by Georgina. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he'll leave us be" I said softly as I looked back at luca who nodded slowly. "In any case, you promised me the best date ever and I won't ruin it" I said with finality. "It's not you I'm worried about sweetheart" he said as we walked over to take our seats. "I doubt he'll even notice us" I said as Luca lead us forwards. As we reached two seats down the left of the catwalk, on the front row I doubted what I'd just said. We were practically front and centre of this side. Perhaps though, Marco wouldn't notice us from the back?

I took a look over my shoulder to the group, only to see him holding Georgina, his hands on her waist, his lips locked on hers. "How long have Marco and Georgina been a thing" I said numbly. "They aren't" Luca said with a furrowed brow. "Erm, looks different from where I'm sitting" I said as he turned and let out a deep exhale. "Fuck, this place is going to be swarming with Di Rossi" he said looking tense. "I haven't seen any of them Luca" I said honestly. I hadn't, Leo wasn't here, nor Gio, No teo either. Luca was on the phone in seconds, it was clearly Tony he was talking too as they discussed the threat. Something about tapping into systems. I lost interest when I followed Marco with my eyes, as he led Georgina to the front centre row. He still hadn't seen me, and I couldn't help but hope he wouldn't. I felt embarrassed. He'd fucked me not even 6 hours ago. In a changing room, telling me how much I meant. How much he wanted me. And now here he was with another woman. Again. He was a prolific cheater. Poor Georgina had been his woman all this time when he had been fucking whores and me at the same time. Maybe in her eyes I was a whore. "You ok" Luca asked from besides me. "Mhm, just don't want anything to break out" I said as the lights dimmed, strobe lights engulfing the stage. "Me either. Tony's working on the cctv. If there's too many Di Rossi we may have to scarper" he sighed. "I'm sorry" he added looking upset. "It's not your fault, you didn't know" I whispered as music commenced along with a heavy stamping of boots on catwalk.
Two models deep, Luca flashed me his phone.
From Tony:
Multiple Di Rossi on the doors. Less of them inside. Get out ASAP. I'll send Burto.
I nodded up at him, before stealing one last glance at Marco, he mused have sensed my gaze as his eyes locked on mine and widened. Caught red handed Marco. "Let's go" I said to Luca as he nodded and led me from the front row. I hoped our movements hadn't been to distracting from the main event for the other guests, even though I knew Marco hadn't taken his eyes from us. "This way" I said ducking behind a curtain, hoping Marco wouldn't be able to see us now. As we reached the other side, I spotted a fire escape and almost went to run to it, only for Luca to pull me back to him, kiss me intently as the sound of men running passed echoed in my ear. "Let me lead" he said looking worried as I nodded in shock. He poked his head out from the cover we had by a brick wall, before he pulled me across the corridor and out the door. The fire exit leading us into the car park. He quickly escorted me into a row of cars and ducked us down. I could see a swarm of men rushing about indoors, from where we'd just exited. Christ, the place really had been swarming. How many of the Di Rossi family had I not met? "We're 8 rows in, I'll walk us up to nearer the road. We're going to have to sit in the row till you get here. Call me as soon as you're on that roundabout" he called firmly as he grasped my hand again and ducked and weaved us in between parked cars.
Shouting got louder and turning back I could see swarms of men now outside. "Luca" I panicked. "We're ok" he whispered. "Alberto will be here any minute" he encouraged as I nodded my feet throbbing slightly from my heels, now I was forced into a squat. As torches seemed to scour rows either side of us, Lucas phone buzzed. "Time to go sweetheart" he said as he nodded at me and then rushed us forwards as shouting broke out all around whilst we jumped into the road, Alberto slamming to a stop as the car shielded us and bought enough time for us to clamber in before shooting rang out. "Go" Luca said urgently, the door still not shut as bullets rang out on the metal. The car launched forward, practically shutting the door for him as I breathed a sigh of relief. "Exciting evening Sofia" Alberto smirked from the front seat. "Interesting if nothing else" I smirked as he nodded and switched to full concentration. I had no idea if we were being tailed, I was just glad to be safe. Twice now Marcos men have shot at me. This time he couldn't argue it wasn't his doing. He was there. He ratted us out to his men, while he shoved his tongue down another woman's neck. "I'm sorry" Luca sighed looking down at me. "Don't be. You tried to do something real nice for me" I smiled as I scooted into the seat beside him before rebuckling. I knew Alberto's driving was crazy at the best of times. "I enjoyed it" I smiled up at him. "The show or the escape" he mused as I giggled. "Being with you" I said honestly as I looked up at him. His smile widening as he leant down and kissed me tenderly.
I didn't need Marco, he'll I was much better off without him. Luca was loyal, dependable and he only had eyes for me. I'd never get that from Marco. Not even in my wildest dreams. "Burto, can you take us to Zios" he asked as he took his eyes off me momentarily. "Sure Capo" his man chimed back. "You ready for the best pizza of your life" he asked as I nodded. "That's a bold statement, you sure it'll live up to it" I asked. "Mhm, this is my great uncles place. He uses recipes from back in Italy. All handmade and proper" Luca rambled passionately as I smiled. "You his sales rep" I asked curiously as he Alberto burst into laughter. "Stop ear wigging" I scolded the driver playfully who was still smirking. "No sweetheart, I'm not. But it is good pizza" he said as I smiled up at him, recognising the streets more by the second. The fancy part of town in the distance, this was little Napoli as my mum had once called it. The true Italian hub of this city.

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