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Before I could let another tear fall, he had me enclosed in his arms. My legs straddling around him as he held me against his chest. His hands cradling my head and hips as I gently sobbed into the crook of his neck. I hadn't been this close to a man in over a year and it felt strangely comforting. Normally close proximity like this would have me freaking out, but there was too much going on for me to be able to freak out.
Realistically I shouldn't have been so sad to loose a man I barely knew. Maybe it wasn't the fact he was dead that upset me but the feeling that I had no one left. I had no family. No parents, grandparents or siblings. Sure I had Alessia and Mary and Lenny. But they were friends not family.

As he gently rubbed soothing circles at the base of my skull I felt a calmness wash over me. I felt morbid but At least his affection was somewhat comforting. "I'm sorry" I muffled against his neck. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry no one had told you before now" he sighed. "I think everyone just wanted you to be happy and safe" he said trying to offer me some comfort. "I understand" I whispered, wanting him to know that I could keep the information to myself. Mary didn't need to know that I knew. "Does everyone here know" I asked intrigued as I sat back slightly to look at him.

"They do. Your mother became a bit of a recluse when your father left. I think that's why Mary became so important for you both. She would help get your mum on the right path and help her look after you also. Never the less, your mum moved you both out. While she didn't out right leave the family for your father I don't think she could bare to stay. That's why you never really knew us. Your mum wanted it that way. She wanted you to grow up and find your own way" he said softly as I nodded. My mother had her faults but I know she would've done what she felt was right.

"And I've still managed to wind up here" I chuckled slightly. "You always find your way back home" he smiled softly as I nodded. "Does this mean I should expect to get shot at more often" I gulped as I glanced at my shoulder. His hand instinctively moving to it before tilting my chin so I was looking at him. "Nothing changes. You're still a beautiful independent woman. You're still free to do as you please. You aren't bound to us Sofia. But we're here if you need us." He said as his thumb caressed my cheek. "You didn't answer my question" I whispered as he chuckled slightly. "They weren't aiming at you. I bet you any money when they find out they shot you they'll freak out." He smirked, like a cat with the cream. "What makes you so sure" I asked as I flickered my eyes to his lips. "The Di Rossi have always been infatuated with the Marchetti women" he said smoothly as I licked my lip, his eyes following my movement. "I'm not a Marchetti woman though am I" I rasped out, my breath hitching with the intimacy. "More than you realise" he said seconds before his lips captured mine.

His lips were soft and plump, moving against mine with passion and ease. His hands held my waist like he was expecting me to bolt any second. Maybe I would've before, I hadn't let a man touch me since. You know. But this, this kiss was enough to stop me from thinking about anything. This was, unimaginable.

"Fuck sofia" he moaned as he pulled our lips apart. "Sorry" I whispered looking down to see my groin positioned over his. Did he regret the kiss? "Don't ever apologise for kissing me" he said as he ran a hand up my side and to my neck, his fingers gently repositioning my head so that I was looking at him. He dipped his head once more and I felt myself melt against him. He wanted to kiss me, he came back for more.

Pulling away I looked at him, my eyes scanning his worriedly. Did he want this to go further. Is that what this was? "We need to stop" I said putting my hands on his chest to distance myself. I could feel mild panic crawling into me as my mind raced back to 18months ago. "I can't sleep with you" I stammered. "I know" he said simply kissing the side of my mouth softly. "Thank you" I said gently as he smiled at me, his hand brushing some hair behind my ear. Maybe he was different? I was safe. Everyone here had told me as much. "Do you want me to go and get Mary" he asked warmly, as I nodded in return. "Wait here then" he said as he lifted us both from the bed, before setting my feet down to the floor from where they had been wrapped around him. His arms still around my waist. Looking at me he grinned sheepishly making me chuckle. "You have to let me go if you want me to wait" I giggled at him. "I know, but I've been thinking about having you in my arms since last week at that restaurant" he said goofily as I rolled my eyes. "Get out of it" I chuckled as I gently pushed his chest, his arms unwrapping from me. "I don't lie Sofia. You've been on my mind ever since. It's just even better now I know you're name and who you are" he winked before exiting the doors, leaving me to stand there gobsmacked and bewildered.
At least I had managed a kiss with a man without freaking out completely. That was significant progress, and I hadn't been anywhere near as shaky as when Marco had been in a similar proximity. Lying down I winced as my shoulder hit the mattress a little too harshly. I wonder how long it would take to heel. Maybe I'd have to add sleeves to my bridesmaid dress for Alessia's wedding. I couldn't have a gaping hole in my back as I walked down the aisle ahead of her.
Repositioning myself with pillows, I took the opportunity to look around the room. It was lavish to say the least. The walls were panelled with what looked like Venician wallpaper. The windows were lined with Italian silk drape curtains. The floor looked like a white marble with a brown/gold fleck. Over it were large ornate rugs and lined around the room and over the marble fireplace were vases of various types. There was more wealth in this one room than I had seen in my whole life.

"You're awake" Mary beamed as she pattered in. "I am" I smiled softly. "I'm so sorry you got caught up in the crossfire" she said sadly. "Is Lenny okay" I asked, id not actually checked with him that he hadn't been injured. He'd saved my life. "He's fine darling. Just worried about you" she smiled warmly at me. "You can tell him I'm ok" I said as I leant my head on her shoulder as she sat herself next to me.

"It's a miracle you both got here. From what some people said, you were surrounded" she sighed. "Lenny deserves all the credit. I just ducked and screamed" I chuckled slightly. It wasn't remotely funny that I had been involved in the incident, but thinking about how useless I must've been to Lenny did make me smile if only momentarily. "And got shot" Mary said bluntly. "Yeah, that too" I sighed as I felt my shoulder twinge again.
"Oh I forgot. I have your phone. You'd left it on the bar" Mary said pulling it out from her pocket. "Oh, thanks. I hadn't even realised" I mused as I took it off her, glancing to see no notifications. Looks like I wasn't missed anyway. "Do you know when the boys are coming for their suits" Mary asked cryptically. "Who? Leo and Marco. Erm. Wednesday evening I believe." I said with a shrug. "I thought you'd say that. I won't be there to help. Will you manage?" She asked graciously. "I'll be fine. Besides it'll be nice to get them finished" I said with a yawn. "I can ask someone to sit outside just in case" she offered but I shook my head. "Mary, this is alessias husband to be. I'll be okay" I smiled half heartedly. Sure Leo wasn't a problem, but for whatever reason, Marco seemed to put me on edge. With any luck he'd get a stomach bug or something and not make it.
As she began to ask again if I was sure, my phone began to ring harshly making me jump, my shoulder hitting off the wooden head board as I hissed before answering the phone. "Hey" I said knowing there was only one person who would be calling. "Oh good you answered. You want to tell me, why everyone in my family to be knows who you are" she spat as I scrunched up my brows. "Pardon" I questioned as I heard her gulping, knowing her it was probably wine.
"All I've heard all day is Sofia this, Sofia that" she spat annoyed. "By who. I don't know any of them" I said confused. "Well apparently you know them well enough to stitch them up when they get shot" she barked harshly through gritted teeth.
Fuck. Leo specifically said he didn't want Alessia to know. "Cat got your tongue" she snarled as I gulped. I had no defence. I didn't want her to be mad at Leo but equally I needed to tell her it wasn't by choice. "Can I explain" I winced as I heard her roar down the line and throw something. "Lessi" i heard Leo in the background. "Alessia I can explain" I sighed. "I don't want you to explain. This is why I didn't want you to meet his family. I knew they'd fucking love you. Little miss perfect" she spat annoyed as I heard Leo talk louder to get her attention. "She's drunk Sofia, please ignore her" he sighed down the line as I gulped. "She okay" I asked softly. "Mhm. Just had one to many at cousin marios birthday." He said through gritted teeth. "She knows I helped you" I said quietly as Mary shifted besides me looking concerned. "I fucking know Sofia" he spat annoyed. "Sorry" I said quietly before I heard him cuss. "Just let her calm down before you speak to her again" he said harshly before the line went dead.
How had this been spun so that it was now my fault. I hadn't chosen for them to come to me, I hadn't even chosen to help, let alone save anyone. And now I felt even more alone in the world. Guess my list was just down to Mary and Lenny for the time being.
"You okay" Mary said noticing my change of mood. "I guess" I said as more pain rippled from my shoulder. "She sounded angry" Mary said simply as my tolerance dwindled. "She was" I snapped and instantly regretted it. "Sorry" I sighed as she smiled at me softly. "I'll leave you be for a bit, we'll be downstairs in the living area" she said slightly dejected as I watched her walk out.
Now I'd fucked her off to. I wasn't doing so well at keeping my nearest and dearest happy today. Perhaps it just wasn't my day. With being shot at, stitched up and shouted at, I think perhaps a bad day didn't quite explain it.

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