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Roberto parked up opposite the bar that looked over the river. I'd been here once before with Alessia, from what I remembered it was rather lavish and in my eyes over priced. Regardless, if that's what she wanted , I would be here for it. As I walked to the entrance, Roberto held the door open for me, like he owned the place. Thanking him I stepped inside and smiled at the hostess who politely showed me over to a table right on the waters edge. You could tell this place was high end, from her service alone. Somehow I had a feeling Alessia would be paying a premium for not only the service but also the table. Alas, she was yet to arrive. Instead of her company, I still had Antonio and Roberto. Both sat on a table opposite me, far enough away that myself and lessi would have privacy, but close enough if I needed them, which I was hoping I wouldn't given I was only meeting Alessia.
The hostess came back within seconds with a glass of champagne, telling me it was on the house. I smiled at her before saying thank you and lifting the glass to my lips. Alessia clearly was a regular here, they obviously knew how to keep her sweet. As I continued to sip my drink, I looked out at the river wondering what was keeping her so long.
Before I had chance to overthink I heard her voice and the clink of heels on the decking. Turning to her I smiled. She looked perkier, more life like than she had yesterday. She was smiling at the waitress brightly, but upon arriving at the table I looked at her confused. Was she not escorted. Where we're her guards? A sense of unease flooded over me. "I see you started without me" she smiled as she scooted into a chair opposite me. "It was on the house, I couldn't not" I shrugged as she smiled brightly. "Love me a freebie" she said excitedly as she clapped her hands giddily. "The fact we got one makes me think you have this lot wrapped around your finger" I chortled as she looked at me confused. "Why would I" she frowned unsure. "You come here a lot? Why else would we get free drinks" I asked confused. "You make me piss" she smirked clearly aware of something I wasn't. "I'm so lost" I said confused as the waitress appeared again, this time with a bottle of wine and a cheese platter.
As she placed it down I looked at her confused. "Miss Russo, would you like to try the wine" she beamed at me. "Sure" I said feeling out of my depth. How did she know who I was, how did Alessia get here alone and who the hell had ordered me a bottle of wine. Glancing over at Roberto he tilted his beer bottle in my direction as if to say cheers, furrowing my brow, I turned back to the waitress, picking up the wine I'd just been poured.
I took a sip and nodded at her. At the end of the day it was wine. Sure it didn't taste as cheap as the bottle I used to buy from aldi, but it was still wine. "Wonderful, let me know if you need anything" the waitress beamed as I looked back to Alessia who was practically giggling over her glass.
"Please fill me in" I pleaded with her. "You really don't know" she asked as I shook my head. "Luca owns this place" she said with a mischievous grin. "What" I said perplexed. Not only did I not know that the father of my child was in the hospitality industry, but also...how did Alessia know? How on earth did she convince Marco to let her come? Had she kidnapped her guards and hidden them before stealing the car or something? "Do you know nothing about him" she sniggered as I shook my head. "I certainly didn't know that" I said looking around at the deck. "More importantly how the hell did you convince Marco to let you come here" I asked as I scooped some cheese onto a cracker before snacking on it. "He doesn't know. Hopefully my detail will only just realise I'm missing." She said as she took a large swig of wine. I looked at her disapprovingly. Sure Marco was an ass and he was in my bad books too, but it was dangerous being alone without any detail. "Less" I replied with wide eyes. "Don't worry, by the time they work out how to get into Lucas own restaurant we'll be bottles deep" she smiled brightly as I giggled nervously. "I'm not worried about them. I'm just, you need to be careful Lessi! What if someone had spotted you on the street" I said worriedly. "Then they'd take me to your house and you'd beg luca to let me go." She shrugged as I nodded not able to argue the facts. "Ps, I'm a fan of him. I know he's the enemy or whatever. But I'm assuming yesterday could cause him backlash. He seemed genuinely worried about both our interests" she mused as she sipped on her wine again. "He was. I know to you he's the enemy. But my opinions changed slightly. He's growing on me" I said as I tried to hide my blush.
"You're not fooling anyone Sofia. He's made sure you have the best wine on the menu, food, security. You're smiling as you're talking about him. Come on girl, skip the bullshit. Have you fucked him" she asked almost giddily. "No" I said defensively as I hid behind a sip of my wine. "Really, Sofia that's so disappointing" she said deflated. "It'll happen though, it's part of our deal" I said as she looked at me confused. "They made me negotiate terms. To ensure I basically stay loyal. At least for a while. I'm not meant to say anything, but I'm basically his surrogate" I said as her eyes widened. "What" she shrieked. "Shhhh" I laughed at her as her eyes bulged. "The deal is that, if I provide an heir for Luca, they'll let me go. I could theoretically join the di Rossi or go my own way" I explained as she looked at me intently. "So you have a baby and then you leave" she said shocked. "Yeah, luca would be the father. And although I'm a biological mother I'm not forced to play a part" I said as she looked at me horrified. "Sofia, it's your baby. You'd want to see them grow, hey even if you flipped sides you'd be torturing yourself knowing you couldn't see them grow. Shit that's so fucked up" she said looking glum. "At the time, I wanted my freedom more than anything. I wanted the chance to be with you, with" I stopped myself. "With Marco" she raised a brow as I nodded. "You know, he's been in a foul mood ever since you left" she said as she popped a grape into her mouth.
"I doubt the two things correlate. I won't lie to you less, I feel really hurt by him" I said as the warmth in my brain began to take over. "He can be a total wanker." She mused. "He said he'd wait for me. Said he wanted me" I said as I looked down at my fingers. "Then yesterday" I gulped. "You we're not discreet" she said barely whispering. "I found out in the evening he has been sleeping with a hooker at some bar." I said as she gasped, "Marco" she found herself saying as I nodded. "Yeah, apparently he goes At least 4 times a week." I said as she tried to calculate it in her head. "He's a pig. Stick with Luca" she said. "And your unborn...Unconceived baby." She said as the waitress appeared and topped up our glasses again. "I never thought I'd even consider it. But given his behaviour, and his brothers. Maybe it would be best" I pondered as she pursed her lips.

"How are things with Leo. Is he awake" I asked worriedly. "Yeah, he just had concussion, apparently he woke up as I left." She said biting her lip. "Did you speak to him" I asked noticing her mood change. "Not really. I can't even look at him with out feeling betrayed. You know" she said sadly as I nodded, I totally knew the feeling. "What did you even argue about" I said probing her sadly. "It was stupid. He wanted to go to Italy for his stag do" she said rolling her eyes. "But I thought it was too far. He's only going for two days, and only a week before the wedding" she sighed sadly. "So you told him no" I assumed as she nodded. "It was silly, he's a free man and I have no right to dictate. But a week before we say I do, he'd be jetting off elsewhere" she said sadly. "So based off this one argument he went and got drunk and wanted to cheat" I asked as she shrugged before gulping her wine again. "I thought he had more loyalty" I said sadly as she nodded in agreement.
"And he definitely planned to sleep with her" I asked her to check. It seemed so silly given the argument was so easily rectified. "She was in his car, both drunk." She said giving me an 'obviously' look. "And? She could be a friend" I said for some reason defending him. "Or she's a hooker and he's cheating. Marco wasn't even surprised when she was found with him. It makes me think this is a common occurrence" she sighed glumly. "Have you asked Marco." I said plainly as she shook her head. "He's avoiding me like the plague" she said looking at her hands. "Maybe you need to speak to Leo. Find out what's actually going on, until then you won't get any clarity" I explained as she nodded wiping away a tear.
Reaching over I placed her hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze, ready to console her. As I went to speak, the sliding door to the restaurant was thrust open and a seething Marco stormed over. The waitress attempting to hold him back, telling him repeatedly he had no right to just walk in. In his limited defence, it was a public place.
Immediately Roberto and Antonio shot to their feet, aiming their guns at his moving head. "You step closer to her and I'll shoot" Antonio said fiercely. "In case you didn't know Toni, she's on my side" he spat at him as he looked him down, before drawing his own weapon and shooting Antonio in the foot, causing me to scream and duck, whilst Roberto held his hands up in defence.
Antonio continued to scream in pain, as Marco lunged for Alessia and hurled her over his shoulder. "Put her down" I said as I stepped behind him. He didn't respond so I ran further ahead, Roberto trying to hold me back. "Marco, I said put her down" I shouted infront of him as he smirked and shook his head at me. "I'm being deadly fucking serious Marco. I'm not in the mood for your games. Put. Her. Down" I said as he easily sidestepped me and continued walking off. "Are you fucking deaf" I screamed at him. "No Sofia. I'm sensible. In around two minutes luca will arrive and shoot me. Would you prefer that to me leaving with what's mine" he said almost humoured. "After what I've learnt recently, quite possibly. You don't just get to whisk in here and pull her away." I said enraged as Alessia fought against him. "The Marchetti telling lies about Me, how original. She's my property Sofia. Just like you are there's" he sneered as he went to walk off. "Lies? I'm not sure the blonde hooker you bedded last night would call them that" I called after him. "And she's not married him yet... now put her down" I screamed after him as he turned and looked at me a little paled. "Just because you fuck someone behind my back, it doesn't mean I don't find out. At least I told you I'd be fucking Luca. Now put her down before I loose my shit" I spat in a vile tone as he snarled slightly, his fists clenched. Instead of responding he choose to look away, carrying Alessia on his shoulder as I looked at him disgusted. He couldn't even say anything. I'd caught him red handed and he knew it. Pissed off, i ran behind him, grabbed Alessia's arm and pulled, trying to get her off his hold and halt him. "Don't fucking touch her Sofia" he spat at me as he whipped her around, her foot flying into my face causing me to recoil. My footing off kilter causing me to tumble. He looked at me from above, shook his head and then turned, picking a glass up in his wake and throwing on the floor harshly before he began retreating, taking a screaming Alessia with him.
As he left Roberto rushed over to me, helping to pick me up as he quickly assessed my face. "That'll be a corker in the morning" he smiled at me sadly. Standing up feeling bruised and humiliated I turned away from him and sulked back outside to check on Antonio, avoiding the broken shards of glass as I went.

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