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In seconds the room was empty. He still stood at the foot of the bed looking at me. "You know you don't have to go back" he said gently. "Believe me, I don't want to Marco. But you know as well as I do, that I can't live my life if I am not in that family. It'll only make this war worse" I said softly as he nodded. "I can protect you" he offered. "You can protect me in these four walls. Outside is a different story and you know it" I sighed. "I'm being selfish" he sighed. "I don't want to loose you to them either Sofia. I don't want to see them have that hold on you" he sighed. "I don't want to see them ruin you" he continued.

"We don't have a choice Marco. You know that if I don't agree to them, that I'll loose more than just Lenny and Mary. You know that they'll come after you and your family for protecting me. I can't do that to you all" I sighed sadly as I looked at my hands. His hand gently touched my cheek as he lifted his fingers under my chin. "You'll never be a burden to this family Sofia. You belong here as much as everyone else. Even when you go, you can always call upon us." He said gently. "Call upon me" he added as his lips glided on mine. "I'll be there, if you need me. Night or day, just say the word Sofia" he urged as I nodded slowly.

"Kiss me" I pleaded as he nodded and captured my lips with his firmly. His lips were soothing. Commanding as always and so immensely passionate I felt the world still. Only his lips made me feel this way. Only his lips gave me the sense of freedom I needed. And yet his lips would soon be out of bounds. "Sofia" he moaned on my skin. "You're meant to be resting" he said as my hand glided under his top. "I need this Marco. Show me how it should be" I begged as he dipped his head to kiss me once more. As he detached our lips again, he strolled over to the window and closed the blind before walking back and removing his top. "I want you to know, that if we had more time, I'd do this far more romantically Sofia. A hospital bed is hardly the place for love making" he whispered in my ear as a tingle shot through my spine. "Please" I begged him as his hand slid under my hospital gown, I expected to shiver at his touch but instead I melted against him. He felt safe, secure. He was what I needed. "Patience Sofia. I only get to do this once. I need to take my time" he breathed passionately against my shoulder as his hands hitched higher and fell over the skin on my most intimate area. "I forgot you don't wear underwear in surgery" he smirked as he kissed me softly. His fingers moving back over my folds, to a drenched pool just for him. "Fuck Sofia" he groaned as he parted our lips again before he slid a finger inside of me making me moan. "Good girl" he whispered in my ear before nibbling on my lobe. "You want another" he asked seductively as he gently added it to my core, thrusting gently as his thumb rubbed on my clit. "So fucking wet Sofia" he groaned blissfully as I moaned, arching my back at the sensation. "Does it feel good. Do I make you feel good" he quizzed. "Mhm" I moaned as he dipped his head and manoeuvred my breast into his mouth. Sucking on it I felt my back arch against him as my euphoria built.

"Marco" I moaned his name as he stopped and looked at me with a mischievous glint before dipping down further, spreading my legs up and licking between my folds. "Fuck" I moaned as I felt the sensation rise. "Don't cum" he ordered as he continued to lick and pulsate against me. "But" I stammered as the sensation grew. "No buts Sofia. You don't cum till I say" he said seriously as he withdrew his mouth and removed his shorts. Exposing himself to me. Hoisting me from my position on the bed, he moved me so that my feet dangled at the side, as he stood ready to enter me. "You don't cum till I say Sofia, you hear me" he ordered as he held me. "I hear you" I said as he edged into me, making me moan heavily. "Fuck" he moaned against my body as my arms went round his neck as he thrust into me. I felt like I was in another planet, one where all the stars had aligned and he was my sole focus. "Fuck baby" he groaned as sweat dribbled between our bodies

"Marco" I moaned into his neck. "That's it, keep my name on your tongue" he urged as he continued to thrust the tension in my core raising until he bit down on my shoulder affectionately. His hand on my nipple squeezing gently as he ordered my release.

It flooded me instantly as I melted against him. "Fuck Sofia" he said as he held me. "How am I supposed to let you go now" he said as he kissed me passionately. His face serious and sad. "You know it's the only way" I said glumly as he nodded. "I mean it though, you change your mind. Ever. You just call me." He promised as he held our two connected bodies. "You'll need to give me your number this time" I joked with him as he nodded. "You'll have to be discreet though. I can't have this falling into the wrong hands" he said seriously as I nodded. "Not only would it cause me issues, but it could make things worse for you" he said as he held me and kissed my temple.
"I know the risk. I'll only use it in an absolute emergency" I said sadly as he nodded with a serious expression. "Is there really nothing I can do to make you stay" he asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You know I have to" I sighed looking down at my feet. I didn't want too. He knew that. But I couldn't have the marchetti smoke bombing anyone else's homes.

"You need to make Lorenzo a deal. Promise loyalty on your terms" he said softly as he gently caressed my shoulders, the building tension lightening slightly. "What terms would they be" I asked curiously as I rested my head on his chest. "They let you see Alessia, with supervision. As and when you choose" he said firmly as his hands gently traced squiggles on my back. "They let you keep your business, they don't take ownership or shares" he continued. "You get to choose who you marry" he said with a heavy sigh. "You think they'd marry me off" I furrowed my brow as he nodded. "To Luca no doubt. He'll need a wife soon, Lorenzo will want heirs." He said with a heavy sigh. "Why don't you have heirs" I quizzed confused. Why would luca need them if Marco didn't. "If the line of succession stops at me, it'll go to Leo. If Leo doesn't procreate it'll go to Gio. Both are worthy. If luca doesn't have a son, the line stops" he explained simply. "What about Louisa" I queried innocently. "The line usually follows the males. A bit like in the royal family. Someone like Romero is likely to challenge if the line was left to Louisa" he added as I nodded.

"Romero" I mused as I thought about the ordeal back at home. "You know him" Marco asked raising a brow. "I don't know. One of the men. The one that put the knife in. He was called Ro" I said quietly, not sure whether I should be telling him or not. "What did he look like" Marco said seriously, eying me cautiously. "Marco" I sighed but he shook his head. "No, tell me" he said firmly as he held my head in his hands. "What does it matter? I have to go back there Marco." I said firmly as I backed away from him slightly. "I know. But it matters to me. I won't sleep knowing you're over there with someone who is happy to stab family. Just tell me, did he have tattoos on his face and neck" he said as he held me close to him, preventing us from separating. I nodded, I didn't want to say yes. Too scared of the consequences. "Thank you" he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. "Now, I promised Fran I'd make sure you rested." He said as he let me go and drew the blankets back to allow me back into my hospital bed. "I feel more alive than I have in a while" I mused as he smirked. "Good. Now rest up, I'll swing by in the morning before you leave" he said as he kissed my temple softly. "Can't you stay" I asked patting the space in the bed beside me. "No, I have work. And in any case, you need to rest, not be squished to death by me" he smiled warmly as I nodded. A part of me couldn't help but feel dejected. I'd just given myself to him and here he was leaving me alone in a hospital bed. But then I knew that for him work came first.

"Please don't look at me like a lost puppy" he smirked. "I'll be back in a few hours. You need to rest. It's the priority" he said warningly as I nodded. "I guess I can sleep peacefully for a few hours" I shrugged. "That's the spirit. Get Fran to call me when you wake up" he said as he kissed my cheek before walking out and leaving me in the slightly cold hospital room.

"Any reason you had to shut the blinds" Fran asked walking back in with a smile. "Marco wanted to talk, about the incident." I lied. "It didn't sound like talking" she smirked at me. "Fran" I groaned. "Calm down. You need to rest, you don't get to do that with Marco around." She smirked as I nodded lightly. Was it that obvious, or was it that he just did it so regularly. Sex I mean. Was he a womaniser who slept with everyone. Is that why Fran knew exactly what we were doing.

Deciding to take her advice I curled up into a ball and began to think about him. About when I'd next see him. About what tomorrow would bring. I couldn't shake the dread in my stomach. I knew my time was nearly up, and it scared me beyond belief. But at least I had him. His family. If only in spirit. But they'd be there and they'd help me through. I knew it.

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