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I woke suddenly, feeling a tightness in my neck. A panic in my lungs. I couldn't breathe. Snapping my eyes open I saw him, his face inches from mine. I couldn't scream even if wanted to, hell I couldn't even breathe. "You thought coming here would protect you" he sneered. "Telling Marco wasn't smart Sofia" he spat as his hands tightened, my eyes rolling back I didn't know whether I was about to have another seizure or die. As expected my world darkened again, finally it felt like my luck had run out.

I hadn't expected to open my eyes again, but when I did I panicked. Where was I. Where was he? "Breathe Sofia" Louisa's voice instructed as she came into view. "Help" I mumbled feeling panicked. "You're ok, I've got you" she said gently. "You had another seizure I think. I came in and you'd vomitted as you fitted." She explained as I closed my eyes. I couldn't leave them closed for long though, the image of waking up to Romero playing on my mind. "He's back" I whispered as she nodded. "He dropped some clothes off, I imagine that's what triggered the seizure" she said as I gulped. It would be better to make her believe that.
"You said you'd alert me if anything changed" Marcos voice boomed making me jump. "And I did, as soon as I had stabilised her" Louisa's voice said calmly back to him. Their relationship always amused me.

"She had another seizure" she confirmed to him as he approached me. "He was in here" Marco asked as i nodded. "What's the bruising on her neck" he asked as I gulped. "She had that before" Louisa said. "No it looks darker" Marco said seriously. "Bruises get darker" I shrugged as he scowled. "Stop covering for him" he spat. "Did he come in here" he asked firmly as I nodded. "Did he try and hurt you" he asked as I hesitated. "What did he say." He queried giving me a second chance. "He knows you know." I whispered as Marco roared before leaving.

"New rule" I heard his voice boom outside the door. "Only people to enter there are Luca, Alessia and I." He roared angrily as Luca came running in. "What's happened" he asked his sister. "Someone, likely the person who triggered the seizure had tried to strangle her. She has fresh bruising on her neck" Louisa sighed. "She's not staying here" Luca said hastily. "Calm down Luca. Think about this." She said to him. "She can't travel not like this, she needs constant monitoring. She is safer here then anywhere" she tried to reason. "I don't like the fact Marco is here calling the shots" Luca said firmly. "He's trying to protect me" I defended him. "I'm trying to do that god damn it." He roared as I flinched. "You can't protect me Luca. Not from this" I said quietly. "Not when you won't tell me." He countered annoyed. "If you don't start talking I'll send Marco away." He said firmly. "You're a fool if you do." I said as he took a ragged breath before storming out.
I sighed and dropped my head into the pillow with frustration. I stared up at the white ceiling for what felt like ages as I contemplated if I could ever tell luca. If I could ever be with Marco. If I wanted to be with Marco. If luca would be better. If either of them could protect me.
A sharp knock at the door alerted me from my thoughts, glancing at it I watched Lorenzo burst through. He looked angry. Tired, angry and just very pissed. "Start talking" he commanded as he stood at the end of the bed. "I have nothing to say. Not to you, or Luca, or Marco for that matter" I said firmly. "Well you needn't worry about Di Rossi, he has gone home. So now you can focus on telling us. Your family" he said authoritatively "I don't have anything to tell you. Whether Marco is here or not." I said defiantly. "His presence doesn't determine what I say. I don't need him, I certainly don't need you. Or your involvement" I hissed. "Sofia. You picked up those injuries on our soil. If I find a Di Rossi at the centre I will kill them instantly." Lorenzo scolded. "And if the perpetrator wasn't a Di Rossi" I quizzed. "Still dead. You're our most prized possession." He said a little softer. "Sure feels like it" I said closing my eyes with a sigh.
"You know we can protect you" Luca said glumly. "I can protect myself" I said as the door opened and Romero stuck his head through. "Hey boss, Di Rossi is back" he said with urgency as Lorenzo grunted. As Romero stood hesitantly by the door it took all my Will power not to think about him. Instead I turned to Luca. He looked shattered, broken almost. I didn't fully understand why. "Please talk to me" he said gently. "You know I can't." I said as he nodded looking at me worriedly. "Stay with her, I'll go sort out Di Rossi" Lorenzo said making me divert my eyes off Luca.

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