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We stood there for a minute longer, just staring at one another. He could order me dead and yet he had me bundled protectively in his arms. "Is your shoulder ok, I didn't mean to grab at it" he asked as he caressed my cheeks with his thumbs. "It'll be fine, I just need to rest" I gave him a small smile. "Let me walk you home" he reasoned as I nodded. I would rather walk with him than be alone and at risk.

"I should've told you" he said as he walked besides me. "As soon as you said Di Rossi. I should've told you" he sighed. "I won't lie. I panicked. I authorised the hit on Lenny Marchetti. I'm the reason you were shot. That and my men need better fucking target practice." He said firmly. "Hearing you talk about my family and what we'd done. How we'd hurt you. It hurt. I've never faced the consequences and yet here you are" he said throwing his hand through his hair. "So I'm a consequence" I said raising a brow. "Maybe more like a realisation. It's easy to tell my men to go and shoot someone. I think maybe I've become so numb I've stopped realising the impact." He said honestly as I nodded. "I'm glad I've improved your moral compass" I said with a slight gulp. "Can I ask a question" I asked as the house came into view as he nodded. "You said you know Louisa. But if your families hate each other how is that possible" I queried as he looked uncomfortable. "She does some medical work for me, off the record" he explained. "How does that work" I asked as he sighed. "She works, I pay her. Neither families know. They don't need too" he said as I nodded. "So if you and Louisa can be civil then surely both the families can be" I asked. Naturally I didn't want to feel like I was going to be shot by an Italian every time I left home. "It doesn't work like that Sophia" he sighed. "It's complicated." He added as I nodded reaching my front door. "Well until you all decide to stop killing each other I'm going to hibernate here" I said as I opened the door and turned so he couldn't follow me in.

"No one wants you dead Sofia." He sighed looking firm. "You nearly killed me. Intentional or not. I'd rather hibernate so I'm not caught in any crossfire" I said diplomatically. "You have to live your life Sofia." He said seriously as he looked at me with his typical frown. "My heart is beating. I'm a live" I said defiantly. "A beating heart means nothing, let me know if you ever want to really live" he said as he looked at me deeply before sighing and leaving my door. I watched as he walked, almost aggressively over to his Ferrari. As he opened the door, I closed mine not wanting to stare at him a minute longer.

He knew how to rile me up, he knew how to press my buttons. Worst of all he seemed like a professional emotion fucker, tormentor and player. Atleast with Luca I knew where I stood. Well away from his bitchy sister.

Louisa's involvement with both families and peeked my curiosity. I wonder if it was common knowledge that she was dabbling on both sides of the line. Finding that I needed a distraction, I sat at my table, the one Gio had been laid out on only days ago and began to sketch.

I found myself lost in the flow of my pencil on paper as I sketched harsh lines in dynamic swooshes. I began to shade and find contrast in the design as I tilted my head from left to right getting lost in my work. I didn't know why I was designing a dress, I certainly didn't have a client after anything so harshly cut and I didn't have the need for it, but I couldn't stop imagining it.

The way the material would cover only the most essential of parts, the way the material would contrast harshly with flesh. The way the slit would meet the net, the way it would so perfectly provide contrast. It would be elegant in a sultry way. Modest yet so incredibly bold. The beauty was the woman, not the dress.

After finishing the sketch I went to go and look at that materials I had, on my way to my store cupboard filled with rolls of material I noticed an envelope sat on my doormat. It hadn't been there when I had arrived home and I could only imagine I had been so engrossed I'd missed the delivery.

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