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I thought that lying in bed next to luca was the sensible option. I had all but agreed to no sex, despite the contract. Yet here we both were, laying next to each other, barely touching as we contemplated how to converse in awkward silence. "The weathers meant to be nice tomorrow" he said casually as he laid looking at the ceiling whilst I copied. Our eyes were no doubt both glancing at the markings on the ceiling as we tried to undo any awkwardness. "I thought you wanted to get to know me, not my weather predicting skills" I tried to chuckle lightheartedly. "Depends how good your skills are? That guy on the BBC is always wrong" he continued as I smiled slightly. At least if nothing else, he had managed to get a small smile from me this evening. A huge achievement given the peculiar circumstances.
"Doubt I'd be much better. Aside from assessing peoples wind speed guessing skills, what else do you like to do" I asked him inquisitively. "The job takes up most of my time" he said simply. "So that's how we're playing it" I mused as he turned to glance at me skeptically. "I'm not playing a game here Sofia" he said with a furrowed brow. "I beg to differ, you're playing the I'll give her the minor details, get her to arms length, but not too close" I said as I continued to stare up at the ceiling.
"Would you prefer me to say that I often find myself killing men, transporting drugs and sending death threats to waste men" he asked firmly, a harsh tone to his voice. "I'd appreciate honesty. If this is going to work I need to trust you Luca, or at least feel like I can" I said dejected as he paused and slumped down on the bed. "It works both ways" he sighed. "I get that, that's why i thought this would help, but it won't if we both don't open up" I said frustrated as I turned to him, his eyes fixed ahead in sheer concentration.
"Football" he said simply. "I like to watch it, used to play but it has only ever been a fun kick around" he shrugged as I found a smile on my face. "Do you support a particular team" I asked inquisitively. "Not especially, growing up I was a huge united fan, but who wasn't at that time. It was like a golden era" he said simply as I nodded sweetly. "I don't think I've ever watched a football match" I contemplated as his eyes widened. "You mean live?" He asked but I shook my head, "like at all" I corrected as he looked back at me horrified. "Looks like well be adding that to our agenda" he stated before smiling. "As if you've never seen a game" he continued. "Never had a reason too" I shrugged as he nodded simply.

"Your mum wasn't into sport either" he queried. "Erm i guess not, she enrolled me into gymnastics when I was younger, and ballet. But I stopped that when I was younger." I shrugged. "Why'd you stop" he asked curiously. "It reminded me of her. She was so keen for me to do it, I just. I couldn't bare it after she died" I said sombrely as he looked at me with worriedly. "It wasn't your passion?" He asked, "it felt like it was hers. That's really when I started to consider a career in fashion, I found myself drawing all the time and messing about with material from my performance outfits" I explained. "Sometimes now I look back and wish I'd carried on, At least with the gymnastics. It was always a good outlet for me" I sighed as I fiddled with the hem of my top. "If mum had of had her way I'd be competing at the next olympics or something" I chuckled as he let me waffle on.
"I'm sure she's proud regardless" he said softly with a level of pity that I winced at. "I'm not so sure a failed fashion designer who is about to get knocked up was high on her agenda for me luca" I tried to laugh whilst he just frowned. "You're not a failed designer, you create so many beautiful things" he countered. "Yet I barely made enough last month to break even. Your dads invested in me and that's huge but I have no clue how to improve business" I shrugged. "You should do some sort of showcase" he said easily making me chuckle. "I am not a model" I said quickly. "I beg to differ, but you could hire models. You'd just host the event" he shrugged as I pondered the thought. "Think about it, dad has plenty of contacts he could invite. It would help spread the word" he shrugged easily. "I guess, but none of my pieces are catwalk worthy" I sighed but he shook his head. "That gold ball gown belongs on the catwalk Sofia." He said as he moved a stray hair from my face. "And failing that, it would look knockout on you" he said as he rested his hand on my cheek.
"It saddens me that you don't realise how god damn beautiful you are" he said firmly. "I haven't felt beautiful in a long time luca. It's hard to love yourself when you blame yourself for your pain" I gulped as I tried to contain my emotion. "Then let me show you" he said softly. "Prove to you, that you're beautiful" he mused. "Prove that you're beauty isn't to blame" he said as he sat up besides me, leaning his hands against the bed for support as his torso twisted to face me. "I don't think it's as easy as you make it sound luca" I gulped but he shook his head. "Think positively" he said as he stood up and pulled me up with him. He walked us over to the far side of the room and stood me in front of a mirror. My skin felt pale, my eyes look tired. I had neglected myself for so long.
He started by taking my hair out of its ponytail. Allowing my curls to bounce at my shoulders instead of being scraped back for practicality. Next he slipped my feet from my shoes, allowing my feet to make contact with the cold floor. I waited for him to undress more with trepidation, sure we had seen each other naked now. But this felt far more intimate.
Cradling his arms around me, he slowly lifted my t shirt. It had hidden my scars, my shape and my body well, but now he was pulling it off me. Standing in the mirror I could barely look at the pink scar on my abdomen. Instead I looked down at the floor. "It doesn't define you" he said as his hands reattached to my skin, lowering against my stomach until he unclipped my jeans and lowered those also. I was stood in my underwear, on the cusp of shaking. This was almost humiliating. I hated looking at myself. At what I had become. Instead of peeling my bra and pants away, he stood behind me, pulling my body against his as he held me close, his hands enveloping me as he kissed my shoulder gently.
"It hurts knowing you don't think you're beautiful. Knowing you think so little of yourself Sofia" he said between kisses. I could feel heat in my cheeks as his kisses closed in on my neck and below my ear. His hands still firmly planted on my sides as he held me close, the warmth of his body keeping me warm. "I wouldn't kiss anyone I didn't think was beautiful" he said in my ear. "I certainly wouldn't undress someone I didn't think was drop dead gorgeous" he continued as his right hand brushed up my stomach and slipped just under the wiring of my bra. "I wouldn't want to procreate with anyone who wasn't perfect" he continued. "You are everything I want Sofia. Everything and more" he rasped as his fingers flickered higher in my bra, cupping me. Caressing. "I just need you to believe it too" he begged as his hand gently squeezed my breast making a gentle moan slip through my lips.
"I want to make you feel good" he said as his other hand slipped lower on my hip and into my panties. "You just have to trust me Sofia" he said heartily as he trailed his tongue along my shoulder and allowed the air to tingle across it. I could feel my heart accelerating. Both in trepidation and want. His hands were still exploring, caressing over my skin, squeezing against my intimate parts to make small gasps and moans leave my lips. "So god damn beautiful" he rasped as he removed his left hand from my panties and turned me to face him.

My cheeks warm and face flustered. But that didn't stop him from claiming my lips on his. I felt his hands holding my hips and ushering me backwards. I was pinned against the cold mirror, my flesh imprinting on it, as he made my whole body warm. I hadn't felt so wrapped up in warmth by anyone since my mother used to hold me in her arms. He was so tentative and endearing. Unlike Marco who was more wanton and dominating. The two men were so utterly different and it muddled my brain. Here I was being taken care of by one man, whilst my brain wandered to another.

"You taste so perfectly sweet" he hummed against me, before his hands lowered to my ass, cupping them as I raised myself into his arms and placed my lips back on his. I needed to stop thinking about Marco. I needed to focus on making a baby so I could go back to him. I needed this. "Fuck Sofia" he groaned as I wound my hands into his hair, as my legs circled his waist. As he squeezed my ass cheek once more I moaned through the kiss as he dipped his tongue into my mouth. My heart stammering in my chest as I couldn't focus on anything but him and how good his hands felt. One of them now scooping lower and under me, pressing against the cotton of my panties. "Fuck Sofia" he rasped when he felt the cool heat of my desire. "So fucking wet" he groaned as he pressed his finger against my core, only separated by the cotton of my underwear. "Utter perfection" he mumbled against my lips as his finger continued to gently rotate on my underwear as he pressed on my core. "Luca" I moaned as he did so, a small chuckle escaping he his lips. "Does that feel good sweetheart" he rasped as he moved his head and sucked below my ear. "Mhmm" I moaned. "You're the definition of perfection Sofia" he whispered as he continued to palm me. "Don't ever think different" he continued as he reconnected our lips and kissed me deeply. I felt my whole body coming undone against him as he caressed, held and squeezed me tight. I hadn't felt so wanted in a long time. Not even with Marco.

After my breath regained normality, I lifted my head off his shoulder, as he continued to hold my body against his. His hands supporting my ass as I continued to stay wrapped around him. "Better" he asked as he looked at me searching. "Better" I nodded as he smiled brightly. "Good" he said as he kissed my nose. "Let's get you back to your room" he said as he began walking me to the door. "I'm half dressed luca" I giggled as he smirked. "I don't care, I want everyone to see how perfect you are" he said defiantly as I smiled softly, if not slightly worriedly. It was one thing letting luca see me, but a stranger?

As he walked me along the corridor I found my breathing getting heavier, more anxious. As we reached my door I felt a sigh of relief. No one had seen us. No one had seen me. "You can release that death grip now" he chuckled slightly as he flicked the light on. It revealed my hand on his shoulder, clawing it. "I'm sorry" I gasped looking at the red mark. "Don't sweat" he shrugged as he placed me down on the bed. "I've marked you" I said horrified. "I'm sure you'll be doing a lot worse soon" he smirked as I blushed slightly. "Now get some sleep, you have a fashion show to organise in the morning" he said as he placed a kiss on my nose again before walking to the door. "Luca" I called after him. He stopped instantly and looked back at me. "Thank you" I said with a soft smile as he nodded before swiftly exiting.

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