When Journeys End and Lives Begin

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This story begins one day after the previous chapter ends. Ash and Serena have traveled to Pallet Town and plan to meet with Delia and Professor Oak before traveling around Kanto, together. What adventures lie ahead for our heroic couple?

The sun was shining over another beautiful day in Pallet Town. The gently rolling green hills were dotted with trees and small houses. Various Pokémon moved about the ground and flew through the sky. The entire vista was the epitome of peace and homeliness.

At the edge of town, Ash Ketchum crested the top of a hill and looked down on the tranquil setting. He spent a moment taking in the sight of his home town, then looked to his right as Serena stepped up alongside of him. The two of them stood on the dirt road, a mild breeze sending their hair and clothes fluttering.

Pikachu hopped forward in front of Ash's feet and looked up at his trainer. "Pika-Pika!" the Pokémon spoke eagerly, pointing toward the Ketchum house in the distance.

Ash smiled at Pikachu. "Yep, we're finally home," he said, his voice full of relief and satisfaction.

Serena closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, savoring the moment. "So this is where the world's greatest Pokémon trainer lives," she said, opening her eyes and glancing over at Ash.

Ash chuckled as Serena again used the line the journalists had repeated again and again. "Yeah, this is where I grew up. Pretty great huh?"

Serena slowly turned her head, viewing the entire panorama. "It reminds me of Vaniville Town, but a lot more spread out and open." She looked back at Ash. "I can see why you like it here."

Ash looked pleased. "Come on! If we hurry we can see Professor Oak and maybe make it to Viridian City before it gets dark." With that, Ash started jogging toward Pallet Town with Pikachu at his heels; both of them following the road they'd been traveling on.

Serena smiled at Ash's behavior. He was as energetic as ever. She shifted her carrying bag so it was slung behind her back and tightened the strap to keep it secure. She then started running after them, feeling a wave of memories from when she'd done the exact same thing so many times while they'd been in Kalos.

They moved quickly across the sparsely populated town. As he ran, Ash greeted the people he saw and they immediately shouted praise and accolades in response. It seemed that news of Ash's victory at the Masters Tournament had spread throughout Pallet Town. Everyone they met knew Ash was the new Monarch. Ash looked surprised and embarrassed at how he was suddenly being treated like royalty.

After a few minutes of running, Ash slowed and came to a stop in front of a small, humble house with a white picket fence surrounding it. He stepped to the edge of the walkway and turned to Serena.

"Well, here it is. This is my home."

Serena stepped so she was beside Ash and took in the sight of the house. Before now she'd envisioned Ash's house several different ways, but nothing she'd thought of had looked quite like this. She supposed it was only appropriate that Ash, a young man with an unassuming exterior, who possessed such strength, courage and kindness, would hail from a home that was equally unassuming. No one would ever guess that the Pokémon champion of the world lived here.

Serena turned her head to look at Ash and saw just a hint of apprehension in his expression. She smiled and spoke in a kind and loving tone.

"It's wonderful. It's a real home, not just a house. This is somewhere a person can be happy."

Ash smiled at Serena's words and walked toward the front door of the house. He simply opened the unlocked door and glanced around inside.

"Hey mom, I'm home," he called out, taking a few steps into the house.

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