A Mix-Up in Paradise

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This chapter takes place a few days after the previous one. The winter in Pallet Town is bitterly cold and Serena is feeling a bit chilled. What will happen when an opportunity to travel to Alola presents itself?

I hope you enjoy this fun and lighthearted chapter!

Professor Cerise slowly walked into the side room attached to the main laboratory of Cerise Labs. It was the end of another typical day and he felt ready to head home. As he walked, he glanced at the trio of tan, Sandshrew eggs sitting securely on the raised platform in the middle of the room. Chloe's current project had gone another day without any activity. He looked to the side at his maroon haired daughter and found her sitting at a desk, slowly tapping at the keyboard of a computer. He smiled as pride filled his heart but he also felt a little tinge of sadness. Things weren't the same at their house since Chloe had moved to her own apartment. He stepped toward his grown-up girl and opened his mouth to speak.

"Any success on that Dugtrio research, Chloe?" he said in a friendly voice.

Chloe absently tapped at the keyboard a couple more times before turning her head toward her father. "Not really," she groaned, propping her chin up on the palm of her left hand. "No matter what repellants I try, they just dig right past the barriers."

The Professor frowned for a moment and then put on a happy face. "Well, at least you're finding what doesn't work," he said.

Chloe made a sour face. "Mmm, hmm," she hummed unhappily.

Chloe's father gestured toward the Sandshrew eggs. "Anything going on with our guests?" he said.

Chloe sighed again. "Nope, nothing," she moped, glancing toward the eggs. "They're still paperweights."

Professor Cerise hesitated for a moment. Things were currently slow at the lab and he wished there was more exciting work he could give his daughter. He finally smiled and spoke in an upbeat voice.

"Well, at least they're being well cared for," he said.

"Mmmmm," Chloe hummed while maintaining a flat expression.

Silence hung in the air for an awkward moment. Then, the eggs all started to brightly glow! The Professor turned toward the eggs and smiled. Chloe straightened up and grunted in surprise.

"Huh, that's way ahead of schedule," the maroon haired girl said.

Professor Cerise eagerly clasped his hands together and stepped up to the raised platform. "Ah, looks like these three little ones are eager to get out into the world!"

Chloe spun around in her chair and a small smile pulled at her lips. She peered at the glowing eggs with her green eyes and waited. More light flashed from the eggs and suddenly there was some movement. A moment later, the light began to fade and three curled up Sandshrew were revealed. Their eyes were closed, their faces pinched and their smooth backs a shade of bright, pale blue!

Looks of utter confusion took hold of Chloe and her father. They stared wide-eyed and speechless at, not the traditional sand-colored variety, but a trio of slightly bulkier Alolan Sandshrew.

"Huh?" Professor Cerise finally grunted.

"That's not how that works..." Chloe said absently.

Chloe's father scratched at his chin for a few moments before leaning toward the newly hatched Pokémon. "Well, you're full of surprises, aren't you," he said in a friendly voice.

All of the Sandshrew turned toward Professor Cerise and blinked their eyes. The professor smiled warmly and chuckled.

"Welcome, I'm Professor Cerise and this is‑"

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