Butting Heads and Breaking Hearts: Part 3

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This chapter is a direct continuation of the previous part. If you haven't read parts 1 and 2, you should do so, otherwise stuff in here won't make sense.

Fair warning to all: there's some awkward teenage conversations in here. It's all done in good taste though so don't worry about anything over-the-line.

I hope you enjoy the third and final part of this chapter. If you have a comment, don't hesitate to leave it.

Pikachu arose roughly thirty minutes before sunrise. The small Pokémon spent a few moments stretching before he hopped out of bed and moved to check on Ash. His big buddy was sleeping soundly and didn't appear to be hurting anymore. Pikachu smiled at seeing the improvement in his trainer and then quietly padded out of the room and headed downstairs. With Ash unable to do his usual morning routine, Pikachu had taken it upon himself to make sure things got done. He set out into the reserve and made tracks for the forested area.

His first stop was a collection of burrows where a couple families of Minccino and Cinccino lived. After a brief argument, Pikachu convinced the overly tidy Pokémon to perform the tasks of cleaning and tidying parts of the reserve.

Pikachu then headed to the lake area, where the water Pokémon were still sleeping soundly. After some convincing, and a small shock to a particularly uncooperative Lombre, the water-types fanned out into the reserve to deliver water where it was needed.

So it went for the next half-hour. Pikachu crisscrossed the reserve, convincing and cajoling the residents to help Ash out. As the sun began to rise above the horizon, Pikachu returned to the main building, just in time to see his trainer's future mate crest the top of the stairs leading up from the road below. Pikachu didn't understand why humans always made relationships so complicated. Love was a simple and beautiful thing; why couldn't they see that?

The electric mouse waited by the front door as Serena approached.

"Hey Pikachu," Serena said with a smile. "You're up early."

Pikachu gave a happy reply and dashed inside once Serena had opened the door. She set her handbag on the table, slipped off her shoes and quietly walked upstairs. Serena moved to the entrance of Ash's room and silently looked in on him. He was still asleep, so Serena smiled and returned downstairs.

"Have you had breakfast yet Pikachu?" Serena said once they reached the kitchen.

Pikachu shook his head and gave a negative reply.

Serena smiled and reached into her handbag. She produced a Poké puff and handed it to Ash's Pokémon.

"Enjoy," Serena said sweetly.

Pikachu did just that and happily bit into the tasty treat.

While Pikachu consumed the Poké puff, Serena moved to the stove and began preparations for cooking breakfast. She hummed softly as she worked with a couple of pans and started spicing the food as it began to sizzle. After twenty minutes the meal was finished. Serena put together two plates and headed upstairs to Ash's room.


Ash was sitting on the side of his mattress when he heard Serena ascending the stairs. He'd woken up a few minutes earlier and was still wearing his pajamas. He'd tried using his right side and found that while there wasn't as much pain as yesterday, all his muscles were extremely tight and very tender. Serena had been correct; there was no chance he could work today.

Serena entered the room and smiled happily upon seeing Ash. She was wearing her usual blue shorts and red sports bra. Her hair was loose and messily hung down to her shoulders. Ash supposed she looked about as close to unkempt as she ever got. Despite the lack of styling, Ash thought Serena still looked beautiful. There was so much life and happiness inside her, it didn't matter what she wore; she always looked amazing.

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