Forward to the Future!

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This chapter takes place a couple days after the last chapter with Ash and Serena.

The kids are finally returning to Pallet town and soon Ash will learn about Paul and his gym. Meanwhile, in Kalos, Serena is about to compete in her first showcase. What will happen and will she win?!

Content warning! There's some descriptions of adult activity in this chapter and a few adult conversations.

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Kiawe hefted a large bag of Pokémon feed up onto his shoulder and glanced back at Charizard. His Pokémon was easily carrying the other five bags in the order, holding them against its sides with its arms. With a grin, the man from Alola started walking around the main building so he could store the new supplies in the shed.

As he rounded the side of the building, Kiawe caught sight of Ash returning from working with some of the forest dwelling bug Pokémon. Ash's Charizard was walking a few steps behind him. Trainer and Pokémon had some stray threads of sticky String Shot clinging to them. Ash had told him that they were going to clear out a part of the forest which had been gummed up with webbing and was nearly impassable. It seemed that they had been successful.

"Hey, Ash," Kiawe called out, directing a nod his way.

Ash waved in response and came to a stop next to the shed. Kiawe stepped up to the closed door and set the bag of Pokémon food on the ground. The dark skinned man from Alola then turned to his friend and spoke in an eager voice.

"They just dropped off the shipment of Pokémon food. They also brought more construction supplies for the house."

Ash smiled. "Hey, that sounds great. They should be bringing a bunch of railroad ties tomorrow along with the usual stuff."

Kiawe looked a little surprised. "Railroad ties?" he said in a perplexed tone.

Ash nodded. "Yeah, we had a pretty big storm about a month ago. There was a landslide in the valley near the lake. There's still a bunch of debris there I need to clear and after that I'm planning to build a retaining wall to keep it from happening again."

Kiawe smiled and nodded in approval. "That sounds like a good idea."

While Ash and Kiawe talked about the work to be done, Kiawe's Charizard looked over at Ash's specimen. The two fire type's eyes met and Kiawe's creature smiled in a sly fashion before it let out a deep, confident grunt. It hefted the heavy bags of Pokémon food under its arms, allowing its powerful muscles to bulge in the process. The Pokémon from Alola relished that it was currently carrying a heavy load while Ash's beast had just returned from the laughable work of singeing spider webs.

Ash's Pokémon grunted in indignation and raised an eyebrow. It was never one to back down from a challenge, no matter how small.

Ash opened up the door of the shed and the two men started lugging the bags of food inside. It was another hot day and Kiawe was wearing only his shorts. Ash was wearing his usual blue shirt but had switched to shorts for a change. Both of them were sweating by the time the job was finished.

Ash secured the shed and let out a satisfied sigh. "Okay, we just need to see about some food for the steel types and then I think I'll do a bit more work on the house."

Kiawe pursed his lips and thought for a moment. In the few days he'd been working on the reserve he'd learned about dozens of Pokémon and how to care for them. Ash had been teaching him nonstop. His respect for his friend from Kanto had grown immensely and he was eager to help him out in any way he could. Because he was essentially Ash's student, Kiawe felt a little bashful over boldly speaking up; however, he swallowed his nerves and did so.

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