Stepping Out For a Kalos Connection: Part 2

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This chapter immediately follows the previous one. What will happen to Serena, Shauna, Lisia and Miette?!

Content warning! There's more edgy conversations, innuendo and raunchy exchanges contained here.

I hope you enjoy!

Miette grinned from ear-to-ear as her gaze lingered at ground level before rising up to Raoul's face. "So, this is the guy you've been telling us about!" she said energetically.

Lisia giggled and waved for her man to come over and sit next to her. He did so and plopped down into a chair next to Lisia. He ran his hand over her shoulder and gently traced his fingers down her arm. The turquoise haired girl glanced at Raoul and at her other friends, looking embarrassed and excited.

"Yoo are loooking beeautiful tonight, Leesah!" Raoul said in a low voice.

Lisia grinned and leaned her head against Raoul's shoulder. "Awwww," she cooed.

Serena looked over at the happy couple and couldn't help but smile. She felt a warmness in her heart at seeing a woman being graced with affection by her man. She wished Ash was here to do the same to her.

Moments later, Shauna returned to the table. She sat down next to Serena and slid a glass of non-bubbling, clear liquid over to her.

"Here, it's just water," she said.

Serena nodded and grunted. She grasped the glass in her hands, pulled it close and began sucking on the straw. After several slurps, she gasped in relief and looked at Shauna.

"Thankss, Shauna!" she wheezed. "Yoou're a really good friend!"

The coco skinned girl sent Serena a subtle smile. "Sure, no problem."

Serena turned back to her water and took a few more slurps. The drink didn't clear her head but it did make her feel a bit better. She sighed again and closed her eyes so she could rest for a moment. As she sat there, she heard Raoul say something in a low voice and Lisia chortle in response. She opened her eyes and looked over at the two of them.

Raoul was leaning close to Lisia. He had his nose nuzzling against her left ear and his lips were tickling her earlobe. Lisia's face was flushed red and she looked very bashful. Serena felt a little bit of embarrassment at taking in the sight. She didn't like to be a voyeur, but it seemed this place was a den of flagrant, romantic activity. Serena finally sighed and spoke up in a kind voice.

"You two are so cute!" she said.

Raoul flashed Serena a smile while Lisia giggled. "Thanks!" the turquoise haired girl replied. She looked at Raoul and he gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. He whispered another sultry phrase to her and she began to snigger. She nervously glanced at Serena and back at Raoul.

"So.... Serena?!" Lisia squeaked, blushing a little as she spoke.

"Hmmm," Serena replied.

Lisia grinned broadly and glanced at Raoul. "I heard you say that you and Ash haven't been together yet."

Serena sniggered, feeling a little embarrassed being asked a question about her and Ash's intimate life, even if she'd been the one to bring it up earlier. "Yeah, that's right," she replied.

Lisia, again, looked nervous. She turned a deeper shade of red and spoke in a naughty tone. "So, have you ever heard of Cupid's Cradle?"

Serena thought for a moment and shook her head. "Nope," she replied.

Miette grunted in interested. "Oh, I like the sound of this," she said, shifting over to a seat closer to Lisia.

Lisia nervously chewed on her lower lip before continuing. So, Raoul showed it to me a few weeks ago. I think you might like to try it with Ash."

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