Home is Where the Mother Lives: Part 1

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This chapter takes place about two weeks after the end of the previous one. Ash and Serena are now officially in a relationship and it's time for them to tell their mothers. How will Delia react when she learns her son has a girlfriend? Additionally, Serena hasn't been entirely honest with her mother about what she's been doing. How will Grace react when she learns Serena has been living in Pallet Town for all this time?

This story is broken up into two parts. I hope you enjoy. If you have a comment, please type it up.

Ash stared at his reflection in the mirror, trying to decide if his outfit was 'nice' but not 'too nice.' He was currently wearing a dark blue polo shirt and black pants. He crossed his arms and frowned. This was a really important night; he had to make sure everything was just right.

"What do you think Serena?" he said.

Serena was seated on Ash's bed, just a few steps away from where he was standing. She was wearing an elegant cream colored blouse with a medium-length rose hued skirt. She'd arranged her hair into a neat pair of braids which encircled the top of her head like a crown. "I think you look fine Ash. Just like the last two outfits."

Ash continued to fret and Serena smiled in amusement. He almost never worried much about his appearance. She was the one always concerned with looking her best. The reversal of roles was very humorous.

"Maybe if I switched back to the other shirt....."

Serena rose from the bed and swiftly stepped to Ash's side. She gently clasped a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face her. "You look fine. Come on, we're going to be late."

Serena then very obviously presented her arm for Ash to take. Ash smiled and did so. The two of them then walked out of his room and headed downstairs.

They left via the front door of the main building and descended the stairs to the roads of Pallet Town. It was early evening and the sun still had a way to go before it would meet the horizon. Nonetheless, the sky was starting to turn a bright orange and it caused the two of them to cast long shadows as they turned onto the road which let to the Ketchum household.

As they walked, Serena noticed that Ash's gait was very stiff and he was clearly nervous.

"Everything will be fine, Ash," she said in a reassuring voice. "You don't need to worry."

Ash made an apprehensive face and replied in a dubious tone. "I don't know Serena. This is going to be such a big change. I just hope she'll be okay."

Serena smiled and spoke sweetly. "I'm sure your mom will be really happy Ash! She's really liked having me there at the house."

Ash looked unconvinced. "Yeah, but we've just been friends up 'til now. Now that we're together, what is she gonna think?!"

Serena laughed softly and leaned her shoulder against Ash. "She's going to think it's great that her son is growing up."

Ash let out an uncertain groan but said nothing.

Serena waited a few seconds and then spoke again. "Did you finally get that big speech figured out?"

For the last week, Ash had been trying to figure out how to break the news of his and Serena's relationship to his mother. Despite Serena's repeated reassurances, he was incredibly nervous.

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at Ash's old home. They could see through the windows that Delia was busy inside preparing dinner. Ash paused in front of the walkway, took a breath and then continued to the front door. He knocked and then waited as Delia eagerly moved to open the door.

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