The Good, the Bad and the Slutty

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This chapter takes place a few days after the previous one. The Alola crew is heading to Saffron City and Ash is left alone on the reserve to take care of things. An unexpected female visitor will soon turn things upside down for our hero and his Pokémon!

A small content warning here. There's some sultry language and some innuendo contained within. However, you'll probably be laughing to hard to notice. This chapter is all about humor!

I hope you enjoy!

Mimo leaned out the door of the Ketchum residence and looked down the dirt road. A sharp hiss of air sounded as the bus came to a stop and its doors opened up.

"Come on, guys!!" she barked. "We're gonna miss the bus!!"

Mimo turned words to action and dashed out the door toward the squat and long, four-wheeled vehicle. Lana followed on her heels a moment later. Kiawe reached the doorway but paused and turned back around.

"MALLOW!!" he cried out desperately.

Inside, the green-haired girl was chortling and making her way toward the door. Beside her was Delia, doting on her like she was her daughter.

"Now, make sure you enjoy these sandwiches," Ash's mom said in a mindful tone. "You're always feeding everyone else but not eating yourself."

Mallow smiled. "Okay, I will!" she said in a happy yet bashful voice. "Thanks so much for loaning me your coat!"

Delia smiled. "I'm happy to do it. I hope you find everything you're looking for."

Kiawe tensely glanced between the bus and the girl he cared for. "MALLOW!!" he squawked.

Mallow slung a small satchel over her neck and shoulder before waving goodbye to Delia. "Thanks so much!!" she said energetically.

Delia smiled back. "Anytime," she said happily. "Stay safe!"

Mallow glanced between Kiawe and Delia before she took a few quick strides and headed for the bus. She shrugged her shoulders so the magenta colored winter coat surrounding her settled evenly over her body.

"It sure was nice of Delia to let me borrow this," she commented to Kiawe.

Kiawe nodded and urged Mallow to walk faster. "Yeah it was!" he said. "I'm glad you're not going to be cold anymore."

Mallow chuckled. "Yeah, if I didn't have this, I'd probably have to lean against you to keep warm while we're in Saffron City.

Kiawe's eyes widened and a small whimper of dismay emanated from him in sad realization. Suddenly he wished Delia hadn't loaned Mallow the coat.

Mallow playfully elbowed Kiawe's muscular side. The dark skinned man from Alola had deviated from his usual form and was wearing a red and black, flannel, long-sleeved shirt. He'd done it to keep warm as the temperature in Kanto had continued to slowly drop.

"You're always so hot-blooded, Kiawe, but If you weren't wearing that, you'd probably have to lean against me to get warm," she said with amused irony.

Another pathetic whimper escaped Kiawe's throat. It seemed like fate was determined to endlessly tease him with the most beautiful girl on the planet.

Within a few seconds they'd reached the bus. Mimo and Lana had already gotten onboard and Kiawe and Mallow had to wait for a few other passengers to get on and disembark before they could climb up the small set of stairs into the vehicle. A pair of chattering tourists with cameras slung around their necks got off followed by a woman surrounded with a large, black, trench coat. The two friends from Alola then climbed up the stairs and glanced around for Lana and Mimo. Kiawe spotted them on the left side of the bus, halfway toward the back.

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