Polishing Serena's Hourglass

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This chapter takes place roughly two weeks after the previous one. Ash and Serena and going to have dinner together after a hard day's work. Things will get heated as Ash's hands start to explore the girl he loves. What will happen when their amorous activities move to the couch?

Content warning! There are some steamy actions and some suggestive language contained in this chapter.

I hope you enjoy!

The last rays of sunlight washed over the construction site for Ash and Serena's new house. The two Pokémon trainers cast very long shadows as they carried the final sill plate into position and set it down on top of the newly cured concrete foundation. The two of them struggled to get the large board to seat into place and Serena eventually had to sit on top of it while Ash bolted it down. Serena chuckled as Ash worked and then smiled when he finished the final step of their latest phase of construction.

She slid off the sill plate and moved next to Ash. Each of them wrapped an arm around the other and admired the work they'd gotten done. The house was coming together. They looked at the large pile of lumber which lay off to the side. Soon they would start building the frame of the house......... but that would have to wait until tomorrow. Right now, they needed a shower and then some food.

The two of them turned toward the main building and walked hand-in-hand until they reached the back door. Ash then paused and turned toward Serena.

"I think we did pretty good today," he said in a satisfied tone.

Serena nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Won't be long and we'll be putting up a roof."

Ash raised an eyebrow. "Well, we've got a few things to do before then."

Serena cocked her head and shrugged. "Mmmm, doesn't hurt to dream about the future."

Ash smiled and leaned down to plant a small kiss on Serena's lips. "No, it sure doesn't," he whispered.

Serena smiled warmly and turned to go inside. It had been a productive day, but they were ready for a rest.

The first stop for Ash and Serena was the bathroom. Both of them were dirty and needed to shower. Serena went first and gathered her change of clothes before teasingly shooing Ash out of the room. He chuckled and sat down outside while Serena took a quick shower. His girlfriend was soon finished and he heard her briefly run the hairdryer before she exited the bathroom.

Ash stood up and prepared to switch places with her but was shocked when the door opened and revealed Serena wearing only her shorts and a cream colored bra.

Ash gawked for a moment at the sight of Serena's beautiful torso before he was able to speak.

"Uhhhhh, Serena?" he managed.

Serena looked down at herself then up at Ash and shrugged nonchalantly. "I didn't really like this shirt," she said, waving, in her hand, the t-shirt she'd gotten earlier.

Ash remained frozen for a moment and Serena smirked. "Shower's open," she said curtly. She then marched into the laundry room without another word.

Ash laughed to himself and shook his head. He really loved Serena. He moved into the bathroom and proceeded to take his own shower. A few minutes into the shower, Ash had just finished lathering up his hair when he heard the bathroom door open. He froze and waited a heartbeat. He wondered if one of the Pokémon had opened the door, however he suspected that wasn't the case. A moment later, his suspicions were confirmed as he heard Serena's voice echo in the small room.

"Hey, Ash, what would you say to fried carrots?" Serena said.

Ash laughed under his breath and felt a thrill shoot through him. For whatever reason, Serena was feeling flirtatious tonight. He liked this!

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