Three Kids and a Pokémon Master

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This chapter takes place roughly a week after the previous chapter featuring Ash and the kids.

Things are continuing to happen at the reserve as the Alola crew take care of things. Will Mallow learn of Kiawe's feelings for her? Will Lana and Mimo force the issue? Will the Pokémon rebel and toss them all out?

Meanwhile, Ash and the kids are returning to Pallet Town to restock for a quick adventure before winter sets in.

This is another humorous chapter full of jokes and laughs. Be warned, there's some adult dialogue and situations in here.

Kiawe stepped out the front door of the main building and took in the sight of another day in Pallet Town. This morning was far less cheery than recent ones. The sky was grey and overcast. A chill was in the air and an occasional breeze blew which sent a shiver through everyone not wearing a coat. The man from Alola briefly wished that he'd brought his warmer clothes along but then he spotted Mallow, rubbing her arms as the cold air hit her.

The green haired chef was still wearing her dark pink cami and pale blue shortalls. Her clothing was completely unsuited for the colder weather. She smiled sheepishly and glanced at Kiawe.

"I'd say that I should have brought my warmer clothes," she said in an ironic voice, "but I don't own any."

Kiawe started to chuckle but the wind blew and the dark skinned man grimaced as the cool air swirled against his bare chest. Perhaps he should have deviated from his traditional attire and worn a shirt?

"It pays to be prepared, doesn't it, big brother?" Mimo said, with some snark. Kiawe groaned internally and turned around to face his little sister. She, and her partner in crime, Lana, were looking incorrigible, as usual. The blue haired woman was standing next to the teen and smirking subtly. Unlike himself and Mallow, the two mischievous girls were wearing long pants, heavy shirts and light coats. Lana's clothing was blue and black while Mimo's was a dark shade of olive. The two of them had possessed the foresight to consider the cold weather in Kanto, while he and Mallow had not; a detail the two warmly attired girls had reminded him about numerous times over the past few days.

Mallow whined and looked longingly at the winter clothing. "Boy, I can't wait for our trip to Saffron City," she said, "I'm definitely going to get a few things."

Kiawe looked at Mallow's distress and directed a frown at the two girls. "You could share, you know," he said critically.

Lana subtly shook her head while Mimo rolled her eyes. The yellow and brown haired youth then spoke up in a condescending tone.

"Hmm, I'd love to, Kiawe, but let me just check here."

The young girl made a show out of holding a hand up to her head and measuring how much shorter she was than the fully-grown Mallow. Once finished, she turned back to Kiawe, grinning sardonically.

"Nope, I'm still way shorter than her," she said, as if the discovery was a big revelation.

Mallow frowned at Mimo's disrespectful attitude and Kiawe glowered. The Kahuna in training gestured toward Lana and spoke in an annoyed tone.

"I meant Lana!" he barked. "She could at least give Mallow something to wear."

Lana again shook her head and a small smile formed on her face. "Can't happen," she said in her usual, low-key voice. "My shirts don't fit her."

Kiawe looked incredulous. Was this another underhanded ploy by Mimo and Lana to mess with him and Mallow?

"What do you mean?!" he pressed. "You two are the same height and everything!"

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