Old Rivals Cast Long Shadows

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This chapter takes place roughly a week after the previous one. Ash and Serena are going about their daily routine when a trainer arrives to challenge Ash!

I hope you enjoy this one! Leave comments and votes if you do. I always love hearing from you.

Serena hummed happily as she finished fixing her hair and spritzed a single spray of perfume on her neck. She'd arranged her golden locks so they were dangling loose and nearly touching her shoulders. She'd also chosen to wear her sports bra rather than her typical t-shirt. The summer weather had been fairly mild and she'd only worn the eye-catching outfit a few times. Today wasn't particularly hot, but with the last days of summer upon them, she figured it was one of her final chances to wear the revealing garment and give Ash a little treat before she switched to warmer, autumn clothing.

She used her hands to brush her hair where it needed to be and then looked down at the small chest containing her jewelry. She reached for the pair of heart-shaped earrings, smiling subtly as she began to wonder if perhaps tonight would be the night they would share their first time.

With her fingers hovering just above the sparkling, red decorations, Serena hesitated. She was right at the end of her safe time. Tonight and tomorrow were almost certainly safe........... probably. The chance of her body doing something was tiny but the tiny possibility nagged at her. She picked up the earrings and turned them over in her fingers. Given her and Ash's luck regarding sex, it would be par-for-the-course that if they shared their first union tonight, his little soldiers would immediately find her special present and all their life plans would be flipped upside-down.

Serena groaned as she debated mightily whether she should wear the earrings or not. Ultimately, there was always next week for them to be intimate. She had to keep her promise to Ash about being responsible for her body's cycles.

Serena sighed and set the earrings back in the chest. This meant it would be at least another week until they could have a shot at being together. She felt a little sad, especially in light of the wonderful things Ash had done to her legs a few nights ago. Each subsequent night, they'd come close to sharing a bed, but ultimately their interactions had ended in sensual teasing and nothing more. Ash really loved making her burn with desire but he hadn't yet taken the step to deliver the goods.

Serena smiled and shook her head ruefully. Of all the men in the world, she'd gotten the one who could somehow keep it in his pants. While his restraint left her a little frustrated and sexually unfulfilled, she wouldn't have it any other way. Ash was a gentleman and he treated her like she was his princess. That attitude was one of the many reasons why she loved him so much. That being said, she was very much looking forward to when he finally ravaged her body with unrestrained, mind-blowing passion!

Serena hummed happily and blushed slightly while she slipped on her shoes and retrieved her satchel. In her mind, she briefly played out one of her fantasies which involved Ash making her body jiggle as he energetically moved atop her and within her. Such a thing wasn't going to happen tonight and so she contented herself with imagining it instead. With a final check of her outfit complete, she exited her room and bounded down the stairs.

With Sylveon at her side, Serena bid Delia farewell and walked briskly out the front door. She spotted Delphox and Pancham standing to the side of the house, casually tossing a small beach ball back-and-forth between them. She greeted them with a friendly voice and happy smile.

"Hey, you two," she said. "Are you wanting to stay here again?"

Delphox and Pancham looked at each other and simply nodded in reply.

Serena giggled happily and turned toward the reserve. "Okay, you have fun. I'll see you tonight!" She waved at her Pokémon and then continued on her way.

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