What Happens in Vermilion City Stays in Vermilion City

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This chapter takes place during the previous chapter with Ash and Serena. Goh and Chloe have gotten together in her apartment for a night together. They are enjoying a nice dinner, however they will soon finish eating and get down to the real business of their evening meeting...

Content warning! There's some sensual descriptions, raunchy language and lots of suggestions in this chapter.

I hope you like this latest eye-rolling, cringe inducing chapter of Goh and Chloe's relationship.

Goh pinched a dumpling between his chopsticks and delicately fished it out of his bowl before consuming it.

"You know, Chloe," he began, his speech garbled due to his mouth being full of food. "You've really gotten good at making these things!"

Chloe had just slid one of the soft, warm morsels past her lips. She made an embarrassed face before working her mouth a couple of times and swallowing.

"Yeah, I've been practicing at it," she said. "It's a whole lot cheaper to make 'em yourself than to get takeout."

She and Goh shared a charged look across the table they were seated at. The simple walls of Chloe's apartment surrounded them. They'd met soon after Cerise Labs had closed. Chloe had told of Ash and Serena's visit and Goh had told of his searching for a shiny Voltorb, purported to be in the area. They'd settled down to eat, however, each of their minds kept wandering from the meal at hand.

Goh gently squeezed another of the squishy treats, relishing the texture and flavor as it touched his tongue. His blue eyes flitted up to Chloe's green orbs just as her mouth closed around her latest entrée. A bit of broth dribbled out of her pursed lips and slowly ran down her chin. Chloe grunted out of embarrassment and wiped the residue away with her left hand.

"So, now that those Sandshrew are gone, what are you going to do?" Goh asked.

Chloe shrugged. "I don't know," she mumbled. "Probably get back to annoying those Dugtrio."

Goh chuckled and nodded ironically.

Soon, the meal was finished and both of them leaned back in their chairs. They shared a few more comments about their days and their plans for next week. Chloe was wearing one of her nice, cream colored blouses with highlights of silver running down the neck and sides of the garment. She was also wearing a knee-length, cream skirt with gold patterns. She'd changed out of her plain lab outfit; not wanting to wear her work clothes to dinner.

Goh was wearing a nice, red and grey t-shirt and sharp looking blue jeans. It wasn't a fancy outfit, but it was classier than what he usually went around it. He too hadn't wanted to wear boring or grubby clothes to what had become a weekly meet up at Chloe's apartment.

"Any ideas on why those Sandshrew evolved into their Alola forms?" Goh asked.

Chloe shrugged. "Nope," she stated plainly. "We're waiting to see what they find out in Alola. They're the experts on Alolan Pokémon."

Goh nodded. "Makes sense," he said.

The two of them shared a brief stare and then averted their eyes. Both of them knew why they were there. They'd discussed it when they'd parted ways the previous week. They'd texted about it during the week. Nonetheless, it was still a subject which made them feel immensely awkward around each other.

Chloe cleared her throat and gestured at her kitchen. "I'll get the dishes cleaned up," she said curtly.

Goh nodded and rose from his chair. "Sure, sounds good," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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