Sweet Cheeks

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This chapter takes place the day after the previous chapter with Ash and Serena. Snow has fallen, the Alola crew is returning home and Christmas cheer is in the air. What will happen now that our two heroes are reunited?

Content warning! There some steamy language contained in this chapter and a few romantic acts.

Enjoy this holiday special!

Mallow giggled playfully as she stared upward with wide eyes. She was flat on her back and her breath came in long slow gasps as she slowly and repetitively worked her body. She slid her legs and moved her arms along with Kiawe. When she'd set out for Kanto with Lana and Mimo, she'd never expected to be doing something like this!

"I'm so glad you suggested this, Kiawe!" she said in a happy tone.

Kiawe let out a bashful chuckle. "Well, I figured we'd better do it before we left for the airport."

Mallow laughed and slid her legs apart so they were spread wide. "Yeah, this wouldn't work so well in Alola!" she joked.

Kiawe sniggered and briefly looked thoughtful. "You know, this is actually the first time I've done this!" he said.

A surprised expression spread on Mallow's face. "What, really?!" she gasped.

Kiawe struggled to keep a silly grin off his face. "Yeah, I just never got around to it before now."

Mallow stopped her movements and let out a relaxing sigh. "Well, it's not my first time," she said in a jovial tone.

Kiawe's eyes widened. "Uh, it's not?" he squawked.

Mallow laughed. "No, I've actually done this a lot," she said. "Ever since I was a little girl."

A perplexed and distraught look appeared on Kiawe's face. "What, how?!" he squawked again.

Mallow slid her arms and legs again and let out a blissful sigh. "My dad was always going to all the different islands to get ingredients for cooking. Every time we went to Ula'ula Island, I'd climb up the mountain and have some fun!"

Without warning, Mimo suddenly stepped into sight and stared down at Mallow and Kiawe. The yellow and brown haired teen had her arms folded and a sly smirk fixed on her face.

"That's probably why Mallow is so much better at it than you are..." the young girl deadpanned.

Kiawe yelped in surprise while Mallow let out a belly laugh. "Thanks!" the green haired girl said kindly.

The dark skinned man from Alola grumbled and rapidly rose to his feet. Mallow sat up as well and looked around her, inspecting her work and then the results of Kaiwe's effort. There was no doubt; her snow angel was way better.

"Don't you have packing to do?!!" Kiawe barked at his little sister.

Mimo stuck out her tongue and made a rude sound. "I already got it done!" she said in a disrespectful tone. She planted her gloved hands on her hips, her red, puffy coat rustling as she moved. "I'm all ready to go."

Kiawe frowned but hesitated before speaking. He let out a sigh and looked toward the main building of the Pokémon reserve. They were standing in the middle of the large, snow-covered field in front of the structure. All of them were dressed for the cold weather, including Lana, who approached with her arms folded behind her back.

"Well, I guess we'll need to say our goodbyes and then get going," Kiawe said in a wistful tone.

Mallow brushed some snow off her grey coat and let out a resigned sigh. "Yeah, it's been fun, but we've got to get home."

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