Old Dreams Die Hard

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This chapter happens about a month after Ash and Serena had their close encounter in the shed. The Kalos Pokémon Showcase season is just getting underway and Shauna is going to perform. Meanwhile, Ash and Serena are continuing their romance. They are closer than ever before, but a huge change is about to occur! What will happen to our happy couple?

There are some descriptions of sexy activities in this chapter so be aware.

I hope you like this first entry in the next arc of Ash and Serena's relationship.

The lift of the Anistar City arena finished its descent and a blonde haired woman in a white and orange outfit stepped off, flanked by a Fletchinder a Helioptile and a Hawlucha. Shauna didn't even glance in the other woman's direction. She was solely focused on what she would have to do in the next three minutes.

The smooth and articulate voice of Monsieur Pierre boomed over the PA system and Shauna stepped forward onto the platform.

"Ahnd nouw, veed come to ze laast parformer en dis enaugural coompetition of ze Kalos Pokémon showcase seazon!!"

Shauna took a deep breath and looked down at Ivysaur standing just a few paces in front of her. She gave her shoulders a small shrug and felt the weight of Gothita on her back as it waited for its moment.

"Time to shine, everyone!" she said in a bright voice.

The platform jolted slightly and started to rise up toward the bright lights of the stage above them.


The platform reached the top and Shauna took a step forward to strike an exuberant pose. She fixed a sweet smile to her face and looked to Ivysaur just as her upbeat performance music began to blast out through the PA system.

"Petal Dance!!" she called out in a sing-song voice.

Shauna's Ivysaur, elegantly decorated with flowers, beads and bows, let out an excited growl and deployed a huge number of sparkling pink leaves in a cloud which began to swirl around them.

Shauna giggled bounded to the front edge of the cloud and performed a full pirouette while she was in midair. "Now, Magical Leaf!!" she commanded.

Rather than sending out more leaves, Ivysaur began to use its power to manipulate the countless pink petals which were already whirling around them. The grass type looked left and right, a huge smile on its face as the petals began to form into small clusters which continued to spin around them.

Shauna let out a girlish laugh and began to run around the inner perimeter of the swirling vortex in the opposite direction of the spinning petal clusters. Ivysaur surged forward and joined Shauna in running around the perimeter, however her Pokémon was running in the opposite direction she was.

Shauna giggled again and deliberately let a few of the petal clusters hit her, sending several small explosion of beautiful pink dust into the air. Ivysaur used its vines to also explode a few of the petal clusters, adding to the pink mist blowing in the air.

Shauna took a breath and whispered her next command. "Now!" she said over her shoulder.

Gothita responded immediately and erupted out of a concealed backpack on Shauna's costume. The psychic type used its power and stabilized the petal clusters in Shauna's and Ivysaur's paths.

Shauna let out a joyful shout and leapt upward, letting her right foot land on one of the petal clusters. Rather than disintegrating, the pink petals supported her weight and allowed her to run upward, into the vortex, bounding from cluster to cluster. Ivysaur mirrored her performance and began running upward through the clusters as well, spiraling upward in the opposite direction as Shauna.

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