Getting Royal Affairs in Order

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This chapter takes place just a few days after the end of the previous one.

Ash and Serena are now separated by a great many miles. Serena is pursuing her old dream of Kalos Queen while Ash remains back in Pallet Town on the reserve. How will Serena react when she encounters an old friend from her past?

This chapter is a little shorter than usual. Now that Ash and Serena are apart, their individual stories will be a little shorter. I hope you enjoy this one.

Serena slowly came awake and became aware of the soft bed and lovely covers surrounding her. She smiled and curled up in the warmth of their embrace. She would have drifted back to sleep but the alarm on her phone went off and she was suddenly reminded that she had a big day of preparation ahead of her. She sighed, stretched out her arms and legs in the sizable bed and then opened her eyes.

The room she'd gotten in the grand hotel in Lumiose City was a beautiful place. She remembered the last time she'd stayed here. It had been the night she'd asked her mom for advice about her future. Now, years later, she felt like she could use some advice yet again.

Doubt gnawed at her over her decision to return to Kalos. She could have easily sat in bed fretting for hours over whether she was making the correct move in pursuing showcases again. However, one of Ash's old life lessons came to her mind. When in doubt, she needed to get moving!

Serena did exactly that and slid out of bed. She started changing clothes and getting her bags packed. Today was going to be another traveling day!

The last few days had been a whirlwind for Serena. She'd arrived back in Kalos and immediately gone home to see her mother. It had been an emotional reunion and this time it had been free of any angst or fear. Grace had been so proud to hear that Serena was pursuing the title of Kalos Queen yet again. She'd also been even more proud to hear all the news about her daughter's relationship with Ash.

Serena had left out the steamy details of their interactions and the fact that she and Ash had made marriage vows to each other. However, she shared many of their fun experiences and the fact that they hadn't yet been intimate. By the end of their discussion, Grace was beaming with pride and told her that Ash was very blessed to have her as a girlfriend.

After a day in Vaniville Town, Serena had spent two days traveling and doing some initial reading up on showcases and the current styles of performances which were popular. She'd also tried a test run of a performance routine but it had gone terribly. Delphox and Sylveon just hadn't been able find their rhythm and everything had fallen apart. It was clear that they all had a lot of rust to shake off before they were ready for the stage. Unfortunately, the next showcase was coming up soon in Dendemille Town.

Serena finished packing her bags, checked her appearance in the mirror and then headed out of the hotel room. She planned to hit a café for breakfast and then set out for Dendemille Town.

As soon as Serena entered the commercial part of Lumiose City, her senses were accosted by the wonderful smell of baking bread, cooling pastries, sweet scents and savory aromas. She took it all in and briefly felt at home. It was almost enough to make her forget about missing Ash.

Serena settled down at a small corner café and enjoyed a nice croissant and a cup of tea. She felt a little wistful as she imagined Ash at the reserve having breakfast alone just like she was. She sighed and tried to make her peace with their separation. That's just how it was going to be for now.

With her breakfast finished, Serena couldn't resist doing a little window shopping. Everything was just too exciting and different from her daily routine in Pallet Town! She moved from one shop to the next, eyeing outfits and trying to find a hat which fit her new appearance.

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