Introduction & Story Arcs

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For all of you who are following this story as I continue to write, I decided to add this introduction to help new readers of all kinds (casual, dedicated and those looking for specific stories) find what they want. A big thank you to all of you who have been with me from the start, or joined in part way through! We still have quite a ways to go!

Hello and thank you for taking a look at my story. This fanfiction is quite long and I wanted to provide you, the reader, with some information about how the story is structured. I have written this tale as a series of interconnected short stories. The chapters can mostly stand on their own, but you will miss out on quite a bit of the larger story if you skip chapters. Some of chapters are split into several parts, due to length. Most of the chapters are in excess of 10,000 words.

As I wrote in the general description, this story follows Ash and Serena's reunion after Ash wins the masters eight tournament. All of the chapters build upon one another and contribute to this story. It is best to read this entire work from the start, however, for those of you who are looking for something specific, whether it be big Pokémon battles, or maybe something steamy, here is some information on what you can expect in each chapter. So, what follows is  a basic breakdown of story arcs, chapter theme, and steaminess rating! I've also included some denotations on when additional characters appear.

Additionally, as far as the ages of the characters go, I'm treating Ash, Serena and everyone else of comparable age as if they are 18 at the start of this story. Roughly one year passed while Ash traveled in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola and Galar. Ash has stayed young because of the magic of his Pokemon journey, ignoring things like puberty and growing taller. Soon, when his journey ends, he, and everyone else, will begin to grow older and rapidly catch up with their actual age. New feelings and experiences are just around the corner.

I love hearing what my readers have to say, so don't hesitate to leave a comment! Additionally, I put quite a lot of work into writing these chapters, so if you enjoy them, please leave a vote, it means a lot!

Also, look below for a tease of what's coming next!

Arc 1: Reuniting and the Path Forward

Numerous Other Characters
The Dance of the Champions - storytelling/character building
Steaminess: 2/10

When Journeys End and Lives Begin - storytelling/character building
Steaminess: 2/10

Goh & Chloe
Curiosity Killed the Chaser: Part 1 - Pokémon battles, friendship, action/adventure, drama
Steaminess: 0/10

Goh & Chloe

Curiosity Killed the Chaser: Part 2 - Pokémon battles, friendship, action/adventure, drama
Steaminess: 0/10


Arc 2: Best Friends Together Again

A Roiling Sea of Rage and Fear - action/adventure, Pokémon battles, friendship/romance
Steaminess: 3/10

Team Rocket
The Blinding Light of Competition - Pokémon contests, Pokémon battles, action/adventure
Steaminess: 1/10

Mastering an Aura of Terror - action/adventure, Pokémon battles, romance/drama
Steaminess: 4/10

Arc 3: Awakening Feelings

Butting Heads and Breaking Hearts: Part 1 - storytelling/character building, romance/drama
Steaminess: 4/10

Butting Heads and Breaking Hearts: Part 2 - storytelling/character building, romance/drama
Steaminess: 4/10

Butting Heads and Breaking Hearts: Part 3 - storytelling/character building, romance/drama
Steaminess: 4/10

Clemont, Bonnie & Grace
Home is Where the Mother Lives: Part 1 - storytelling/character building, drama
Steaminess: 1/10

Home is Where the Mother Lives: Part 2 - storytelling/character building, romance/dating
Steaminess: 4/10

Making Out Then Making Up - storytelling/character building, romance/dating, amour
Steaminess: 5/10

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