Stepping Out For a Kalos Connection: Part 1

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This chapter takes place about a day after the previous one.

Serena is in Anistar City and participating in the showcase. What will happen after the competition when she finds herself invited to enjoy a night on the town with some of her female friends? What choices will a lonely and sad Serena make?

Fair warning, this chapter is an edgy one! There's lots of adult activity and conversations in here. There are thrills and chills aplenty ahead. There's innuendo, lewd actions and some nudity. There's also a cliffhanger at the end.

Buckle up and get ready for an exciting chapter!

Consciousness slowly returned to Serena. She gradually felt the softness of pillows beneath her head and the tangle of sheets surrounding her body. She let out a small, tired whine and shifted her body. Instantly, pain lanced through her head and aches took hold inside her body. The girl from Vaniville Town whimpered and raised her right hand to the side of her head. A throbbing sensation was starting behind her eyes and she desperately wanted it to go away.

With a groan and a moan, Serena slowly rolled so she was on her back and started to open her eyes. The tiny crack of light which made it past her eyelids caused more pain to explode inside her brain. She whined and squeezed her eyes shut. Her lips trembled at the pain and her eyes began to tear up. Why was she feeling so horribly?!

Serena tried to wrack her memory for some kind of answer. Her brain was foggy and it was very hard for her to concentrate on anything. She could vaguely remember the showcase from the previous day. She remembered Shauna, Miette, Lisia and.......... a bar afterwards.

Serena's gullet quivered as she suddenly recalled downing a shot of something that had made her throat feel like it was on fire. She remembered the other girls laughing and joking. She remembered them egging her on. At least, she thought that's what happened....

Serena tried opening her eyes again. As the light hit her corneas, her head felt like someone was hammering away on her brain with a jackhammer. She whined at the discomfort but forced herself to see. After a minute of pure pain, her eyes became a little less sensitive and she looked around at her surroundings.

She was lying on a nice bed in an elegant hotel room. She finally recognized it as the room she'd stayed at in the Anistar City hotel. She could see her travel suitcases off to the side and her showcase stuff scattered on the floor. She tried to remember how she'd ended up here after the showcase. Her mind worked but she came up with nothing. The entire evening was a big blur.

Serena started to sit up and partially pulled the covers back from her body. She glanced down and suddenly realized that she wasn't wearing her pajamas, but rather her charcoal top. She blinked a few times, not quite believing the sight. Why in the world had she gone to bed in her street clothes?!

Serena started to slide her legs out to the side and suddenly felt dizzy. She closed her eyes and let her head slump down on her right shoulder. She tried to relax and calm her spinning mind. She breathed slowly and deeply and caught a distinct whiff of men's cologne from the part of her top, just above her right shoulder. Blurry memories flashed in her mind. Puzzled, Serena sniffed the scent again.

On the fourth inhale, some images and emotions finally took shape. She remembered a club and weird lighting. She remembered loud music. She recalled a woman's breasts bouncing freely. Whose breasts they were, she couldn't remember. She didn't think they were hers...... but she wasn't sure.

She inhaled again and remembered feeling so very alone and sad. She concentrated and finally remembered the source of the cologne. A man who'd leaned up against her and breathed close to her ear. She remembered him whispering things into her ear and Serena suddenly, distinctly remembered herself saying "I really wanna have sex!" while poking him in the chest.

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