The beginning

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"Sayumi, how late is it?" Sayomi asked her younger twin sister.

Sayumi looked at her watch. "Just five more minutes left before we can go home." she said while looking before her, not listening to the very boring teacher. Sayomi wasn't paying attention either.

When the bell rang, the two ten year olds ran out of the classroom, getting their coats and heading home. On their way home, it suddenly went white for both of them, without a good reason.

*le timeskip*

Sayomi opened her eyes. She was surrounded by trees. She sat up and looked around, but there was no sight of Sayumi. "Sayumi?" she asked.

"Look what we got here." she heard a voice behind her. "A little girl who doesn't seem to be part of a ninja village. Do you think she has a lot of money?"

Sayomi saw a man with scars over his face, bandages wrapped around his arms and legs and fully dressed in black. There were multiple men with similar clothing, but different appearances. "Who are you?" she demanded.

The men all took out something sharp. "None of your business, little girl." the man with scars said before attacking her. Sayomi dodged, trying to tackle him immediately after, but he jumped up before she could hit him. A lot of men attacked her at the same time, but due to her training, she could dodge them and also kick some back.

Sayomi was surprised when a man did something with his hands and the ground shot up beneath her, sending her flying. She fell on the grass and stood up with an aching back. She had gone through worse pain. When she was cut by one of those sharp things, she was muttering curse words. Maybe this was worse than her most painful training after all.

When she was sent flying again, she was caught by a man wearing a green vest over a green jumpsuit. "Kakashi, my eternal rival, it seems like we've found the gang after all." He put Sayomi down and defeated the guys with a man with gravity defying hair, wearing a headband and a green vest over a blue shirt and blue pants.

When they were done, the one with the green jumpsuit looked at Sayomi. "Who are you, young youthful girl?" he asked.

Sayomi looked at the two men, afraid they were going to attack her too. The silver haired man walked towards her, pulling out bandages. He wrapped them around Sayomi's stomach, where she was cut. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, who are you?"

"Sayomi." Sayomi replied, starting to trust these guys. They had helped her out, so she thought they were on her side. "Who are you?" she asked the other one.

"My name is Might Gai!" he replied. With that said, he helped her up and carried her all the way to a village known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves. 'I shouldn't be going with them so willingly, I should look for Sayumi right away!' Sayomi thought.

Meanwhile, somewhere else

Sayumi nervously looked around for Sayomi. "Sayomi? Where are you?" she asked, but there was no reply. "Sayomi, this isn't funny!"

"Who are you, little girl?" she suddenly heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw someone with long, blonde hair, covering the left eye. Sayumi thought it was a man, so she asked who he was in return.

With him was another man, looking older than the blonde guy. "We asked first, un!" the blonde said.

Sayumi sighed. "I'm Sayumi. Now you answer me!"

"Don't you recognize us? Have you never heard of us?" the old looking one asked.

"No, I don't." Sayumi replied. "While you're at it, could you tell me where the fuck I am?!"

"I'm Deidara." the blonde one said.

"Sasori of the Red Sand." the old looking one said.

"There's no need for the fancy nicknames, but okay..." Sayumi muttered. When the blonde one threw her over his shoulder, Sayumi protested. "Hey! What's the meaning of this?! Where are you taking me?!"

"You surely talk a lot, girl. We're taking you to the hideout, to see what Pein-sama thinks of you." Sasori stated.

"Just let me go already, I need to find my sister!" Sayumi complained.

"You have a sister?" Deidara asked. "Then where is she, un?"

"How should I know?! That's why I said I need to find her, idiot!" Sayumi replied.

"I already start to get a liking towards you, girl." Sasori said.

"Hey! That's not nice, un! I'm not an idiot!" Deidara said angrily. "So stop calling me one!"

"Then stop acting like one." Sayumi said satcastically.

"You..." Deidara grumbled under his breath.


I know the first chapter kinda sucks and is really short, but it gets better.

-x Crartistic

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