Scarface and S-rank criminals

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Sayomi's pov

I was brought to the office those two had called the leader of the village, the Hokage. Gai and Kakashi had said that they saw me fighting that gang and that they were surprised that such a weak looking girl was able to keep fighting them for so long. 'Then why didn't you help me out earlier?' I thought.

"What's your name?" the Hokage asked.

"Sayomi." I said. "What will you do with me? I'm not a threat to the village."

'As soon as I know I can trust these guys, I'll tell them about Sayumi and ask if I could go look for her...' I thought. 

"We won't harm you, Sayomi." the Hokage said.

"Thank you, old man." I replied, earning glares from Gai and Kakashi.

The old man chuckled. "I'll let you go to the Academy, to become a ninja for this village. Your first day will be tomorrow. Ibiki will train you and tell you what you need to know."

'A ninja? Awesome!' I thought. 'I hope there are some nice people there and who is this Ibiki guy?'

A guy with two scars on his face entered the office. "You called for me, Hokage-sama?" he said.

The old man pointed at me. "You'll be taking her with you. Tell her everything she needs to know, she'll start at the Academy tomorrow." he told scarface (A/N: that's her nickname for this Ibiki).

Scarface nodded and signed me to follow him. I followed him to his apartment, which wasn't that big, but big enough for two people. "What do you need to know?" he asked me.

"I don't know anything about this place, so... basically, you're going to have to tell me everything I should know about this village." I replied. "Don't worry, I'm a fast learner."

The next day, I had to wake up early because I had to go to the Academy. Ibiki had told me everything I should know, and he also learned me hand signs and the order to jutsus I should know. Though I still wasn't very fast when it came to that hand signs.

Ibiki led me to a room and knocked on the door. A man with brown hair and a scar on his nose. "I'm Iruka. You must be the new student I'll get."

Ibiki nodded and left me alone with Iruka. Iruka signed me to follow him inside and I followed him. "We'll be getting a new student." Iruka announced. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"My name is Sayomi." I said while the entire class was looking at me.

"Take a seat." Iruka told me. I looked around and saw there was only one seat left, next to a sleeping guy with pineapple hair. I sat down next to him, accidently waking him up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized.

The boy shrugged. "Are you a new student here?" he asked lazily.

I nodded. "I'm Sayomi, and you?"

"Shikamaru." he replied.

Iruka started explaining things, and after a while, I lost track of what he was talking about. This guy was boring... I started to feel sleepy and actually fell asleep...

"SAYOMI! WAKE UP!" I suddenly heard a voice yell. I looked up and saw a very angry Iruka.

"Oh hello Iruka-sensei." I said with a light smile.

"Don't you know that you should pay attention to my lesson, since you're already one year behind?!" Iruka exclaimed.

"If I think it's necessary, I'll ask Ibiki-san to tell me." I replied before laying my head on my arms again.

Meanwhile, with Sayumi

Sayumi's pov

Deidara and Sasori brought me to a cave, which was secured by a giant rock. Inside, I saw eight people, looking at me. "Who's the girl?" a man with orange hair and piercings asked. He also had really strange eyes, completely purple with rings.

"We found her in the forest." Sasori said. "She had fought a group of bandits."

"You saw me defending myself? Why didn't you even fucking help me out?" I replied with a cough. "That would have been helpful, idiot!"

"Hey! Don't call me an idiot, un!" Deidara replied.

"Then stop being one." I scoffed.

"We'll see if she could be of use to us." the orange haired man said. "Hidan, you're going to need to fight her."

Hidan smirked. "Can I sacrifice her to Jashin if she can't be of any damn use?"

Carrothead nodded. 'Who the fuck is Jashin?' Hidan stood in a fighting stance, holding a scythe with three blades. I realized I didn't have a choice, so I stood in front of him, standing in a fighting stance too. Carrothead signed us to begin, and this Hidan guy started attacking me with his scythe. 'Stay calm, just don't get hit with his scythe...' I told myself. 'Search for an opening...' I recalled something my teacher had told me and Sayomi.

After a lot of dodging, I could finally land a hit on him, causing him to grunt. He tried to attack me with his scythe, but I dodged it, though it almost hit me. I noticed carrothead was nodding in approval. "Hidan, stop." he ordered and we both stopped fighting.

"Who are you?" a teen with black hair asked. "You know nothing about anything, yet your taijutsu is impressive."

"My name is Sayumi." I said.

"Prove us you can kill. Then we'll let you join us." Carrothead said.

"Well, I've never killed someone before..." I muttered.

"If you can't kill, we'll kill you." he said.

I gulped. I didn't want to die, I was too young to die! "How can I prove I can kill?" I asked. "I doubt you'd allow me to kill any of these members here..."

"Kill Hidan." Carrotheas said, pointing at the man I just fought. He threw a sharp thing in front of me and I grabbed it. "Use this kunai."

'Just do it quick and fast...' I told myself. 'I have to do this to live and find my sister...'

Without giving it a second thought, I stabbed the man with the kunai. Congratulations carrothead, you just let a ten year old kill someone...

"Ah man, that fucking hurt!" I heard the man I just stabbed say. "I'm surprised you could even kill me without giving it a second damn thought. Who the fuck taught you to kill?"

"No one, and how the fuck are you alive?" I replied.

"I'm fucking immortal, you see?" he replied.

"Oh... that explains why he didn't mind me stabbing you... does you being immortal mean you could still survive, even if someone would cut of your head?" I said. He nodded. "That's handy." I told him.

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