S E V E N.

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My plane landed fairly late in the afternoon, I was starving as I hadn't eaten anything since I left the airport. I message Mila as soon as I landed.

I had my car dropped off at the airport, I was in no mood to take the helicopter into Monaco

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I had my car dropped off at the airport, I was in no mood to take the helicopter into Monaco. My car was my one and only car, unlike Lando. I did love it more than my own family though, which was very similar to Lando too. It was my first big purchase completely of my own money. I was proud of myself to be able to afford such a car. It was mine and mine only. I sometimes didn't even let Lando drive it. A Ferrari 812, in the classic Ferrari red. This probably was not the most ideal car to have when you are dating a McLaren Driver. But I always wanted my own Ferrari, every since I was little.

The drive home was fast, mostly because I drove fast, I was not one to stay below the speed limit, but I also had my music on full blast. I sang my heart out the whole way home. I pulled into the garage, with an incredibly dry throat due to this. I quickly got my bags out the car and went over to the elevator to go up to our floor. I hate coming home to an empty house, it so disheartening. I walked to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. As I sipped my drink, I looked around, the quietness of the normally incredibly loud apartment, was weird, something felt off. I could feel it in my gut. Something just wasn't quite right.

I shook the feeling off pretty quickly and went to get ready for dinner. I put on a dress I brought in Bahrain and some heels.

I was just finishing my make up when I heard the door bell ring, multiple times

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I was just finishing my make up when I heard the door bell ring, multiple times. I ran as quickly as I could in heels. Which was, in my defence, pretty quick. I swung the door open and opened my arms. Mila jumped to hug me, wrapping her arm so tightly around me. I couldn't get a single normal noice out my mouth except for a high pitch screech. I was so happy to be reunited with her again. My twinflame. "I've missed you so much" Mila stepped back, still holding onto me shoulders. "Ugh, me too" I went in for a second hug. Swinging from side to side for a couple of seconds until we finally let go off each other and set off out the door.

We took Milas car to the restaurant, she book earlier, and I'm glad she did. It was packed, we luckily got a table right next to the sea. The salty breeze hit me as soon as I got out the car. It was one of my favourite smells. It was the smell of home. We made our way over to our table and sat down. "So tell me everything about Bahrain, How was it?" Mila rested her head in her cupped hands as she looked at me. I took a slip of my wine before answering, "it was perfect, well except for that one night" we both laughed quickly, the sort where only air comes out your nose, but a laugh nonetheless. "The city was so pretty at night, the restaurant we went to on the first night was so romantic, and it was lovely to catch up with max too." Mila smiled.
"I saw the race, I thought it was a bit unfair"
"I completely agree, but Lando was happy with the result so I didn't mention it, he's got Saudi this weekend, he'll get the win I know it."
"I hope he beats that Charles bastard" Mila snarled.
"Don't worry me too, he such an ass, he was the reason Lando and I fell out, he looked so smug doing it.
"Just don't give him the time of the day, B. It's simple"
"Believe me, I'm trying. Anyways tell me about you"
"Well....." a smile formed on her face, this meant one of too things, she was seeing a boy or scored an amazing job, either option I would be happy for her. "I started seeing someone, nothing serious but I really like him B" I shrieked in excitement.
"Tell me everything" I clapped my hands together in excitement.
"Well he's called Sol, and he honestly the sweetest boy." I was grinning ear to ear as she told me all about him.
"I'm so happy for you Mila"


It was later into the night, Mila and me had had a lot of wine and she somehow manage to pull me into a club. "Come on it will be fun" Mila shouting over the music, while handing me a shot of god knows what. I downed it, wincing as the alcohol hit the back of my throat. Mila took my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor. She twirled me in a circle. As I was turning back to her I nearly tripped over, luckily I managed to pull it off, but not without us both erupting into laughter. I put my hands up in the air as we both danced to the music.


I woke up the next morning in my own bed which is always a good sign, but with no clue how I got there. The last thing I remember was being in the club. I laughed at the thought as I went to pick up my phone to try and figure out what happened.

I opened the bedside drawer and fetch out a paracetamol, I always kept a packet in there, for just this reason

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I opened the bedside drawer and fetch out a paracetamol, I always kept a packet in there, for just this reason. My head was pounding and my throat felt like the Sahara desert. I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen, squinting at the brightness of the room. I fetch out a box of cereal, only to realise that we had no milk. The cereal was the only thing we had in the house, so I proceed to eat it out the box, dry. Definitely a low moment for me.

After a couple handfuls of cereal, I went to take a shower. I changed into a pair of leggings and one of Lando's jumpers, which was just slightly over sized on me. I put on a pair of trainers and grabbed my keys to go pick up Mila. Texting her as I left.

Mila only lived 10 minute away, 2 minutes if the roads weren't so twisty. I pulled up outside her apartment building. She was already standing outside, wearing a similar outfit to me and a pair of sunglasses. It was a cloudy morning in Monaco, so I can only guess the sunglasses was more for her hangover.

I began to set off toward the restaurant. "You know I'm thinking of inviting me and Lando's family out here for next week. We haven't seen them since Christmas and I think it will be a nice surprise for Lan" I turned to Mila to see her response.
"Yeah that would be nice, he'd appreciate that, when is he back?"
"Um... he lands next Tuesday so maybe invite them for the Thursday? They would probably stay for 5 days, I would say. Which leaves him enough time to fly out for the race in Italy"
"Sounds like a plan" I nodded allowing Mila to go back to rubbing her head, trying to relieve the hangover. I dropped her off at the restaurant, waving and saying goodbye as I drove off. On the way home I popped into a little cafe for a much needed coffee and a couple of pastries. I was starving. I ate them on the way home, getting crumbs all over my car. I parked my car and made my way up to the apartment. I opened the door, slumped on the couch where I remained for the rest of the day watching Netflix and sleeping.

It was around 7pm when I went to FaceTime lando, I had order sushi and was eating on FaceTime with him. I sat on the floor my back leaned up against the couch as I rest the phone and the sushi on the coffee table infont of me.
"Hey lan!"
"Hey B, how's you"
I told Lan about how incredibly hungover I was and about dinner last night. He told me about his day and how he was incredibly revolted by the fact I was happily eating raw fish. We were on FaceTime for about 2 hours till I decided to go to bed. I had definitely missed my own bed. I said goodnight to Lando and went straight to bed.

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