T H I R T Y F I V E.

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Back at the hotel, I sat down on the sofa flicking through the channels as Mila had a shower. I half looked at the tv and half at my phone. I could see that Charles still hasn't responded to me. I could feel my body tense with irritation. Slamming my finger down on the screen I called him. My confidence and anger most likely stem from the drinks.
"Hey" the voice on the other side answered, perky and cheerful. His obliviousness only annoying me more.
"So your phone does work" I didn't mean to come across as bitchy as I did, but at that moment I forgot to care.
"What, you good?"
"I don't know, are you? You've been barely talking to me this last week and ignoring me all of today, what's wrong?"
"I haven't been ignoring you"
"Charles, im staring at the message on delivered from over a day ago right now"
"Nothing is wrong"
"Why are you being so blunt then"
"I'm not"
"You are"
"Bronte i'm not going to argue with you like a toddler," there was a moment of silence, before I heard him sign breathlessly, "fuck it, im not doing this over the phone. Which hotel are you at?" my face dropped in shock, that was not what I was expecting him to say.
"Um... the savoy" I said slowly, an annoying smile forming on my lips.
"I'll be there in a minute"
"Oh oka-'' I heard the phone hang up, laughing uncomfortably through pure confusion.
"What did you do?" I snapped my head up to see Mila standing in the doorway.
"So Charles is coming... not sure how it got to this point" I watched Mila roll her eyes and chuckle as she turned on the balls of her feet to go back into the bedroom.
"You never fail to keep me entertained, B" she shouted from the other room. I brought my hands up to my face and laughed into them, I was honestly speechless.

I heard the door knock, knowing exactly who it was. I opened the door, fidgeting as I was unsure what to do with my limbs. He gave me a quick nod as he walked in going straight to the couch. Sitting down, he looked back up at me, his position relaxed as he crossed his arms across his body. I followed behind and stood in front of him in the middle of the room.
"Say what is wrong" his voice clear and confident. I was confused how he still didn't understand what I was annoyed about.
"You've been distant, even before I brought up Charlotte you been quiet, why"
"Before that I was just busy, I thought we were fine then?" I chewed at my lip as I crossed my arms tighter. Shit he had a point, we were fine before that, we were both just busy.
"Okay, fine you have a point. We were. But I still stand by what I said. When I brought up charlotte and questioned this you went distant"
"yes, because you questioned it, I thought you were annoyed at me."
"No I got annoyed at you for being distant afterwards"
"So you weren't ever annoyed at me"
"Not at that point I wasn't'' there was another silence as both didn't know what to say.
"Oh" he said quickly. "You should have said" he added
"What say that I wasn't annoyed at you, when I didn't even know you thought I was annoyed at you" I laughed, our bodies both relaxing. Realising the stupidity of this argument. If you could even call it that
"Okay you have a point. My bad, this is on me." he got up from his seat and moved towards me. Stopping just inches from my face "But you did look cute all angry and frustrated" I rolled my eyes at his comment.
"That wasn't really the look I was going for"
"Well you achieved it anyways" I stood looking up at him, happy that we were good again for a while before I said,
"Charles" whispering as I did so.
"Next time, just talked to me, don't assume"
"Yeah I know, but also don't bring up my crazy ex and say you are questioning everything"
"Okay you have a point" my head falls onto his chest as I laugh.
"Bronte," he asks.
"You don't need to worry about me questioning any of this" I slowly brought my eyes up to look at him, smiling uncontrollably.
"Kiss me" I whispered, him smiling in response
"You are always ordering me about lately"
"Kiss me"
"Are you sure, I don't know. Seconds ago you were annoyed at me" he murmured, his mouth curved into a teasing smile. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the back of his head, yanking him down to kiss me. I kiss him tenderly, before laughing against the kiss.
"What's so funny?" he asked, unable to keep an incredibly pleased smile off his face.
"You just said you liked me" I watched him roll his eyes at me, "Charles Leclerc likes me" he laughs off to the side. And in a second, I'm clinging to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and running my hands through his hair pulling him into me. I tried to say something but I can't even find time to breathe, let alone say a single word. My heart sank as I heard Mila cough from the corner of the room. I pulled away and looked over his shoulder towards her.
"Didn't mean to interrupt you guys again, but I need to get my charger." She moved from the doorway and made her way over to the cluster of bags by the entrance, walking straight by us. Mila of course was as unflustered as ever, me on the other hand was trying to hide my glowing red cheek. "Glad to see you guys are good," she added as she picked up her charger.
"I don't believe you have properly met. Mila, Charles. Charles, Mila" as soon as I said it I regretted it completely. Why did I do that? Charles and Mila thought the exact same thing both looking at me with a 'you good' look.
"Nice to meet you," Charles said, trying to relieve some of the awkwardness.
"Same goes." she began walking back over to her room. "I'm guessing you are staying, so my only request is you keep it down. I need my sleep". My jaw dropped over her lack of filter. I looked up to Charles, who had the exact same reaction as me. As soon as we made eye contact, we burst out laughing.
"I'm so sorry" I said through my laughter. We both stopped laughing, realising the awkward positions she had put us in. Was he going to stay the night? He had before but it wasn't agreed upon, it just happened. I could tell we were both thinking the same thing. "So..." I rocked on the balls of my feet.
"So..." he mocked me, his smile revealing his dimples. Just those alone made my heart jump.
"You can stay if you want" I said as awkwardly as a school girl with a crush.
"That's definitely what I want"

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