T W E N T Y N I N E.

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My eyes burned when I opened them. The bright light shining right through Mila's curtains and onto me. I groaned and shoved the pillow into my face, hiding from the sun. My whole body ached as I tried to properly collect my thoughts. I wish I hadn't because as soon I did I remembered the events from last night. Me and Charles kissing. I screamed into the pillow as the moment replayed in my mind. Unsure if the scream was of happiness, embarrassment, discomfort or all of the above. I reached over to her bedside table. I knew Mila well enough to know she always keeps packets of paracetamol in her drawer. I sighed as I got out of bed, slumping over to the shower. Allowing the hot water to wash over my face, to release my pounding headache, but every time I closed my eyes I could see us kissing. It was a good kiss, don't get me wrong, but it was what's about to come that made me anxious. I stole some of Mila's clothes, after I got out of the shower. Leggings and a jumper, I needed comfort.

I strolled into the kitchen, feeling slightly fresher than I did earlier. Mila was sitting at the table, rubbing her forehead and obviously nursing an awful hangover. She looked up to me, a slight groan left her mouth, communicating with me like a Neanderthal. I chuckled as I went over to her fridge, praying she had some eggs or oatmeal to make breakfast with. However, similarly to my fridge it was completely desolate. I flicked her a look, similar to the one she did to me, only a couple days prior. Unsurprisingly, she grunted once again in response, practically hissing at the light when she looked up.

"Ill pop down into town to get us some breakfast?" I questioned, she nodded her head slowly, her head in agony,
"Please" she just managed to say
"What do you fancy" I said as I started to put on my shoes
"Sandwich, something with lots of salt, like with bacon or something" I agreed promptly, leaving as I grabbed my card and phone. Mila's apartment was in the centre of the city, so luckily I wouldn't need to walk too far to find some good food.

The hustle from the city felt noisier than any other day, probably having something to do with my hangover. I slowly walked to the nearest food market I could find. I went straight to the pastry aisle and picked up bread and pastries. Once I got the breakfast bits, I picked up a few necessities for her, like milk and vegetables. I had a quick glance at her calendar as I left and it was nearly as packed as mine so I knew she would appreciate it. Returning the favour, you may say. I paid and packed up the food into my bag. I walked back to Mila's, the fresh air acting as a perfect remedy for me, as when I got back I felt nearly normal. unlocking the door, I shouted to Mila I was back.

"Not so loud, I beg, '' she cried. She was curled up on the couch in the foetal position, definitely more worse for wear than I was. I apologise quietly, before unpacking the food. I sat down beside her, gently placing the bacon and cheese toastie in front of her, earning a pathetic smile from her. I got up once again and retrieved her some orange juice and some painkillers.
"I'm going to head back home, and let you recover here" she sat up and rested her head on my shoulder.
"You sure, you can stay here if you want"
"Yeah I'm sure, I have a couple meeting anyways" I kissed her on the top of her head before standing up.

Suddenly her expression changed to complete joy, completely juxtaposing her previous mood.
"You kissed Charles" she shrieked, her volume making both of us whence in pain. I laughed as I turned on the balls of my feet, "Bronte, you get back here" she never calls me by my proper name so I knew she meant business, I slowly turned back around, wanting to cover my face more than anything. "You kissed Charles Leclerc last night, don't think you can leave without elaborating" I covered my ever-growing red cheeks with my palms.
"I honestly had no clue what happened, one moment we were chatting the next we were kissing"
"Well that's normally how it works B" she rolled her eyes mocking my bluntness, "details now."
"He was drunk, I was drunk. And I don't know we kissed."
"Was it a good kiss" I didn't respond, but my massive grin gave away everything I was thinking, "oh my god, oh my god" she kept repeating, she was just as confused as I was, "I mean, I expected it" she boosted proudly. Embarrassment overwhelmed me
"Right that's it I'm leaving" I ran out the room as quickly as possible, hearing Mila's amused chuckle as I did so.

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