T W E N T Y O N E.

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Qualifying. My arms resisted every movement as I got changed, every particle of my body demanding not to go, every thought insisting it. My stomach was doing flips as I closed my door. I walked downstairs and got into the car. My mum and dad were already seated in the SUV, both their hands placed gently on their laps. The whole car journey was in complete silence, my dad to proud to say anything and my mum to scared. My cheeks went white and as my leg pounded up and down. The car rolled round the corner towards the entrance. Crowds piled on top of each other, all trying to get a picture of which celebrity was arriving next. I could hear my heartbeat, pulsating out my chest, as my lung begged for deep, steady breaths. The shouting became louder, but all I could hear was a high pitch ringing in my left ear, drowning out the noise of the rest of the world. My leg jolted to the side as I felt the my mum's cold hand rest on my thigh.
"It will be okay, sweetie" a fable smile grew across my lips, my eyes exposing the fakeness of it.
"You have only one interview, and we looked through the questions and they are all aimed towards the business. It will be fine" I swallowed deeply. The loud slam of the door opening, caused my back to straighten. My eyes adjusting to the bright light, fixated on the two pillars ahead. One foot infront of the other. My mind thinking through every action, out of pure nerves. I forced a smile, waving at some of the fans. My dad nudged my arm, his eye widening. Telepathically letting me know that he wanted me to take photos with them. I walked over gently, my actions soft as I took photos with the fans. What felt like an eternity later, I heard the security usher us towards the building. To get to the paddock club, you have to first go though a hotel. Due to it being a street circuits the entrances are not as established and organised as those of silverstone. The path to the grandstand was clear. I clutched my beg tightly, my focus still on my footsteps. My mum looked behind her, smiling to reassure me. I nodded formally. The doors opened to a terrace, overlooking the race track. The muffled voices of greeting was heard the whole way though. There was a bar in the furthest corner, which seemed to be the main social point; with multiple people standing round, champagne in hand, gossiping. I took another deep sign, and made my way over to the quietest spot I find, to take refuge. I settled on a table and chairs, tucked away in the opposite corner to the bar. I crossed my legs rigidly, while sitting my bag on top of the small table. I carefully removed my phone, immediately texting Mila for a distraction. The time difference meant it was 4 am over there, so sadly she was asleep and I was left with unresponsed messages. I moved over to instagram to see that my presence here had already been posted about, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Unsure how I was annoyed with. This was my life, I couldn't be annoyed at the people posting about it, this was a massive part of my life. It was a good thing and a bad thing all at once. But at this moment in time, it was definitely a bad thing.

Qualifying was going to start in the next hour or so

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Qualifying was going to start in the next hour or so. I decided to past time by going on my phone. My body jolted as I felt two firm hands be placed on my shoulders, I whipped my head round in surprise. My face slackened in relief, as I saw a big smiling australian.
"Daniel" I leaped up from my chair, to embrace him in a hug.
"Bronte" he repeated my tone mockingly, resulting in me hitting his shoulder.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for qualifying?"
"Well, when I heard that you were here, I had to come and say hello," I smiled "I heard about the break up, how you doing"
"I'm okay, just weird you know. Especially being here." This earned a pitiful smile from him, and I found myself replicating it. "On a happy note, I've been getting all the updates on the kangaroo, its so cute"
"Good I'm glad, I knew you would love it" my attention was taken off the conversation as I saw my mum waving me over, I looked back at Daniel, a pleading look on my face, "I have to go, duty calls"
"That's fine, nice seeing you Bronte"
"Good luck in qualifying"
"Thankyou" I waved back at him as I walked towards my mum, her hand placed on a older gentleman's shoulder, both waiting for me come over. I straightened my posture, forcing a smile.
"Bronte, this is Sebastian Adams. He's an old friend of mine"
"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Bronte" I held out my hand, his handshake was firm and intense, much like himself.
"Sebastian, nice to meet you too. Your mother has told me alot about you" I quickly glanced over to her, tweaking my face a little.
"Good things I hope" a faint laugh coming out the same time as my words. The others laughed too, before Sebastian sighed as he carried on speaking.
"Yes, yes. Your mother tells me you are in the modelling industry"
"Yes, I am. I enjoy it very much"
"You should meet my son. He's in the same industry as you. I shall introduce you sometime." I nodded in agreement. My mother grabbing hold of his arm once again, smiled up towards him
"Come and meet my husband, Seb" I watched them leave before looking over to the bar. I really needed a drink at this point. I patrolled over, smiling and giving quick waves to face I recognised. I finally landed at the bar, order a glass of champagne. I made my way back to the safety of my table, and sat myself down.

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