T W E N T Y T H R E E.

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I sat patiently while Jamie did the finishing touches to my make up

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I sat patiently while Jamie did the finishing touches to my make up. Mila was sitting in the bed, ready to leave as soon as I was done. Jamie stepped away, his face focus to make sure my makeup was good. I smile awkwardly as I waited for him to make his conclusion.
"Done" he finally said, holding up a mirror so I could see myself.
"I love it, you did the best job like always" I clapped my hands together, before turning to Mila. "Drinks before we go?" She nodded swiftly, picking up her bag for the night. I packed a couple of necessities I may need, like lipgloss and gum into my purse. I thanked Jamie once again and me and Mila trotted down to the hotel bar. "What are you feeling" I turned to Mila as we reached the counter.
"Shots, I can't turn up to this stone cold sober" I laughed, ordering two shots of tequila for the bartender, wincing as we threw them back.

We arrived to the gala, with the subtle haze of alcohol lingering in our heads. The place was stunning, the pinnacle of Monaco architecture. We were lead by the security to the entrance, escorting us through the huge crowds of fans. Long, decorated tables stood in rows, with little hand written name places infront of each plate. I hovered around trying to find mine. Luckily after not to long of looking I found it. Mila and mine were side by side, embedded by my parents. I quickly swapped them so I would no longer be sitting next to my father but my mother instead. I nodded over to Mila to let her know I found our seats. She trotted over, holding two glasses of champagne, handing me one as she got closer. I looked around awkwardly, I couldn't recognise anyone around me, only old, probably influential, boring people, who looked like they would get along better with my parents them us. Mila grabbing my attention as she nudged my shoulder, gesturing her head in the direction of Daniel. My eyes light up as we ran over to him. Smiling as he noticed us, he held out his arms, hugging both of us as we got near.
"Well done today, good result" I said as I stepped away for the hug.
"Yeah, good results, but I need those two to at least let me get a win this season". We both laughed knowing he was talking about Charles and Lando. He had a point, it was impossible to get past either of them.
"Dont worry, I know you get a win this season, if not more" Mila perked up from beside me. A quick smile was exchanged between all of us before I returned to the conversation.
"Have you seen anyone else arrive?" I questioned, looking around slightly to see if I could spot anyone. Daniel mirrored me.
"A few people have, I know Seb is here. Max texted me saying he was going to be a couple minutes late." I nodded.
"Lando isnt here, You're safe" he quickly clocked on that that was the main reason for my question, the subtle joke lightening the mood. I fiddled with the bottom of my glass, my stomach doing flips with nerves.
"You going to be at any other races this year" Daniel optimistic as he spoke. I shock my head gently, taking a deep breath in.
"No I plan to stay as far away as possible for the time being" I lightly chuckle.
"I understand that completely, well if you ever want to go to one, there is always a free pass from me" i smiled, nodding promptly before saying goodbye. Me and Mila walked over to the bar, ordering some more drinks. A couple people, dressed in black and with radio set on, ushered everyone to go sit down.

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