T H I R T Y T W O.

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18th June...

The whole meeting consisted of me apologising to the companies for being late and proving I was not a lazy and irresponsible person. In my opinion it went awful. But as soon as we left the meeting, Emily lent over to me and said it went better than expected, followed by an incredibly passive aggressive comment about my tardiness. I apologised profusely on the walk back to our cars, Emily like always having absolutely none of it. She just kept repeating, "you were late Bronte, no point apologising now". Which just made me feel even worse. During the drive back home I went into a couple shops for some much needed retail therapy. Picking up a couple pairs of shoes and a pair of prada glasses, which I had my eye on for ages. It was very much needed, but I definitely spent more than I should have. However, it did allow me to clear my head and made me figure out that I did actually want to go back home to see my parents, over silverstone. I knew I would never get a proper apology out of them so there was no point trying. I stepped into my car and rang my mum straight away. The phone ringing only a couple times until a voice picked up,
"Hello," the voice much too low to be my mother's but just formal enough to be my father's. I could feel myself becoming flustered. Why did he pick up the phone?
"Umm, hey dad" I finally found the courage to speak, but I was definitely confused as to why he picked up the phone. My parents never answer each other's phone. Like ever. I brushed away the thought and decided to just carry on. "I was just thinking, if I move some things around. I would love to come and see you over silverstone." there was a long pause afterwards, all I could hear was the breathing down the phone so I knew I had not been cut off. Finally, just as I was about to speak again and check that he was there, he cleared his throat to speak.
"I think that would be nice, I'll ask Mina to make sure everything is ready for when you come." Mina is their main house staff, she practically raised me. She was the woman who taught me everything a mother should teach their daughter as mine was jetting around the world and being on every single magazine cover. I'm pretty sure she cried more than my own mother when I left for monaco. As much as I missed Mina, I knew I couldn't handle staying in that house. I was already planning on booking a hotel, it would be so much easier and nicer.
"Thank you, but I was planning on getting a hotel. I'm going to be seeing friends and didn't want to annoy you with constantly leaving and going. I just think a hotel would be simpler." I spoke quietly and timidly, bracing my jaw for his response.
"Very well, I see. That would be fine too. I shall get you and your mother to arrange things further." why did he always have to be so formal, so autonomous. I would not be surprised if one day we found out my father was just a robot, programmed solely to earn money. I sat up straighter in my car, uncomfortable with what to say next.
"Okay, that's fine. I'll talk to you later." my eyes flickered around awkwardly. My sweaty palms slid over the steering wheel, fidgeting with the stitching of the leather.
"Goodbye" and like that he hung up, I tried to fit in a goodbye back but there wasn't even enough time for that before I heard the line cut. I whispered "right" under my breath, before starting the car back up to drive home from the shops. My mind spun the whole way home, enough that I couldn't remember the journey back entirely. Why could he just not be a normal father? What was I going to do during that week? Who was I going to see again? Why did he answer my mum's phone? Before I knew it I pulled up into the garage. The walk back to the lifts I chuckled quietly when I saw Charles' car. Of course it was his car, how could I have not remember? With him now in my mind, I began to miss him. Even though I had just seen him this morning, it still felt too long. I sent him a quick message to see if he wanted to come over to mine. He was leaving for the Canadian Grand Prix soon and a part of me wanted to go with him so I wouldn't have to not see him for a couple days. I rolled my eyes at myself as I continued to walk to my apartment. I needed to get over myself, it was for a few days and Charles and I are not even in a relationship yet. I was being far too keen, I needed to chill. With great difficulty, due to the bags that were hanging off my arms, I opened the door to my apartment. I dropped the bags to the floor and slumped down onto one of the bar stools, waiting to see if Charles replied, he did and with it a smile formed on my face.

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