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I woke up this morning in a much better mood, I was going on a radio talk show this morning. My anger from last night has now diffused into excitement. I did the finishing touches of my makeup and went into my closet to pick out the outfit of the day. I decided on a matching tracksuit. Comfy but classy. I paired it with heavy gold jewellery and put on my Balenciaga triple s. I took a quick sip of coffee and picked up my bag, to drive to the studio. When I arrived I was welcomed by Maria, my Pr agent with open arms. A quick embrace was exchange before I pulled away
"How you feeling about it" she asked
"Good good. What sort of questions will they ask me" a slight part of me was panicking that they would just ask me about breakups and f1 drivers, which I didn't not have the mental capacity to deal with today.
"Ive looked over the questions, mainly about your work" she smiled reassuringly, my shoulders slackened in joy.
"Okay, thank you"
"You need to start prepping though, you will be live at 10" I quickly glanced down to my watch it was 9 on the dot. I made my way into the room just outside the recording studio, settling down on a nearby chair. I answered a few emails to pass the time and tried to stop my ever growing nerves. Before I knew it I was being called in, I walked carefully over to my chair and placed the headphones on my ears. Adjusting the microphone as I smiled across at the radio hosts. It was a Monegasques radio so I would be speaking in French. My French ws rusty and knew I would definitely mess up somehow. I waited until they introduced me. The two hosts were Oceane and Wahib. Ive met Oceane a couple times at promotional events and from what I knew she was nice, the same went with Wahib. They sat across from me, smiling welcomingly.
"Welcome to the show Bronte, how you feeling" Wahib said
"Nervous" I laughed
"Don't worry that's totally normal, just pretend you are having a conversation with just us, forget the radio" Oceane commented. I resettled into my chair anxiously. A gentlemen stood outside of the room, indicated 10 seconds til live from behind the window. I watched Wahib count down, using his fingers and press a red button to the side of him.
"Welcome back, you are listening to radio Monaco, we are now joined by Bronte Toussaints"
"Thanks for having me, I just want to start off by apologising about my French" i laughed as I watched Oceane mouth don't worry to me.
"Lets start with that, tell us about you upbringing" Oceane asked
"Well, I was born and raised in Somerset, England but I would frequently travel to France with my mum, hence my awful French" we chuckled, I took a deep breathe before restarting. "I would say my upbringing was pretty normal.."
"With your parents?" Wahib interrupted with a belittling laugh
"With parents like yours, it incredibly difficult to have a normal upbringing. I mean Billionaire Louis Toussaints and the Vivienne Toussaint the super model" Oceane charmed in, I squirmed anxiously in my seat as I laughed umcomfortably.
"Yeah I guess, they tried they're best to make it as normal as possible,"
"You went to Millfield, right?" I knew they knew this, they had a full fact sheet about me to the left of them.
"Yeah I did, it was an incredible school. I was obsessed with sports there, especially lacrosse"
"That's where you meant Lando Norris, the McLaren F1 driver" my jaw clenched, as I forced a smile.
"Yes, yes it was" I tried to locate Maria but I could find her anywhere
"And you dated for years didn't you"
"Yeah we did" I pounced my knee as I fiddled with the cable of my headphones
"You've recently broken up, can we have an insight on that. The listeners would love it" I felt the sweat growing on my palms as my chest burned
"How most relationship end, just grown apart. No hard feelings and still wish him the best" I voice cracked as I tried to lie. I have always been the worst liar, everyone could tell.
"That's very mature, it had nothing to do with the cheating rumours did it" Wahib grinned condescendingly as they both leaned closer. The whole room began to feel like it was closing in, every emotion I was trying to hide for months was brewing in the pit of my stomach.
"No not at all, like you said they were just rumours. No truth to them what so ever" once again I found myself lying. Lando better be grateful for how much I'm saving his ass, the media would love to know about the cheating little shit he is. "Me and Lando still support each other, and want the best for each other, here is no hard feelings at all"
"Is that why you went to Monaco, to support him or was there someone else there you wanted to support"
"My family went to offer support for the F1, I've been going to races ever since I was 5. I would have hated to miss my home one. Ive lived in Monaco since I was eighteen, and over these five years Ive fell involve with it"
"Eighteen, that very young age to move out"
"What can I say, I'm ambitious. It was mainly for work, there was more opportunities out here"
"You are someone people have their eye on, the newest upcoming supermodel" finally they were changing the subject
"I wouldn't go as far as a supermodel, thank you though"
"Following in you mums footsteps I guess"
"That's the goal, I always loved the fashion, my favourite thing as a child was to go to her shows and shoots, I was addicted from that point onwards"
"Any future projects you can tell us about"
"Sadly not, nothing is set in stone at the moment, but as soon as it is you will be the first to know. But I have a busy next couple of month of exciting projects"
"You recently did a shoot with Ralph Lauren, and Versace. That's impressive"
"Thankyou, It was honestly like I was dreaming while doing them, everyone was so lovely"
"There is recent rumours of you and Charles Leclerc, another F1 driver. Is there another brewing romance there" I furrowed my brow, where do they get this information, me and Charles have never spoken in public
"No not at all, I would say me and Charles are merely aquaintances, I've seen him at a couple events but that's it"
"Source would say otherwise" Oceane taunted
"That's the media sadly, there is nothing happening between me and Charles"
"What happened at the F1 gala, sources say that Lando and Charles got in a little squabble over a certain someone" I hated her belittling tone, my teeth grated together. I flicked my eyes to Maria, who was now standing by the glass, to get her to rescue me. Sadly she shrugged her shoulders, there was nothing she could do. My mind was whizzing. How did they know this every one was forced to sign NDA about it. I had no idea how to respond, I was panicking.
"Not at all, tensions are high due to the closeness of their championship battle but that's it. No fighting, no cheating scandal, no drama" I was started to get fed up of this interview. They exchanged a look of annoyance between them, obviously frustrated by my answers. But I was not some shit staring, drama starting influencer who does it to get some quick fame. Thankfully the rest of the interview they asked questions about past jobs but I couldn't shake the anger from the previous questions. I sighed in relief when I heard Wahib wrap up the interview and play a song. I got out of there straight away, steam practically coming out my ears.

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