T H I R T Y T H R E E.

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On the dance floor, sweaty, drunk and coiled tightly together, jumping to the base of the music, as me and Elvire clashed into each other as we celebrated. On one side of the club, people poured bottles of champagne down their throats. On the other Mila at the bar slammed a shot glass down surrounded by a group of boys all trying their hardest to flirt with her, her ignoring every single one of them. I don't think I have ever had so much fun on a night out. I took a sip of my drink and swayed to the beat, a little drunk and grinning because I knew it. The music moves me like I'm a puppet on strings. There's so much sweat on my skin and not all of it's mine. I see from the corner of my eye, Mila beckoning us over, I have to shout into Elvire's ear to get her attention. Heading over to Mila, hand in hand as we navigated through the crowd as we were greeted by a row of shots. I downed the shot instantly, my face screwing over the burning sensation travelling down my throat and into my stomach. We all cheered as we finished the rest of the shots, my head now spinning so hard my brain was in shut down mode. The strobe lights masking so many of my movements, every clap of my hands like it's on pause at different moments. We all looked back over to the dance floor but no one could see it, it was a wall of people dancing to the music. There was no room for any more but somehow when we stumbled over a space magically appeared. The music was so loud I could hear the bass internally. We dance, twisting, turning and holding hands as we change sides. We all grin, we look like idiots. None of us had the appropriate coordination to dance elegantly but we didnt care. By the end of the night, I had trouble judging where my feet should go and the sensation of spinning only got more intense as I tried to stand up straight. We left the club arm in arm, bursting through the door to the artificial glow of the street lamps. Wobbling and staggering as we tried to get a taxi. The sunrise formed the charcoal silhouettes of almost dawn as we arrived back at my apartment. Me and Elvire collapsing onto the bed as Mila found refuge over the toilet.

24th June

I was flying back to England on the 29th. I had a few events up there for the week, so my stylist came over to help me with the outfits. It took me two days to recover from the hangover from the other night. I still didn't feel the freshest even three days afterwards. I sat curled up in a ball on the couch as I watched Boe lay out the potential outfits. I had just begun to work with Boe, I saw her one night at an event and instantly liked her style. We had worked together only a couple times so I was slightly embarrassed for her to see me so hungover.
"Do you like any of these? What's the events again?" I peered over the edge of the sofa, looking at the array of outfits.
"The YSL event, um... the prada show and dinner afterwards. That dinner my parents have arranged for after silverstone. They do it every year so I most likely will be roped into that" I knew I was forgetting something so I opened my phone to look at my calendar as Boe analysed which outfits would be best for which. "Oh me and mila have that Tarte event"
"Okay, we definitely have options" I pulled myself off the couch, practically peeling off it as i have stayed there for so long.
"I like those" I pointed to an outfit that would be perfect for the Prada after party. We spent the rest of the afternoon organising my outfit and packing for the week. I had also planned to go out for dinner one night with Mila for a catch up, so I needed something for that too. I felt like I haven't seen her properly, just us, in ages. Well a couple days. But that is ages in our books. I invited her to come join me on this trip as she was also planning on seeing her parents and catching up with old friends too. Once finished with the packing, I said goodbye to Boe and thanked her for her help. I had dinner with a jewellery brand in Monaco called APM Monaco. I knew Charlotte, Charles' ex, was also an ambassador too so she would be there too. Which I was definitely not happy about nor prepared for. I have slowly drifted from Valentine, her younger sister, these last months. I don't know if it is from me being with Charles and the guilt or just the busyness of my life lately. But we had definitely stopped messaging each other as much and seeing each other even less. Charles had gone straight from Canada to London for the next race. He had been so busy with media stuff we had barely talked properly over these last couple days. Only being able to fit in a couple 2 minute long phone calls into our days. Which were just enough to ask basic questions, nothing fulfilling. I ranted to Jamie as he did my make up for the event tonight, mainly about my anxiety over Charlotte being there tonight but also life. I made sure to keep Chalres out of the conversation. As much as I loved Jamie, He was known for being a gossip and had I told him the whole of Monaco would have known by the morning.

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