S I X T E E N.

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I sat in anticipation on the couch, my leg bouncing uncontrollably. My ears on the look out for the sound of the elevator door to ping. Praying that it would be lando coming home soon. The sun was setting, leaving the apartment to have a golden glow. I twirled my hair round my fingers. Waiting for the door to open. What felt like an eternity later, I could hear the subtle ping of the elevator and footsteps leading to our door. I jumped up, running to the entry. Subconsciously beaming from ear to ear. I clasped my hands together as I held them up to my chest. The door opened, I leapt forward. Swinging my arms round Lando's neck, the pungent smell of booze hitting my senses almost instantaneously. I stepped back, Lando's arms still pinned to his sides. I scrunched my face, "you need a shower" He grunted in response, dropping his bags in the entryway. I followed him as he walked into the kitchen. Promptly getting a glass of water. I watched him, waiting for him to say something. He didn't, just fixated on his glass of water. "Umm, I booked us a reservation tonight to celebrate your win properly" he looked up at me for the first time since he got here, "cool, I'm going to go sleep quickly then" I nodded, turning in a circle trying to think of something to do. I wasn't expecting any of that. My mind just went a bit blank. I brought my hand up to my mouth, biting the corner of my fingernail. I shook my head as a physical way of removing those thoughts from my head and went back to sit down in front of my computer to do some more work.

Lando emerged from the bedroom two hours later, showered and more awake. "I'm going to go see some mates, I'll meet you there tonight. Just text me the address" I couldn't even respond before he was out the door. The door slam echoing though the apartment, as a subtle "oh" left my lips.

I texted Lando the address. I booked his favourite restaurant in the city. I got ready and took a taxi. I arrived five minutes before as reservation. I was seated and ordered a drink while I waited.

Ten minutes later, he still didn't arrive. That's fine though he's only five minutes late. Lando is never one for punctuality.

Twenty minutes later. That is weird he should be hear by now. I messaged him seeing if he had a reason for his lateness.

Over an hour later no response, I sunked down into my chair

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Over an hour later no response, I sunked down into my chair. Stirling my drink with the straw as I waited. Anger bubbling up inside of me. Just as I was about to get up to leave, Lando came round the corner as pulled out his chair. "Where were you?" My tone sharp and annoyed. "I lost track of time" I huffed as I looked back down, "no apology?"
"Bronte, chill. I'm here now" his mocking tone made my blood boil.
"That's it I'm going home" I pushed my chair pack, grabbed my bag and stormed out the restaurant, lando following behind. I got into the nearest taxi and told him my address. My mind begging for lando not to get in here with me. I could not stand to be in the same proximity of him right now. To my fury, the other door opened and he got in. "Bronte" looking at me as if I was being irrational. I remained quiet. My head pinned to the window the whole ride home. Not daring to say a word. My lips tight in anger.

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