T W E N T Y S E V E N.

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10th June...
Im currently sat on a plane, flying to Paris to be there for a total of sixteen hours. Sixteen full hours packed with auditions for Paris fashion week. The day started brilliantly with me sleeping through my alarm. Resulting in me sprinting through the airport to catch my flight in time. I sighed with relief as I sat down in my seat. I was flying with my management so I recognised a few familiar faces as I boarded. As soon as I sat down, I went straight to some much needed sleep. Paris is my favourite city, but instead of enjoying it, I will be spending my time there running round like a headless chicken to get to all my auditions on time, this bugged me. As soon as I landed and was thought customs, I found the company car and went straight to my first audition. I had to apply my makeup in the back of the car as well as getting changed. Which is incredibly difficult in a moving vehicle. I tried my best to not flash the driver, luckily the windows were tinted so I didn't need to worry about anyone from the outside. I went to my first of many auditions for that day. I had one with Valentino, Min Miu, Lavin and Coperni. I was most excited for Valentino. My nerves were racing as I was waiting outside. However the whole time, they were incredibly blunt, only saying a couple of words to me and looking at me with pure disgust on their faces. My self confidence plummeted as soon as I got out, leaving my with little self confidence left for my others.

After an exhausting sixteen hours, I took a plane straight home and drove back almost immediately. Mila called me as I was around ten minutes from home, interrogating me about my trip.
"How was it" she questioned excitedly
"Good, good. But Valentino didn't go the best" I was embarrassed to tell her how they actually went.
"That's fine, what ever happens, happens"
"Yeah, you're right but I wanted this one so badly, how's you anyways"
"Im good, stressed but good"
"How come"
"I have my meeting with the investors on Monday, before I can start planning."
"It will go perfectly I know it, like you said whatever happens, happens" she chuckled down the phone
"I hate when you use my words against me" I was pulling into the garage at this point so I said my good bye and went up to my apartment. I showered and got changed as soon as I got through the door. Luckily due to the shortness of this trip, I had no bags to unpack which is always a relief. i curled up onto the couch and ordered some take away. My phone buzzed once again, it was Emily, my manager calling.
"Hey" I said as I answered the phone
"Hey, how did they go" I sighed when she asked me. My frustration over Valentino was slowly getting to me and at this point ti wanted to cry
"Well I think, Valentino I'm not so sure"
"How come, I'm sure they loved you"
"Opposite, they were so dry and looked really unimpressed, you should have seen the other girls"
"Bronte don't worry, everyone says that. Don't stress, we will get the calls in a couple of weeks"
"Okay, I'm just annoyed"
"You're too ambitious, this is your first proper year out of you mothers shadow. Last year you were Vivienne's daughter, now you are Bronte Toussaints. That's something, now everything you get is because they want you."
"I don't like it" I laughed, thankfully awarding a laugh from her too
"I know it sucks, but people are starting to recognise you for Bronte Toussaints not Vivienne's daughter. its scary but you're building your
own platform."
"Yeah, you're right"
"I know I am right. I have to go but it will be okay"
"Bye Emily" I hung up the phone. Realising my tiredness and went to sleep. Not before, sending a good luck message to Charles for qualify tomorrow, as a friend would have. I had a busy day once again and knew I couldn't do it tomorrow. Every time, I looked at my calendar, I just seemed to get busier, with singular thirty minute slots of free time, which would most likely be spent getting some much needed sleep. My day tomorrow was filled with endless meetings. Emily called me a few days ago to tell me that Glossier was looking to do a collaboration, so one of my meeting was about that. The other boring PR and legal stuff, like contracts and est. I hated those meetings, so long and formal.

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