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It's been more than a week since Calix went to Greece for family matters and I hate to admit that I already miss him terribly—which was absurd to think since it was only been months since we started sleeping together and yet I now got accustomed to his presence in my life that when he goes missing it felt that something was amiss.

I sighed again pressing the side of my head to the window of the taxi as I shut my eyes. I was so tired from work since we had been preparing for the upcoming exhibit in the art gallery. I want this to be perfect since this would be my project since I was hired at the art gallery. I want Dad to be proud of me that was why I worked tirelessly for this job.

The last time I talked to Calix was the night I went clubbing with my new coworkers though I didn't want to come and rather spend my night catching up with my reading I didn't want to appear prig. Also, due to the time difference between New York and Greece, it had been difficult to catch up with one another. I glanced at my phone, but still no message or call from him maybe he was busy catching up with his family and I shouldn't be bothering him.

So, when I arrived home, I was planning on treating myself to a long session in the bathtub to relax and then ordering food online since I didn't know how to cook and forgot to get takeout before coming home.

I paid the cab driver and told him that he could keep the change with a smile before getting out of the cab. Since it was in the middle of summer in New York the weather was quite humid even in the evening. I noticed a stranger leaning outside my penthouse building with his hand tucked in his chest I paid him no mind since I couldn't wait to get inside my bathtub and relax.

The concierge opened the door for me with a ready smile on his face, as I was about to enter the penthouse building and then my attention snapped back to the stranger leaning casually near the building entrance. My heart skipped a beat while I found myself changing my direction and standing in front of him. "Calix?!"

A devilish smirk spread through his lips. "Hello, beautiful—"

Due to my excitement, I threw my arms around his neck and squealed with delight. "Oh, you're here! Why didn't you tell me that you are back in town? When did you arrive?"

He chuckled seeing my enthusiasm, he also wrapped his arms around me. "I see that you miss me. Maybe I should go away too often to get this kind of reaction with you."

I suddenly drew away from our embrace since I kind of felt embarrassed that I behaved like that in front of him. It felt like I was starting to get clingy to him and that was so awkward knowing that we didn't weren't even dating or even in a relationship, to begin with. I put some hair on the back of my ear nervously. "Err...sorry for jumping at you like that. I didn't mean to do it. I apologize, Calix."

I was unable to meet his gaze directly since I was feeling a bit self-conscious. When I dared to glance at his face I winced when I saw that his blue eyes were dancing with delight. "Oh, it's fine. I don't mind."

Then something occurred to me that he hadn't answered yet. I threw an accusing look in his direction. "When did you arrive and why didn't you tell me?"

"There's no need for those accusing looks, Miss Vitalis. I just landed moments ago and I went straight here." He grinned, making him more gorgeous than he already was. "You see, I couldn't wait to see you."

My heart fluttered at his words. This man was good with words, all right. No wonder so many women fell in his bed. I giggled at him. "Liar. How many times you've used those lines with the ladies before?"

He looked me straight in the eyes with seriousness on his face. "Just you. Only you, Cass."

I didn't understand why but I suddenly felt my cheeks warming up. I was not sure if he was just bluffing or telling the truth but one thing was for sure. Those words affected me more than I cared to admit.

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