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Something woke me up from my sleep and took me a moment to realize that it was my phone persistently ringing.

I reached for it on the bedside table and saw the caller was my buddy from work. My initial thought was to ignore the call and go back to sleep.

But if I did that, I knew that I would just be haunted by dreams of Cass so I answered the phone call instead. There was something about waking up only to realize that it had just been a dream. She wasn't here and probably never came back.

"Hey, Calix! Did I wake you? I have something favor to ask. Do you think you can cover for me today? Something came up--an emergency and I can't go to my scheduled magazine shoot. Do you think you can fill it for me?"

I rubbed my forehead. I think I was having an early morning headache thanks to him. "You hurt my ears with your ranting. Do you know that?"

"I'm sorry, man, but I am a bit desperate."

I sighed and rolled off the bed. I have hundreds of reasons why I shouldn't accept this unexpected job but the alternative was to spend my day thinking of the things I lost in the past. "Fine. I will do it."

"Really? Thanks, bud."

"Who is the model for this shoot, by the by?" I asked. I was particular while working on campaign ads. I hate working with models with attitude.

"Daniel Takaaki. Cool guy. You will not have a problem working with him. He's easy to work with. I already worked with him in the past."

I was not familiar with the guy but if he can vouch for this model. I would trust him. "Just text me the address."

I went out of bed and went straight to shower before fixing myself a coffee. Once I was enjoying my breakfast I received the address where the photo shoot would be held.

I shook my head and went to my spare room to prepare my camera. Once I was sure that everything was ready I went for my unexpected job for the day.

Once I arrived, I informed the team that I would be the replacement for my good friend who couldn't attend today's shoot due to personal matters.

I saw Daniel Takaaki talking over the phone. He was instructing someone to bring over the jacket that he had forgotten in his hotel room.

His secretary, maybe?

I was not interested in eavesdropping on his conversation as I just focused my time on setting up the equipment. But from time to time, I couldn't help but look in his direction. I felt that I'd see him somewhere but I couldn't recall where exactly.

He ended his phone conversation. He went in my direction to introduce himself. The ready smile on his face slightly faltered when he saw me.

"Daniel Takaaki. Nice to meet you." He said when he finally recovered from his shock holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Calix Spiridakou." I took his offered hand and shook it briefly.

"I know."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at his answer. I was surprised that he knew me since I was sure we hadn't met before today.  "I didn't expect that someone as famous as you would know me."

"Well, my friend is--" he abruptly stopped when he realized that he was about to say something he shouldn't. He smiled mockingly. "Never mind."

I stared oddly at him. What a weird, guy. "Would you like to test shoot before we start?"

"Yes, please."

He went to stand in the center of my set-up and did a couple of poses. I must admit that he was good and the camera seemed to love him. There were no bad photos of him even if this was only a mock shoot.

Falling For Mr. SpiridakouWhere stories live. Discover now