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I planned to stay inside my hotel room for the rest of the day until Dan's photoshoot ended. But then, as I enjoyed reading a book in the living room with a cup of tea my phone rang, and saw Dan's number on the screen.

I placed a bookmark on the page I'd been reading to answer his phone call. "Hello?"

"My Cassie! I have a problem."

I lost the smile on my face upon hearing his distressed voice. "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?"

"I forgot the jacket the fashion house sent me in my room. I need it for today's photoshoot and I don't have time to go back and get it. Do you think it is possible to bring it here for me while the photographer isn't here yet?"

I laughed softly. I thought for a moment that something bad had happened to him. "Settle down. I'll bring it for you."

"Really?" The relief in his voice was palpable.  "I already called the front desk and informed them to give you the spare key to my hotel room."

"All right, just tell me where is this jacket and where should I bring it."

"Oh, thank you, Cassie. You are truly a heaven's sent. I owe you one."

I chuckled as I made my way to the door. "How about you treat me to an Onsen once we get back to Japan?"

He clicked his tongue. "Sure! I'll bring you to the most expensive Onsen once I get my paycheck."

"Sounds like a deal to me," I replied as I got down to the lobby to ask the receptionist for the spare key to his room. He also told me the address of the studio where his photoshoot was taking place.

After I retrieved the jacket from his room I went back to my hotel room to get changed before going down to the lobby. I returned the spare key to the receptionist before booking Uber outside the hotel.

It didn't take long before I was on my way to give Dan the jacket he needed for his shoot. After almost half an hour of travel, I finally arrived at my destination.

I got inside the building and I phoned Dan to where I would meet him but the man was not answering his phone. Thankfully, I bumped into a woman in the hallway and I decided to ask if there was any chance she knew a studio that is currently having a photoshoot.

"Are you the intern?" She asked with a smile.

I shook my head, presenting the jacket in my hand. "No. I'm here to give this to Daniel Takaaki. He left it back at the hotel."

"Oh, are you his girlfriend? You're so pretty!"

I shook my head once again. "Oh, no, I am not--"

"I'm Mary, by the way. I am the editorial assistant for this magazine shoot. Come, I'll show you the way."

"Thank you. But, you see--" I didn't have the chance to correct her since she already walking away and I didn't have a choice but to follow her lead.

She led me to the room where there was a photoshoot. The room was a bit dark except for the part where the main stage where all the lights seemed to focus on that area of the room.

I saw Dan doing a couple of poses in front of the photographer whose back was on me. This must probably be the reason why he was not answering his phone.

I planned to wait until Dan was free before making myself known but the editorial assistant had other plans. "Hey, Daniel! Your girlfriend is here."

I felt my cheeks go in a deep shade of red as everyone inside the studio stopped what they'd been doing to look at me.

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